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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. I read the book after watching season 1.  I respect that they're different mediums, though for me the book managed to balance sympathy for Ralph Angel and holding him accountable for his behavior and actions.  I thought the series failed big-time on that, as I was so sick of Ralph Angel that I'm not sure I'll be tuning in for season 2.    

    I enjoyed (and mostly preferred) the book overall, though I think the author kind of lost her way towards the end. I also don't recall "black men in prison" being a theme in the book, so not sure what she's talking about in the interview referenced upthread.   Making Micah a boy in the series distorted the importance of the mother-daughter relationship between Charley and Micah.  To me, the only book theme maintained in the series was the plight of the black farmer.

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  2. On 5/15/2017 at 11:03 AM, waving feather said:

    What would make Nava interesting for me if he is the mole for the mob all along. Some things would need to be explained away but that really would be a twist after his nice and righteous guy routine all season.

    I thought this is where they were going during season 1.  I guess they could still go there, but nothing about this show is subtle enough to make me think they're setting it up.  From what we've seen to date, he is meant to be a knight-in-shining-armor for Harlee, as I don't think she's ever had that kind of relationship.   

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  3. I agree that there seemed to be key aspects edited out. But the film was 2 hours long as it was, and I've read complaints when films go beyond that (particularly recent WB films). I wonder if there was a lot of studio interference, or if the assumption was that, because it was planned as a franchise, they would have time to flesh things out.  Or a bit of both.  Guess we'll never know. I'm no expert on Arthurian legend, so I have no bone to pick with that.

    I recently rewatched the BBC Merlin series on Hulu (interesting to see Katie McGrath in a different role, since she was Morgana in the series), and was annoyed at how much telling they did of Arthur's greatness rather than showing viewers when they had five damn seasons to do it. So I appreciated that, in the film, Arthur wasn't constantly praised for little to no reason.  He had his friends who were loyal to him, and the people began to rally around him because of what they saw - him pulling the sword from the stone, and how he dispatched men when he tapped into Excalibur's power. I liked how they showed yet fast-tracked Arthur's coming of age, but different strokes.  I didn't find Arthur to be whiny, though I'd have liked to see more of Uther. 

    The cast was mostly solid, save the actress playing the Mage, who was a miscast.  I also thought some of the CGI was interesting, like Uther becoming the stone in which Excalibur was embedded.  

    Perhaps they'll release a director's cut.

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  4. I never considered younger Chris Pine to have feminine features. Different strokes.  To me, he just needed to grow into his face (and he still doesn't have the best skin). 

    Hemsworth does have the quick wit, but from what I've seen of him outside of Thor and the Star Trek cameo, his range is limited (heh, this may be more appropriate in the UO thread).  I posted elsewhere that he should really consider doing more comedy.  He's coasted on his looks in ways that the others haven't. He's funnier than Pratt for me.   

  5. Shame this bombed at the box office, I enjoyed it. I got what I expected - an absurd medieval fantasy with some hot men.  But then, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. wasn't well received, either, so WB just can't catch a break.  I assume those planned sequels won't come to pass.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, spaceytraci1208 said:

    I just found it interesting to see "full/fuller lips" mentioned a couple times in the descriptions of the "unconventionally handsome" features of Chris Evans and Chris Pine. Different strokes for different folks, I guess, but a nice pair of lips is always a bonus for me lol

    You and me both.  I find thin lips quite unattractive.

    12 hours ago, luna1122 said:

    I had no real impression of Chris pine outside of the star trek flicks, where he does do a great homage to William Shatner, but he was really really good in "hell or high water." Impressive, even, and ridiculously pretty. He also hosted SNL last week and he was good and game and can sing. He still doesn't swoon me but I don't think he's dumb, and he's talented. 

    Yeah, I don't crush on any of the Chris' (anymore, I used to crush on Evans, not sure what happened), but Pine isn't given much credit for his acting. Of the four, I think he's the most well-rounded and talented. I'd put Evans second with the underrated acting.      

    • Love 4
  7. Nava sighting! Though I'd prefer to see him completely shirtless. On the other hand, he can wear a suit quite well. 

    The assassin in the suit's line delivery when Woz/Harlee asked him where Bianchi was had me rolling: "Where's Bianchi?" "You just told us, the United States." "Narrow it down." "...of America" The man had no fucks to give!   

    I don't know what Stahl hopes to prove with Cristina's DNA.  Even if it's close match, it doesn't prove Miguel's dead. 

    Overall, only people I feel for are Woz's wife, son, Cristina, and that poor CI.  Woz and his crew's twisted sense of justice always rang hollow to me because turning a blind eye to certain crime, even if children aren't directly involved, still puts the vulnerable at risk, which, hello, includes children.  I was hoping the CI would bounce since these fools clearly can't protect her. Glad that the IA guy called Woz out.  

