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Everything posted by LadyChatts

  1. Dang, Jeff flat out said he thinks Q/Liz/Venus will be out first. I don't disagree, but I am hoping for them to pull an upset.
  2. Tiffany isn't holding back. Charlie tried a diplomatic approach to how the teams got put together but Tiffany's all "we didn't want Q".
  3. Which is funny since he was mad at Tiffany last week for wanting to keep Venus (who he viewed as a goat) around over power players and master strategists like himself in the game. The same power players and master strategists who try to quit but ask to be voted out so it's not a quit. He acted like he didn't even see anything wrong with that. His defense was "I've been making moves to get us to the final 6" and "you turned on Maria" (even though, as someone pointed out, he voted off Tim who was in the 6).
  4. And Maria's talking about a massive blindside and wants to target Tiffany and her idol. I like the delusional Q whose no longer in control but is still trying to call the shots.
  5. Challenge is teams of 3-I love it that Venus/Q/Liz are teamed up. I'm almost rooting for them to win. Kenzie/Tiffany/Ben and Maria/Charlie/Hunter are the other teams. No one wanted anything to do with the Leftover Team. And now Q is mad that no one wanted him on their team so he's stuck with Venus and Liz, so he's going all in on throwing Hunter's name out. He even wants Charlie to throw the challenge to get Hunter out. Charlie ain't going for it.
  6. And they are the least self-aware of how horrible they are playing the game. I really don't get Venus's logic acting like suddenly she's walking on water because of what happened last TC. People are keeping her around because she's no good at the game. Liz-I just can't with her, but it's also kind of hilarious. Same with Q. Almost like the villains on Scooby-Doo getting their plans foiled.
  7. I love how everyone is talking about how hypocritical Q is when it comes to the game. He's fine if he's calling the shots but once things don't go his way he wants to go home. Okay Venus, I want to root for you, but maybe take it back about 100 notches. You don't need to be picking this fight with two obvious targets.
  8. Yeah, I think you need more than a miracle to get back in charge, Q. And Liz is mad at Q because he overshadowed her move of getting Tevin out. Once again, someone steals her thunder! Hey Liz, maybe wait to reveal your moves at the final TC if you make it. Trying to act like your making all these moves now for resume purposes may just put a target on your back. Now she wants to gun for Q, but I think she needs to get in line, so that'll be another move someone else will get the credit for.
  9. Kenzie's right that if he wants to leave, leave, they aren't going to do it for him. Well, at least Q isn't saying that he did this for strategy purposes and that he didn't really want to leave. Oh but he is telling Tiffany that he's mad about her targeting Maria because of the six-alliance, and now she's telling him Charlie spilled the beans about him saying he had an idol. Okay, there's the delusional side of Q coming out.
  10. As much as I want Q to leave, I also realize how dull this season will be without his delusions every episode.
  11. Q’s a legend in his own mind. I guarantee he will try and spin his whole quitting into something that makes him look positive and like a player-to himself. Everyone seemed more annoyed that he was ruining their plans and less that they cared if he stayed last night. I think no one is going to take him seriously or listen to him. So maybe once he realizes he’s not going to call the shots anymore he really will take his ball and go home. I don’t know anymore about the original tribe splits, but Hunter and Venus clearly don’t like each other, and I’m guessing her and Liz aren’t cool either. I don’t really think Hunter and Liz had problems but since she orchestrated getting Tevin out I doubt there’s any loyalty there. From a secret scene posted in the media thread, Maria doesn’t seem to completely trust Ben and I think has little use for him and I don’t even know where Charlie stands anymore. Oddly enough Yanu could have been another underdog Tika 3, which is maybe what Kenzie was going for, until Q went off the rails and now her and Tiffany know he’s not loyal to them. I do kind of like though that there isn’t one big alliance mowing everyone down.
  12. I agree that the next two are probably Q/Venus and then in some order Hunter/Tiffany. I wouldn't be surprised if Hunter's idol comes out before the final 6, because I have a hard time believing he won't play it the second he's vulnerable. So that might lead to Q/Venus and maybe even Tiffany leaving (if she's already played her idol or for some reason opts not to play it if he does). I could see Venus going before Q, but I'd be surprised if he lasts past the next couple of votes. I'm curious if he's going to think all is well and he's still some mastermind doing all the driving in the game. People really want Venus out but also don't consider her a threat. Yet Venus seems to make herself a target because she says the quiet parts out loud. And hey, I love her for it, but at the same time it is not helping her game. So that might be the only thing that saves Q. However, I can't see anyone wanting to seriously work with Q after last night. He's too much of a wild card, and Kenzie/Tiffany now know he went behind their backs. Of course I don't think he had any real loyalty to Kenzie but I'm not sure if she knows that.
  13. Q had pulled the “I’m done” card at Yanu and claimed it was a cover so people wouldn’t be on to him. If next week he really leads off with this was his plan, he had no intention of quitting and it was either a plan to test his alliance or try to save Tevin, I’m going to wish even more they just got rid of him. He seemed really rattled when Hunter got up and tried turning the vote back off Tevin, which seemed like the first time he realized he wasn’t in control. So was this all an act at TC? Maybe he didn’t want to seem like such a big threat (which I think he only sees himself as at the moment). But how could he seriously not think this will backfire on him? And now Tiffany and Kenzie know that he told everyone she has an idol and was plotting to get rid of her. The 6 alliance is done. Everyone seemed genuinely annoyed with his antics last night. Does he really think he can recover?
