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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. 11 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Another UO, why are shows so dark today?  I don't mean dark in mood, I mean dark, like it's hard to see what's going on. 

    Maybe because I tend to watch TV in low light in the evenings, but this doesn't bother me as much as some.  

    What I hate? Poor sound mixing and/or actor elocution. I'm not watching your show if I can't understand what the hell people are saying.  I know that's why closed captioning/subtitles are there, but I hate using either because 1) it's more common than not that the words on the screen don't match what's being said, and 2) if I wanted to read, I have plenty of books.  Different strokes, but I find it too distracting.  

    • Love 13
  2. 1 hour ago, kiddo82 said:

    I do believe it's important to recognize the historical context in which these films were produced but just because something was first doesn't mean it's still the best.

    This is why I don't have a fundamental issue with remakes/retellings/updated adaptations. They can still be an epic fail, but I'm not personally offended if I hear or read about some film being remade. And again, thanks to technology, almost all of the original films I have enjoyed are available for me to watch again, if I desire.  It's not like a remake renders an original obsolete. 

    • Love 3
  3. I found the brothers' relationship/reunion to be the weakest aspect of the film.  Most of the twists I could roll with, but I kept asking myself, "If Chris knew where Braxton was, as he said, then why wouldn't he have known he did private security? And why was he cool with his brother spearheading Dana's murder?" Plus, for me, the film did more telling than showing about their childhood relationship.  Braxton being around isn't the same thing as being close. I don't think we saw them interact in any fashion as children. 

    • Love 1
  4. 7 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

    I have a hard time believing that Nick didn't get sick on the plane ride.  They were both chewing gum, which is commonly used to help with nausea.  I think Vanessa got the edit because it looked nice that Nick was taking care of her.  Clearly someone was standing by with air sickness bags.

    I was wondering about this too.  Maybe he didn't vomit (and I'm not entirely sure Vanessa did, either), he got nausea as well. 

    It'll be interesting if they show Nick's response to Vanessa's questioning next week.  When she asked him why he signed up for this again (during their date), his answer was a bit strange, and not much of a response.  He says something about uncertainty in trusting his emotions, and if it was me sitting there across from him, I'd doubt his emotions.    

    That said, not sure why Vanessa bugs me.  But she does. 

    • Love 1
  5. I've recently been watching the Indiana Jones films, as I was never particularly into them in my youth. Not sure how unpopular these are:

    Handsome as he is, I just cannot buy Harrison Ford as an archaeologist. In the first film in particular, I thought his performance was pretty weak.  I much prefer him as Han Solo, in part because he's not carrying the films on his own. 

    I couldn't stand Marian.  She's just the kind of feisty yet dumb/petulant character that supposed to be "empowering."  I remember reading someone say that Marian was great because she didn't need to be rescued and I wondered if they were going off nostalgia and not what actually happened.  Because yeah, she has to be rescued at least 3 times.  

    Willie may have been more whiny and entitled, but I appreciated that she tried to avoid danger whenever possible. Yes, I preferred her to Marian. 

    Words cannot express how much I hate the signature theme song of this franchise.   Which is unfortunate for me, because the films use it whenever possible. 

    • Love 2
  6. 20 hours ago, Dejana said:

    Speaking of which, Viacom (parent company of Paramount) announced last September it was taking a $115 million write-down on Monster Trucks, which a (since fired) studio head dreamed up while watching how much his toddler son loved playing with toy trucks.

    From the article: 


    Another problem was that “Monster Trucks” was an original idea that lacked the branding clout of movies based on Nickelodeon and Hasbro properties. 

    I suspect this is what really tanked the film.  Of course, I haven't seen it, but based on the trailer, it didn't appear any more dumb than the Transformers films. 

    20 hours ago, Dejana said:

    10 (6)  Passengers   $5,625,000 | 2,447 Theaters | $2,299 Avg. | $110M Budget | $90,004,731       

     Damn, it still hasn't made back its production budget domestically? It did better overseas, but perception of international box office success seems to depend on how popular the studio is. 

  7. The Accountant, where Chris saves the nice farmer couple.  I can't really describe it, so I'll just share the clip. There are several badass moments, but that one is my favorite, especially with the way it ends with Chris casually waving and walking off, and the farmer couple looking like, "What the hell did we just see?"  

