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Everything posted by LadyChatts

  1. Island of one here again, but I love Venus
  2. I actually wondered who that was since Moriah couldn't vote (I saw at the end it was Charlie). I wonder if he just couldn't bring himself to vote for Moriah or what, because I know he had to be in on the plan if Ben and Maria voted for her. I was very surprised it was a Moriah landslide.
  3. Just when I think this season hit a turning point for the better, we get this episode and I'm the one scrambling to see if there's anyone left rooting for. I think I'm on an island of one when I say I like Venus. She needs to learn to control her emotions better so she doesn't get the vote turned back around to her for real next time, but I like her. I don't know who made Q the boss of everybody but he just acted like a condescending a*****e this week. Guess it's easy when your the one whose safe. I also don't see why Yanu felt so confident thinking Siga and Nami would be begging for their help. And I don't like Kenzie's attitude that she's just so good at this game over everyone else. Tiffany's the only one left rooting for from the Bad News Yanus. Siga really dug themselves in a hole when they refused to commit to voting one of their own off. I can see why they all voted for Moriah in the end. Moriah maybe could have saved herself and I wish she had if she had spoken up sooner. Maybe she could have helped Venus in getting the vote turned on Charlie. Too bad she had to be so dang nice to the very people who blindsided her last week. She owed them nothing. I really wish we could be old-school for a minute and have a traditional merge. One person wins II, everyone else is eligible to be vote for, everyone can vote. If they want to keep this format of Earn the Merge then they need to let the losers be the only ones allowed to vote, and the winners will just have to wait back at camp to see who got voted off. This just screwed Moriah over, even more than the random draw for tribes at the challenge. Could that have been anymore lopsided? Though I give the underdog Orange tribe credit, they almost beat out Purple in an upset.
  4. Next week: Tiffany and Kenzie say this is not the Q show (yes girls!) Kenzie says in a VO "this could go into chaos mode" Double boot next week Tevin says to someone it could be a blindside tonight Ben "I'm screwed" Venus "I'm stressing" Q to Kenzie "He's _____ up" Charlie in a VO and looking very determined "We are ready to go at each other's throats"
  5. Post-show discussion thread I know there's been some debate whether to have two threads or not, with mixed responses, but it seems like most like having two threads so I guess we'll keep having two separate ones.
  6. I was going to be disappointed no matter how this vote went. I liked both ladies. Didn't expect the landslide, I guess Siga wanted to prove they weren't so tight after all. I can't remember, is it back to normal next week? Everyone merges, everyone is eligible to be voted for (besides whoever wins II?) I hope so, that Purple group needs one of theirs to go next week, they are an obnoxious bunch.
  7. Well I actually don't know how this is going to go so this might be interesting. Moriah is playing her SITD.
  8. Can there be a last minute advantage thrown in to vote Q off? I can't believe I even liked this guy. I get what he's saying, Moriah should have spoke up before now, but he doesn't need to talk down to her.
  9. Come on Moriah! Tell everyone how Charlie and Ben have music sessions at the beach over T-Swift and Metallica to show how close they are and get the vote on Charlie.
  10. Okay, if Venus goes I'm glad she's going out swinging. I get why people don't like her, but dang, she's my favorite right now!
  11. So it seems like it's between Moriah and Venus. Everyone was pretty set on Moriah but Venus might have shifted it back on her. I do love the chaos she brings though! But god, those guys (and Kenzie) are just so crap. This is why I don't think the winners should get a say in who gets voted off. And he conveniently brings up the gender split and says that's why Venus doesn't want Moriah to go, she doesn't want to lose another girl. So is he threatened by some non-existent potential female alliance and wants to make sure the guys have the numbers? No wonder he was the first one to mention a bro alliance at the journey.
  12. I wish Q could go. He doesn't need to get so condescending. I wish Purple had lost in an upset, I dislike people on that side more. Everyone gets to vote, but only Venus/Soda/Maria/Moriah/Liz/Charlie are eligible to be voted for.
  13. Hunter's making the pitch to Q that Nami is not strong because Liz hates Soda, Soda hates Venus (and I think Venus hates them all). So he's saying a Siga needs to go. I hope Venus keeps her cool, she might get herself voted off here. Even though voting Charlie off would be a heck of a lot smarter.
  14. I like both of them but I hope Venus survives. Frankly I don't see how either is considered a threat. With Venus it's like based off of what her tribemates are saying about her. And Moriah-just because she likes Aubry as a player? I think Siga might be taking the wrong approach in going Siga strong. Even if they succeed in getting Venus off they are still going to be outnumbered overall. Q said it.
  15. So Nami is ready to throw Venus to the wolves. Siga is more hesitant to throw anyone's name out from their previous tribe and no one will commit to voting for Moriah. That raises a bit of a red flag for Tiffany that they are determined to stay Siga strong.
  16. Okay, so Tevin has an extra vote (I forgot about that). Hunter can't vote. Tiffany and Hunter have idols. And I think everyone's SITD is valid?
  17. I really wish the tribe who does win doesn't still get to vote. It makes no sense that half of the people are immune and get to go off and strategize over their meal and still have a say who leaves.
  18. Well dang, I was hoping for an upset win. I will say, since the orange tribe is the one who will be eligible to be voted for, it might be interesting. I am very nervous for Venus though. But I'm hoping all the talk about her being a threat means it's a red herring.
  19. Okay, everyone is caught up at the puzzle.
  20. I like how Jeff had to emphasize it was a random draw. I believe it, but dang, the odds couldn't have been worse. I was thinking if one tribe had Q and the other Hunter it might be a little balanced at least. Maybe if Charlie starts belting out Taylor Swift's greatest hits the other tribe will forfeit.
  21. Maybe Orange will get lucky and someone from Purple will get hopelessly stuck in the mud and net.
  22. Is there any point in even doing this challenge with this tribe breakdown?
  23. It's why I'm hoping he draws the gray rock. I want this to be a little suspenseful lol
  24. Seems like Q might be playing a little too hard for Moriah's liking too. And Q is actually threatened by Moriah? I feel like the ones who are doing the most game talk so far are Q and Venus, with Tim and Moriah being in the mix. Charlie and Maria also seem to be in the conversation to some extent.
  25. I am a little nervous Venus is playing so hard so fast. I get she's excited to have other people besides her Nami foes around but I'm afraid this will come back to bite her.
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