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Everything posted by minirth

  1. re LingerieGate, I've watched that episode several times, and Maya wakes up before Rick, and we see her go out the front door wearing (I'm pretty sure) his shirt. I think we're supposed to assume that she stopped by her place to pack a goodie bag *before* going to Rick. I thought the blue robe is hers that she got from her car and changed into before Rick woke up. omg yes! I've been having this weird secret Neil Diamond/Ridge/TK groove going on for a while now. I was listening to Neil and realized how well "I Am I Said" applied to TK -- living on one coast and working on the other, neither one can really be home; and to Ridge -- coming home from Europe to find the home he left was gone (duh) and, now as always, torn between (at least) two women. Neil and TK have the sexy voice going on too.
  2. Regarding TK, I loved him as AMC's Zach Slater (WAH! Zendall! That YouTube clip brought it all back -- they were my favorite soap couple!) and PC's Ian Thornhart. OTLT's Patrick Thornhart, not so much -- far too twee and full of poetry. (It wasn't as ludicrous as it is with Ridge because Patrick was a poetry dude from the start.) I'm torn about him as Ridge. ITA that his best chemistry on B&B is with LG's Caroline. He and Katie and he and Brooke are deathly boring. TK looks best with very short hair. You have to work with the hair you've got, and the man has messy hair. Chop it off! P.S. I just want to say a huge thank-you to these boards for being here for all of us when twop went down. I love the atmosphere here, I love the discussions, and you guys keep me going at work. I could not get through my job without my soap opera forum breaks.
  3. drtslim and Rick Kitchen, thank you so much! All of that happened or was revealed after I quit watching the last time. Now I know what's going on! Maybe it was the blonder hair (?) and *really* *awful* *bland* *makeup* that made Melanie unrecognizable to me.
  4. I thought I knew who Melanie was, but this chick does not look familiar. Did she used to be brunette? With whom was she romantically involved? Nick? (And Nick is dead now? The hell? I liked Nick!) I stopped watching in the Willow the hooker days, whIch I think happened after Belle and Shawn jumped off a cruise ship with a baby. The only good thing I remember from that era was RoboJohn. RoboJohn was *awesome*. Sorry, I digress. My point is, I stopped watching before we found out that, if I've got this right, Dan was Maggie's son somehow? Have I got that right? And Melanie was revealed to be Dan's daughter? I'm very confused. Help?
  5. Could someone help me out with the Abby/Leo thing? Did she cheat on David or was this during one of the times they weren't together? I can't place Leo -- is he the smarmy handler who was managing the crazy Christian VP's Presidential run?
  6. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!I'm sorry, I've lost my words! Oh, let this be true! I would be so happy!!! PS Was so excited I forgot my original intent, which was to say of COURSE Ridge waits until Bill has turned his back and is walking away to attack. He is such a douchebag.
  7. *dies laughing* YES! That is exactly Morgan! Oh dear. Sad because it's true. I had high hopes for his character when he was introduced. He was a veteran, an ex-teacher, a screwed up but good guy, and it was just fucking SICK to watch Sonny mold him into a replacement Jason. Remember Sonny's rage at Carly tricking Shawn, because he had been "grooming" him and was waiting for just the right time to turn him into a killer of people for money?? What the fuck Napoleonic complex does Sonny have, that he has to destroy decent men and turn them into mindless drones?
  8. Oh gawd, you mean the Thanksgiving where Hope sat everyone next to someone they couldn't stand and made them say nice things about the person next to them? She, of course, was between Liam and Wyatt... or they were next to each other... whatever, it was Princess seating.
  9. About the chase scene: I'm glad to know the music choice/car chase was an homage, but that doesn't make it any better. The twinkly wacky clown music was completely counter to the tone of the entire episode *and the scene*. This was not a wacky, fun car chase with cheeky criminals who never really hurt anyone. This was a man reduced to little more than a brutal thug committing an armed carjacking -- after a violent assault on an old, (admittedly fucking moronic) cancer-ridden former friend. I was talking to a friend at work who said he stopped watching after Opie's death, and I found myself saying, "Good call, dude." Because Jax is not rootable at all for me anymore -- he's done too much. Where can I find myself a Nero? I want one. Jimmy Smits killed it last night. Theo Rossi also killed it. Poor Juice. He's caused more death and mayhem than Tig, and that's saying something. I miss the days when Juice was carefree and happy. So glad to see Lyla alive and doing well -- she had better make it out of this show alive. I always had a soft spot for her. She was always sweet, despite the harsh life. And I can't remember if I commented last week -- I really loved the scenes of Rat and his girlfriend last week. It was a nice character moment for him, and it turned his girlfriend into a real, relatable person. I still miss Filthy Phil. I smile every week when I see Happy in the credits. He deserves it!!!
  10. That was one of my favorite moments as well. I love the friendship between Diane and Alexis, and I always love Diane when she's lecturing the Corinthii about their stupidity. I have to admit, Maura West knocked it out of the park when Kiki was "yammering yammering and now that Michael knows..." Ava's quiet, stunned reply, "Michael knows?" was a beautiful, minimalist piece of acting. That really impressed me, considering that she tends to be very high-energy and diva-esque in her acting choices. As for her scene partner, I even thought Kiki's "Oh yeah, he knows" wasn't that bad of a line delivery! (Damning with faint praise -- it's a thing!) Ned usually pisses me off, but I love him for suggesting to Monica that they go tell AJ he's been exonerated. That was a lovely moment. Duke is a tool. I'm sure we're due a speech about his "honor" soon. (*Courtney memorial galactic eyeroll*). Lucy needs to stfu. And brava to the poster who was bitching about Britt's hair and pointed out that ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO MAKE THAT WOMAN GORGEOUS is part her hair a bit on the side and let it be soft -- like Anna's yesterday! That's all it would take! Don't part it down the middle, damnit!