    • Love 1
  8. 8 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    Now I'm going to play armchair psychologist here, but this really explains Nick for me.  When he was on Andy's season he was a total dork, not considered sexy or attractive by most.  I wonder if, when he asked Andi why she made love with him if she didn't love him was that, way back then, he wasn't very successful with the ladies and he honestly did equate sex/love back then.

    I have a different take.  Beyond his general enjoyment of being on TV, Nick strikes me as a serial monogamist type. Very much a "love being in love" kind of guy.  That's usually attributed to women, but there are men like that.  I think that's the energy he gives off, and to some women (especially the immature or young), that's probably enticing because of the veneer of emotional intimacy. But there's a reason he's not married or in a committed relationship, as he's had ample opportunity to be. Even if he ends up marrying his F1 (which I doubt), I don't see it lasting very long.  

    • Love 3
  9. This film was nothing like I expected.  I thought it was just about some dude on the spectrum with genius forensic accounting skills.  I expected something like The Pelican Brief.  I didn't expect the level of violence, and there were a few times I wondered, "What the fuck am I watching?" But not in a bad way.

    I also didn't know Cynthia Addai-Robinson was in this, and I found myself hoping that she and Affleck's character would intersect at some point.  They both had some fucked up childhoods.  

    Didn't really care about Anna Kendrick's character besides the apartment scene.  As already mentioned, her practical, self-preservationist reactions without turning into an Alias-clone or a whimpering victim were appreciated.  I'm not sure there were any romantic feelings on Affleck's part towards her character - she was one of the few people he connected with, and he protected her just like he protected that farmer and his wife. 

    If any film deserves a sequel, this one does.  Or heck, maybe even a prequel.  

    And listen, I probably wasn't supposed to laugh, but when Affleck shot Lithgow, and had the audacity to look sheepish and apologize to his brother about it, I was rolling. There were a number of funny moments like that. 


    Random observation - I didn't realize Lithgow was that tall.  There's a scene where he and Affleck are walking down the hall, and he seemed to have a couple of inches on him. Might have been camera angles, but still.  

    • Love 3
  10. 3 hours ago, slowpoked said:

    Yes, I think they were calling/texting each other but the first time they saw each other in person was when Nick came on the show. Both of them have said that they were talking regularly but Kaitlyn stopped communicating with him shortly before going on the show.

    Thanks.  As I mentioned, ironic.  I'm not sure why I feel a bit sorry for Liz, since she made her bed by deciding to do the show. But I do.   

    As for the rest of the women, I only know a few by name, and I don't really care much until the herd is culled. 

    3 hours ago, catrice2 said:

    By the way....and I the only one who found the photographer creepy?   I kept feeling like I knew him from somewhere. 

    I believe @Rainsong's description upthread was pretty spot on, in case you missed it.   

    • Love 1
  11. I didn't watch Kaitlyn's season, so question: did Nick pursue Kaitlyn before coming on her show?

    I have no issues with him letting Liz go, but the show's narrative of "Liz may not be here for Nick, but to be on TV because she didn't try to contact him before the show" is HIGHLY ironic for a Bachelor who continues to leverage this franchise to "find love." I mean, any other season...it would still be over-dramatic.  But at least I wouldn't be chuckling at the irony.

    Liz didn't seem all that upset to me, but perhaps we'll see tears next week? I never believed Liz was buying her own BS, try as she might.  Girlfriend was trying to use their "history" as leverage to stay on the show, but in their one-on-one conversations, she looked as uninterested (while trying to look interested) as Nick did (who didn't have to fake interest). 

    3 hours ago, scribe95 said:

    The only gorgeous bachelor was Brad Womack. Others I found cute on looks alone were Ben and Jake (before I knew he was crazy)


    • Love 2
  12. There's been some discussion in the episode threads about which Bachelors are attractive.  Eye of the beholder, yada yada, but going on just physical attractiveness, my list would be Nick, Brad, Jesse Palmer (though I didn't watch his season).

    I'll never understand how Bob Guiney became a lead - he always looked greasy to me. 

    I'm probably one of the few (only?) who liked Chris Soules.  His season was boring, but something about his personality appealed to me.  

    • Love 2
  13. Sure, but she specifically said she didn't know he had an addiction.  I don't think it's unreasonable to assume he was, since she referenced it.

    ETA: Danielle said, "I didn't know that he was an addict."  