  14. I feel like it's a slap in the face to old-school players, many of whom helped make this show what it was and will be far more memorable years after this show goes off the air compared to the new-era players, who largely seem forgotten after their season ends. I really wish Jeff had never gotten full control of the show. It's really been a downhill slope since he took over, especially since it seems like it's his way or no way.
  15. Venus is an interesting one because I think she has a decent amount of supporters and sympathizers who think she's been unfairly edited and that everyone is out to get her for no real reason. But it seems like she's also starting to turn people off with the 'woe is me' tweets. And then there were those who already felt she's a legend in her own mind. Personally, I like her, but I think she does need to learn to better social cues. If she goes mid-jury, I'm wondering what exactly that means. 9 people are left, so 6 more will be going before the final 3. And I don't think she makes the final 5 (the alleged 5 of Ben/Charlie/Maria/Kenzie/Liz are making more and more sense every week). So she'd have to be one of the next 4 to go.
  16. I'm trying to figure out how the powerful mob boss will spin it to Tiffany that he not only was plotting to take her out, but also told them that she had an immunity idol. I feel like it's 50/50 that he'll either try to make it not sound so bad or flat-out say that Tiffany wasn't doing what he told her to do and was trying to get Maria out, so she had to go for turning on the 6 (an alliance I could argue she was forced into by Q). I thought it was very telling that more people didn't sit out for rice. Venus made sense not to, and I could argue that Hunter likes the competition so he'd want to compete. Ben might have felt vulnerable. And I know Charlie was kind of shaky about 6 alliance and his place in the game. But between Kenzie, Maria, Tiffany, and Tevin, I'm surprised two more didn't bother to sit out. So were those 4 just wanting to compete or afraid sitting out would make them look overconfident or did they not trust the people they were aligned with?
  17. I think everyone this season is pretty much delusional about their gaming abilities, to a point (Hunter and Ben seem like the only level-headed ones left). But Liz's attitude came out of nowhere tonight. Suddenly she was the true mastermind of Soda's blindside because she tried getting her out before. That was then, this was now, and if I had to credit someone with that blindside, it would be Tevin. Orchestrating a successful blindside usually means your target leaves that night, not that they leave 2 weeks later. It's interesting how she realized she needed to start playing a more visible game. I got the impression she thought that's what she was doing until Tevin and Venus tried to take credit for Soda's blindside. As for Venus, I also feel sorry for her. I actually don't think she's completely terrible at the game. She did peg that Tevin and Charlie are threats. She wasn't afraid to go over to the 5 sitting on the beach tonight and try to break them up. Everyone seems to treat her like she doesn't know what she's doing and that it's cute she's trying to play the game of Survivor, but frankly, I think tonight proved everyone is a little bit clueless. I'd really love to know what everyone's deal is with her because it seems personal.
  18. Well that was certainly something I didn't have on my bingo card for tonight. I don't even know where to begin. And after all that, it was still a Tevin blindside, and a landslide vote. When Q automatically threw in the towel at TC, I couldn't tell at first if this was some plan of his to test his alliance or if he wasn't getting his own way anymore so he wanted out. He deserved to get knocked down a few pegs and now I want to see how he digs himself out of this hole, if he even bothers to. I enjoyed how he knew right away he F'ed up by telling Hunter the plan was to vote Tevin out and acting like there was nothing they could do about it. Guess he forgot some people out there can play the game and think for themselves. Maria keeps sliding for me. Why is having trust with Q so important when he turns on his #1 ally and reveals she has an idol? Just because she had her own ideas about the vote? I liked that Charlie had hesitations about the 6-alliance. He's a little more savvy than I thought. The hide 'n seek game was fun, but it was stupid that Q was using it as a test to check someone's threat level based on how well they hid. As I mentioned in the live chat thread, I lived and breathed that game growing up, but I guess we played it the old-fashioned way where the point was not to be found, and to be able to run to home based without getting caught. I liked that everyone besides Q and Liz held their ground during the IC and wasn't going to risk their vote or sit out the challenge.
  19. Next week: Tiffany and Q argue post TC Kenzie tells Q she's mad and in a TH that "everyone is turning on everyone" and "I need her gone" Charlie and Maria talking on the beach, and in a TH Charlie says "this game has been turned on its head" Venus is shown talking to Hunter and Q and then is shown in a TH saying "these bumbling buffoons. These two dumb dumb meatheads". Shot of Kenzie saying "spicy" Q says in a voiceover that he's going to give them hell and they can cancel Christmas
  20. He'll probably frame it as that, even if it's not true (and I think he wanted out because he no longer had control and realized other people are playing).
  21. Tevin should have let Q quit. So we still got a blindside. I was fully expecting some Q votes from Tiffany and Kenzie. But clearly that trust is gone and Q will no doubt be on their radar now.
  22. Charlie's face probably speaks for the viewing audience right now.
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