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  8. On 5/8/2017 at 0:53 PM, minamurray78 said:

    Ira will be able to sue Axe Capital... After Bobby gets convicted, It'll take years, they said maybe 7 years. Ira was getting ready to quit his job that very day. It was a hell of a blow.

    Roadhes Sr however, will have to suck it up. His involvement with the juice business must remain hidden for a reason I... didn't quite get actually. In fact, I thought that would be a selling point in court and with the public opinion: that Ax sabotaged the juice knowing of Chuck's father's investment because of personal animosity against Chuck. But Ax cried entrapment. Was it really though? All Chuck did was make sure Bobby got the tip of what his father was doing. Which he could've heard from someone else, it's happened before. I'm not quite clear about this part.

    You're not alone regarding the bolded - I thought the same. I do feel bad for Ira - he was definitely used as bait, and I can't blame him if his friendship with Chuck is permanently over. I didn't feel much sympathy for the dad because, to a degree, he created the monster and was shocked (shocked, I tell you!) when he got bitten himself. Plus, he was hella shady with that whole Sandicot business that indirectly ties back to Chuck. 

    This episode felt overly long to me. I was like, "Just arrest the man already!"  I was annoyed with Boyd giving him the heads up at the top of the hour.  I also thought Chuck going to see Axe in jail was unnecessary and ill-advised.

    I'm sure I should find Chuck deplorable, but I don't.  I don't expect Axe to serve any real jail time.  Otherwise, not much need for season 3. 

  9. I've no strong feelings either way about Seacrest, but I'll never understand how Carson Daly got into TV hosting. No idea what he's doing now, but way back when he was fairly ubiquitous, he was so unnatural on camera. If there was ever a need to gif or meme "deer in headlights," Daly's expressions fit the bill.   

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  10. On 4/8/2017 at 2:40 PM, chick binewski said:

    I thought what the writers were initially trying to convey was that she was hurt by Chuck bringing up the subject of dating. And that James Wolk is delicious. That second part might just be me.

    James Wolk is delicious. 

    On 4/4/2017 at 4:50 PM, Sheenieb said:

    I'm tired of Wendy. She was on my nerves this episode. Either fix shit with Chuck or get a divorce. Just stop with the back and forth half measures. 

    When Chuck brought up seeing other people, she went on about "freedom" and such.  And you know, I could like Wendy so much more if she stopped acting like being married to Chuck was such a burden.  As far as I know, no one forced her to marry the man, or remain married to him all this time.  She's had a wildly inappropriate relationship with Axe since before she got married, which is why I've always rolled my eyes at the showrunners insisting that it was mostly Chuck who caused the marriage woes.  Just move on already.

    Chuck is on my nerves as well - she keeps choosing Axe, and he keeps hoping for a different result? I guess he's trying to salvage the marriage now partly out of his political ambitions, but he's better off going it alone. 

    As for Axe and the town, of course he moves ahead with austerity.  Because he always goes with what's in his best interests.  He's done so since S1E1.  I don't care what Lara said (she did come off badly), Axe was always gonna go with austerity.  It's been implied and shown that he does his homework - putting it on his staff and others to come up with a solution for a decision he unilaterally made was cowardly.  He wanted someone else to give him a reason NOT to do it, instead of truly looking for a way to avoid it.  

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  11. On 3/28/2017 at 1:20 PM, Sheenieb said:

    Pretty much. That also brings me to the all-woman hedge fund from last season. Didn't Wendy accept the job there when she left Axe Capital? What happened to that place? I don't recall it being mentioned so far. 

    No, she didn't accept the job, and I wish she had. I thought that had potential.  

    On 3/28/2017 at 1:20 PM, Sheenieb said:

    What line did she say? I missed it! 

    In episode 4, she was talking to her cousin about fighting for their "business," and said something like, "This is our corner, Stringer!" Personally, I thought the delivery was awful and didn't land at all, but mileage varies. 

    I don't think the showrunners have the "two morally grey characters wavering on the opposite sides of right/wrong" show that they think they do.  But then, I've always thought Sorkin was overrated.

    From what I've seen up to this episode, I'm still hoping for the Southern district to eventually prevail against Axe Capital.  To me, Axe is only as loyal as is beneficial for him.  Donnie from season 1 is a primary example of what happens when his loyalty clashes with his self-interest. And now, we're seeing it with Lara.  I've never liked her, but she was spot on when she read him the riot act.  Unfortunately, she doesn't know he's playing her, and I'm hoping she finds out. Still, the schadenfreude was sweet as I thought about the "marriage is hard" passive-aggressive potshots from her to Wendy during the episode.  She's getting a sense of it.