  11. CRYING, I say, I am CRYING at my desk! That was the best GH-related statement in ages!!!
  12. omg omg omg! Hope, trapped on a balcony, helplessly watching as Liam declares his love for and kisses another woman! Again! That was the most fabulous thing I've seen since the gondola! The only way it could have been better is if they had shown actual flashbacks to Hope, trapped in the gondola, helplessly watching as Liam married Steffy! God, that was better than sex! It was the perfect cherry on the sundae of Wyatt throwing Hope's bullshit in her face, which was itself a thing of beauty. As for Hunter Tylo, I think the problem with her face this time is that she's lost weight she couldn't afford to lose.
  13. I miss the good old days, when John was hit on the head and turned into a robot. RoboJohn will always be my favorite John.
  14. *raises solitary fist in support of making Steffy the new CEO* Seriously, until Aly and Ivy, Steffy was the only young adult I could stand. She got Forrestor back from $Bill -- I think that tops any business dealings Ridge has ever been part of. I'd love to see her come back to town, completely ignore LIam, and go after Bill. I loved the two of them together, and it would make Katie's head explode (always a bonus).
  15. I have never found Katie so smug and hateful as she has been this week, trying to convince Ridge that SHE knows his true, inner self, and that SHE understands him, and how he would NEVER take advantage of Caroline because he's SUCH a good man. Bitch, please. I can't wait for the reveal!!! P.S. Love love love 'wall of smug'.
  16. That scene will forever be the best B&B has to offer. It just doesn't get better than that.
  17. Thank you! That has been driving me batshit crazy ever since TK took over! And it wasn't just "Mother" -- it was "Mo-THURRR", ending in this disappointed growl. That cracked me up every time!
  18. Hooray for Cig! I actually clapped my hands and cheered. I really would like to see Cig and Dina in the final 3, and I was so worried that Cig would get knocked out this week, what with the beauty challenge. But he created a beautiful fairy and a stunning set of wings and I am delighted to see a whole new side to his art.
  19. I really think they started with 4 too many contestants. We're finally getting down to a good group, and I enjoy episodes with fewer contestants because we get more time with each. I don't miss anyone who has been eliminated -- they need to tighten things up next season. I'm enjoying the positive, fun atmosphere in the shop this season and the minimum of drama.
  20. I missed a lot of the aftermath of Ridge being dumped from the helicopter due to a DVR crash, but for my money, NOTHING (the Forresters listening to Bridget being deflowered over the phone) will ever beat the hilarity of that moment. And now Ridge has lost his precious, soul-defining gift! (Remember, this is a non-medical diagnosis -- he needs a neurologist, stat, and possibly a shrink (NOT TAYLOR).) I like that Katie's nastiness and self-centeredness are shining through -- oh, that doesn't matter, that doesn't define you, it's no big deal! Anyone who ever met the man knows that Ridge Forrester = Designer & Sex God; at least, they know that's how HE regards himself. But not Katie! Oh no, with her, Ridge is a different man! (Blech.) He doesn't need anything but their special, special love! (And pomes. God, I love $Bill.) I think it's interesting because Katie reminds me of this chick who had bariatric surgery, lost a ton of weight, and turned into a raving bitch. It was as if she had saved up all of the anger and hurt from the years of feeling unattractive and it just turned to a sense of entitled bitchery. I see that with Katie -- years of anger from being the Logan wallflower are, maybe, what convinced her she was entitled to sleep with Nick. Katie is so smug in her perfect love with Ridge -- I cannot wait to see what happens when that all blows up Oh my god, I am such a bad person, because I suddenly want to see Ridge have a total meltdown, be confined to a psych ward, and have to participate in art therapy!!! With soap-style crazy people! That would be AWESOME! And now I belong in the psych ward, because I want $Bill to come entertain the patients with a pome -- some beat thing like Howl. I would fall over laughing and be happy forever.
  21. But I love that the judges let the girls take the gloves off so they could see it without that distraction. They did the same for George's vampire fingers in season 5. In general, I really like the judges' what the hell approach. There may be 3 top and 3 bottom. There could be 1 top and 2 bottom. Or 2 top and 1 bottom. They don't force themselves to stay in the same stupid formula, and that makes the show more interesting to me.
  22. I was honestly quite disappointed in the makeups this week, because one of my favorite Face Off episodes is Season 5's Mother Nature. Roy and Lyma did AMAZING trees, and I was expecting something on that level.
  23. I really wanted to see more of Dina's alien -- the paint job looked great -- and the alien with the small face and big headpiece!
  24. I may be alone on the good ship Bill/Steffy, but by god I will go down with this ship! They had more heat and potential, I thought, than any other pairing for either character. I would love to see those two end up together. My bloody recorder died and I missed the episodes where Ridge was found -- today's flashbacks made me glad. Oh my god, did Katie really recite poetry to him and he reply to her? Did that really happen? I mean, I watched Beauty & the Beast with Ron Perlman back in the day, I get the romantic poetry thing when it works. This, however, is not, I submit, one of those times. And now I can't decide if the best thing to happen this year was Quinn kicking Liam in the ankle (which makes me cackle hysterically just to type) or Bill's lackey dumping Ridge out of a helicopter and into the gulf. That was truly epic, but I loved Quinn's complete insanity.
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