    • Love 1
  14. 5 hours ago, waving feather said:

    Another thing about Liz... when she was talking to Christen about their drunken night together, it didn't sound like it was great. She mentioned it being awkward and a lot of intermittent talking during sex. If that's the case, I get why she didn't give her number to Nick. But then she decided to humiliate herself by coming onto the show, just to be recognizable enough to shill stuff on Instagram.

    Right? I hope it was worth it, because she really came off looking foolish.  Maybe she really thought she could sell it, poor thing. 

    Someone else mentioned Liz being the sole person to read from a script - I caught that as well. 

    7 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

    I have so many questions about Danielle's drug overdose backstory.

    Same.  I believe she said it happened 5 years ago, so I'm willing to chalk it up to youth and naivete.  Still, I was wondering how a nurse doesn't recognize the signs of drug addiction. Maybe she was still in nursing school at the time...

    Nick looked almost comatose when greeting the women for that first group date.  I noticed that there were almost no THs from him during that segment.  I skipped past most of the 2nd group date, so perhaps he was more animated. I'm waiting to see this confidence some women keeping referring to, and it makes me wonder if they're confusing experience with confidence.  

    • Love 2
  15. I thought Daniel Craig was a lock for one more film.  I vaguely recall something about him being offered a ton of money. In any case, I wonder if they'll pull someone out of relative obscurity for the next set.  I assume the more athletic, less gadgety Bond is here to stay, so it'll have to be someone okay with the physical toll of several films.  I can see why they'd want a younger man for that. 

    Tom Hiddleston got a GG for The Night Manager? Hmmm, okay. And now I'm curious about his acceptance speech. Ditto on being too delicate for modern Bond.  Unless they're going back to a more cheeky, suave Bond who didn't do much more than look good in a suit, and I'm not sure that's practical. 

    • Love 1
  16. On 2/4/2016 at 10:09 PM, wayne67 said:

    I spent a lot of the time when Holden and Miller were fighting hoping that they'd die so they'd shut up about mysteries and all their blah blah about what to do next. 

    Yeah, I found both characters immensely annoying, and since they're obviously the leads, I'm not sure I want to watch another season of them being variations of dumb and reckless every.single.episode, but coming out alive because they're the protagonists. 

    The show certainly wanted me to believe Amos was some out-of-control, trigger-happy nihilist, but if I were on the ship, I'd take him over Holden (or Miller or Alex) any day. He seemed to be about the only one with any common sense 90% of the time. 

    I wanted to like Naomi, and appreciated her intelligence.  But the show didn't seem to know what to do with her, and her allegiance to Holden baffled me.  It's obvious they're gonna be a couple. Meh, it seems mostly one-sided on Naomi's part to me. I was a lot more interested in her friendship with Amos, but the show all but dropped their interactions after the "Holden got them into this mess" reveal.   

    I had the opposite experience of most in this forum - I binged the show via Prime, and was really into the show through episode 6.  But I feel like the second half lost its way.  Not sure I'll watch season 2, but if I do, it won't be live.  I think I can wait until the next season is available for streaming. 

    • Love 2
  17. Thanks to all about the last minute switches.  I didn't realize Luke was that far along in the process when they decided to go with Nick (I didn't think he'd signed any contracts), and didn't know about Caila and Arie, either.  

    • Love 1
  18. 1 hour ago, jhlipton said:

    If I can dip into the world of movies for a second, what do the fine folk here think of Ruth Negga playing Mildred Loving?

    From what I've read, Mildred identified as "Indian" vs black or Negro, so I've no particular opinion of Negga's casting. 

  19. 14 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

    If they can do that to a potential lead the night before filming, I don't think it would be hard to do that for a contestant, as I'm sure they have a LOT waiting in the pipeline. 

    I missed this! When did this happen?

    14 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

    I can imagine Nick's shocked look of "so...you're not here FOR ME??? But I thought we had fun...." and the impending bruised ego afterwards. It could probably make Nick want her even more because the "chase" aspect is now part of the equation.

    Hey, we'll never know what could have been. If Liz is anything like her friend Jade, I understand why she didn't deviate. But I could tell she knew she was lying during her "explanations" to Nick.  I don't really care why she didn't reach out to him before the show.  The fact that she didn't indicates she wasn't interested enough, which is why she should have been honest rather than try to sell that "I like being mysterious" BS.  Girl, STAHP. 

    • Love 1
  20. 45 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

    Liz can't admit she's in this for the fame so she has to pretend that a) she wanted more than a hookup with Nick, and, b) that she's totes cool with him barely remembering her.