    I always believed that Wendy never had any issue with Axe's character, criminal or otherwise.  He's a blind spot. I'm glad Chuck finally saw it, and hopefully has shut the door on reconciliation.  How they lasted this long is something I'll never understand.

    Axe and Wendy's...dynamic is a great example of how damaging emotional infidelity is.  From what I've seen, Wendy understands Axe in a way that Lara never has.  Axe needs her in a way he should need his wife, but doesn't.  Very dangerous.     

  12. 16 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    I know.  Apparently, after the fact, they thought Edge of Tomorrow was bad and tried to rebrand by focusing on the Live. Die. Repeat. tagline which made sense given the content, although I think Edge of Tomorrow is the better title.  But Live Die Repeat and Repeat is not good/too cutesy. 

    That said, even though the genre isn't my thing, I ended up loving the movie.

    I've read more than once that Edge of Tomorrow sounded like a soap opera and presumably put people off the film.  Not sure I agree with that, and I don't think the title of the Japanese novel, All You Need is Kill, would have worked much better. There is plenty of time to change the title, and I hope they do. 

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  13. On 2/21/2017 at 10:30 PM, Lemons said:

    I'm the exact opposite!  I like Rhodes and his staff. The Axle character is such a cliche of every Wall st character, even though they are in boring Westport, ct.  

    Way late, as I'm catching up on season 2, but same.  I don't think Paul Giamatti is a "likable" actor, but I tend to have a lot more sympathy for Chuck and his staff.  He may be arrogant, and going after Axlerod is almost entirely personal, but he's still on the right side of the law for me.  And he's also bound by the law in a way that Axe is not.  So I root for Chuck.  Plus, even though they're both leads, it's very evident that Axe is the protagonist, and in this context, it makes me want to see Chuck (or at least his office) win even more.  

    As for Wendy and Chuck, I think the writers made a misstep with their marriage.  She was barely tolerant of him before the Danzig thing, and it felt to me she was looking for an excuse to end the marriage and save face.  Axe was as much her work hubby as she was his work wife, if not more so.  She's completely hostile to Chuck compared to Axe, despite the fact that Axe was willing to burn her to the ground when he thought she betrayed him.  It's pretty obvious that she never gave much of a damn about the criminal and unethical activities of Axe or the firm, but I thought Axe's ruthlessness towards her might have been a wake-up call.  But nope, she's still all, "I won't kick you out, just respect my wishes" while being pissy at Chuck calling her on the $5 million dollar "bonus" and implying he was mostly responsible for their marriage dissolution.  She's an utter fool for Axe, but the show is capitalizing on the actors' chemistry.              

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  14. I just watched it on Hulu a week or so ago.  Still a great movie, and I'll always believe it should have ended there.  The others to follow weren't awful, but they got too convoluted. Time travel is a tricky subject anyway, and Cameron's films managed to keep it relatively simple. Plus, Linda Hamilton!

    In any case, I doubt I'll pay to see it in theaters again.  

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  15. 13 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    Jason Patric is batshit crazy insane. However, damn he was pretty in the late 80's and early 90's.

    Jason Patric is insane? I'm scared to google.  And yeah, he was hot. 

    37 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

    Long ago a bunch of friends told me The Lover starting Jane March was a spy thriller.

    You don't forget your first spy thriller movie ;p

    Bwah! Spy thriller is certainly a different angle. 

  16. On 5/3/2017 at 8:27 AM, Haleth said:

    Just this morning this was a headline on Yahoo.  Josh McDermitt has been getting death threats for the actions of his character on TWD.  Really, people?

    Sigh.  Frankly, I hope more actors start reporting people, and police track down who they can and arrest them.     

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  17. I'm trying to understand why, the instant he discovered his apartment was bugged, Bryan didn't get Asha into protective custody.  You KNOW you're being watched, and you know by whom, and you take no measures to protect your girlfriend?  What the hell? At least give me a scene where they discuss it and Asha refuses to go, although I can't see why she would resist beyond plot device.  I mean, he made her stay in his apartment for a general "terrorist" threat of which he knew no details, yet not for the much more clear and present danger of the Mejia cartel bugging his apartment?

    Ditto on the FBI agent.  She's highly decorated, but she trusts Mills rather than her entire squad to retrieve her husband? I was laughing out loud when he asked, "Why come to me?"  And then I yelled out, "Duh, you're the lead! No need for coherence." 

  18. 21 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    I know Stahl is the "villain" in this show but he is so much fun to watch and frankly, I don't really root for Harlee & Woz and crew because I see them as bad guys as well. 

    So for me, the happiest ending is mutually assured destruction.

    Same.  I've been catching up on season two, and I'd be okay with the series ending a la Enemy of the State.

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