    I wish Liz would have gone off-script and just admitted that she wanted to come on the show for the experience/exposure/whatever and that she signed up when she thought Luke was going to be the Bachelor.  That would have been pretty awesome, even if she would have come off callous.  It wouldn't have been any worse than her current edit.  

    • Love 3
  21. I'm about 5 episodes in, and I enjoy it a lot.  The only thing that bugs me is having to use subtitles because there's a fair share of mumbling, muzzled dialogue mixed in with some kind of patois (of course, if you're used to patois, it's probably not an issue).  I hate using subtitles. But I like the details - I've already rewatched parts of episodes to keep all of the puzzle pieces together. 

    • Love 2
  22. 6 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

    I think having Lois in the know from the moment she meets Clark is a huge boost to the development of a romantic relationship. She's an equal partner from the word go with no secrets between them. Much healthier IMHO.

    Agreed. He doesn't have to lie, and she's not dismissive of who he is outside of the suit. Whadda ya know? An adult relationship!

    17 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    But that might just be me, because I personally find Kate Beckinsale to be a terrible love interest in every single movie she's in. Serendipity? Whiny, superstitious twit. Click? Whiny, needy twit -- and this was a movie where Adam Sandler was supposed to be the bad one. And I haven't even seen those Underworld movies...

    Not just you. And I have seen the Underworld films.  

    On 12/30/2016 at 9:44 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Margo Kidder's Lois annoyed me too, especially in the last two movies when after years of being so dismissive of Clark, she suddenly felt entitled to get annoyed and jealous when another woman showed any interest in him -- first with Lana Lang, and then with whoever that woman was in Quest for Peace. She doesn't want him, but nobody else should have him either? Again, I'm fond of those movies, but Lois was a bit of a bitch.

    She was fine for me in the first film, if only because she didn't do dumb, childish shit for the sake of a story or to prove a point. Alas, it was downhill after that. Then again, Clark/Superman annoyed me as much as she did in the context of their relationship.  

    • Love 4
  23. 1 hour ago, alannaofdoom said:

    I found myself immediately charmed by Danielle M - like others have said, she comes off as very warm and easygoing. Also, in a sea of identically curled extensions, I found her shorter hair very appealing. 

    Agreed.  I didn't remember her name, and haven't formed much of an opinion on her personality, but your comment reminded me that I inwardly cheered for her hair.  I think I saw a couple of other women in the background with shorter hair, though I skipped through most of the rose ceremony, so not sure who went home. 

    2 hours ago, slowpoked said:

    I was so amused by that too. I mean, wasn't it just five or six years ago that Brad Womack was "the most controversial bachelor in history"? Tsk, tsk, this show, how easy it forgets its own. 

    Yes, I believe you're right, ha! I'm no Nick fan, but this show is really doing some acrobatics with this supposed controversy.  I don't know what measurements are being used to determine that Nick was hated or a villain, especially during Andi's season.  I didn't watch Kaitlyn's, so maybe that's when he became a "villain?" I thought most were sympathetic to him after Andi's season. How is choosing a man who has participated in Bachelorverse three previous times in any way controversial? At least with Brad 2.0, the label made sense because of the way his first season ended.     

  24. 15 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Liz made herself look really bad by coming on the show, but to her credit, whenever she said "we had sex" in her voice overs, that was obviously spliced in from another conversation. We never see her face when she says it. She may have said it in a one-on-one conversation with Nick in a later episode, but TPTB are making it look like she's telling it to anyone who'll listen.

    I noticed the same.  She looked really uncomfortable to me, like even she wasn't buying what was coming out of her mouth, particularly when she was talking to Nick.  But hey, she wanted to be on the show, so take your lumps and all. 

    As for Nick, he looked hot. Keep the nicely trimmed beard, Nick! But he has this nervous energy that I find off-putting. I don't know if he's uncomfortable in his own skin or what, but I guess I expected more given this is the 4th trip around the bend. Maybe he gives off a sexy vibe in person.  On my laptop screen, I'm not feeling it.  

    I was highly amused at the overdramatic "Nick is the most controversial bachelor in history" via host!Chris' voiceover.  I was also highly entertained by the women who expressed, to paraphrase, "He's done this twice, so you know he's serious! He was so mature on BiP!" You'd think someone might ponder "red flag, proceed with caution," but who am I kidding? This will be an interesting season, if not unintentionally hilarious.  

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