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Everything posted by minirth

  1. Thanks so much for explaining Abby going after Austin -- wow, I had no idea EJ was just another committed notch on her bedpost.
  2. Memememe! I loved it! It was so cute and so refreshing! I love their friendship (I choose to forget wtf w I was laughing myself silly at John's complete inability to read his audience. He's such the center of his own universe. You can see where Sparkle gets it. "YOU did this to us!" Oh Sonny, be still my beating heart. That was deeply, deeply satisfying. Pity it went right over Will's stupid head.
  3. *dies* Does anyone remember Austin Peck's Blog of Awesomeness, featuring his Forehead of Thought? So funny. I keep forgetting to mention something important -- I am so appreciative of Jordan's exit storyline. She left with her head high, to a good future, and did I mention that she left town alive? I loved her farewell dance with Rafe, and I wasn't even around for that pairing. General Hospital has damaged me with its penchant for murdering young women -- how nice to see a soap handle a character departure well. I feel bad for CS -- I loved her on AMC, but Jordan never really took off.
  4. NICE. Oh, that was so satisfying, as was Sonny's breaking point with Will. Sonny was on fire today, and it was fantastic. I'm feeling the pull of a couple unpopular opinions today. For example, I almost found Abby interesting today. (I know!) What I did find interesting was that she's well aware of what a plastic Ken doll she's boning, and that she wants to keep him safely in his box. (And she certainly doesn't want to move into his crappy little doll box!) She's at least smart enough (or is it shrewd enough?) to know she can't be happy with a dumb guy long-term. Chad was playing all the right notes today; talking about her dad's book was brilliant. The other oddity today was that I don't find the problem with Will to be that Guy is a crap actor. He seems to have a limited range, I'll give you that all day long, but that's not a death knell. (Speak one word against Dolph Lundgren in my presence and you will be cursed to the seventh hell!) I find his facial reactions to be part of Will's character -- he's not as smart as he thinks he is, he's not as smooth as he thinks he is, and he sure as hell doesn't have a poker face -- he's about as devious (and self-aware) as a goldfish. I find his Will to be very reminiscent of Sami in her youth, especially in his eyes and nose, and some of his expressions, especially when he is shell-shocked, are pure Sami to me. (Remember her unbearably bad line reading at the Flashdrive wedding -- "we have to find out what's going on with this... (weird pause, bizarre emphasis) VIDEO!"?) It's uncomfortable to watch Will, but not (for me) because of the acting, but because of the character. He's in a desperate, miserable, self-absorbed, self-pitying, self-hating place -- that's uncomfortable to watch. It's ugly, and unappealing, but to me it feels right for the character at this time and place.
  5. I randomly stumbled upon the Flashdrive Wedding on youtube and am ENTHRALLED. That has to be one of the best interrupted soap weddings ever! Sex tape in church -- that everyone sat and watched like crazy people! That's the wildest thing since Bridget's family sat around the phone listening to her lose her virginity on B&B! The pairing of Kristen and Brady is stomach-churning enough without her violating his brother the priest! For some reason, I loved that Marlena was so clueless when it came to operating the equipment. When Victor got in Kristen's face and said, "Let's clear your name, sweetie!" I cheered. Victor gives me life!!!
  6. Yesterday was damn good. Lucas reading Sneasel the riot act was deeply satisfying, as was Adrienne's confrontation with Justin. I rarely give a damn about her, but Judi Evans gave a solid performance and made me feel her pain. WOW! Brady wasn't mad at Daniel for thinking he might have used! That was some serious maturity on his part -- I didn't know he had that setting! Theresa looked so beautiful, as always. (And her mascara is awesome, thank you so much to the poster who sourced that for us!) Her eyes are so huge and expressive -- I can't imagine being in a room with her and not looking into her eyes. I can't even talk about Will's bullying of Mama Norita, because it makes me want to punch someone in the face, but I cannot wait until this backfires. Wow, John really lights up around Paul! He gets so smiley and downright likeable! I haven't liked him so much since he was a robot. (Bring back RoboJohn!) I hereby revoke my objection to him being Sparkle's father. And wow, did Sparkle light up with those kids! I liked Sparkle and Sonny's conversation -- I felt that both scored high on both maturity and reasonability. (edited because paragraph breaks are A Thing that is Good.)
  7. donovan, Zarf was a biologically male rock star who secretly thought of herself as female. She came out to Bianca, who I think came over for dinner or something, in full female makeup and dress, and announced, in the most dramatic way possible, that she was a woman, that she was a lesbian, and that she was in love with Bianca. I realize that doesn't sound all that bad, but as the gods are my witnesses, it was horrendous. The acting, the writing, the culture of the show in general just wasn't conducive to telling a good transgender storyline. (And that was AMC. Imagine what B&B will do!!!) Zarf's female name was Zoey, so on the twop boards she immediately became Zarfooey! That bit of humor was about the only good thing about that character.
  8. You guys do realize those of us who can't watch until we get home this evening are PRAYING y'all are making this shit up, right? Because if you're not kidding, all I've got is "This is going to be worse than Zarf, isn't it?"
  9. I don't get to watch for hours -- what did Sneasel do now?
  10. Yes! The show managed to get this wonderful young actor, give him a storyline with amazing potential, and ignore that potential in the name of JJ and Paige's ... whatever the hell they are supposed to be. I think it would be interesting for Eve's hatred of JJ to increase after the music performance -- he is a young man with a gift and a talent, and she's a middle-aged woman whose singing dreams are dead and buried. I can see her starting to sleep with him again out of that envy, out of the desire to hurt Jennifer (which I don't think was a factor before but definitely would be now), and out of her bedrock conviction (which matches JJ's), that he is not a good person and that he doesn't deserve a good person. Every time she screws him, it proves that. To BOTH of them. I keep going back to Weasel trying to blackmail Mama Norita. I think it's a completely Will thing to do -- it's stupid, not planned well, and will backfire -- and it solidifies my hatred for him. He's a bully -- but only when he finds someone weaker than he is to prey on, and let's face it, that doesn't happen often. I don't have a problem with Lucas introducing Paul to Ari because I think Paul needed to see her, to make her real. He's not just thinking of busting up a marriage, but a family. (I think Lucas was more of a dick than he needed to be though -- Paul didn't cheat on ANYONE! ) But Weasel acting smug and superior to Mama Norita makes me want to punch him in his pouty mouth. In other news, Drunk Theresa is even more delightful than GH's Drunk Sam. I died when Paige was trying to get away from her and Theresa insisted on accompanying her because she had lots of great advice about men to pass on. Ha! Poor Paige! (And that's not a sentiment I ever thought I'd type!) I realized yesterday that I no longer give a damn about Stefano DiMera or the rest of his damn family. And I have zero interest in watching Kate get screwed over. Victor & Kate Forever!!!
  11. I'd love for Sonny to come back and demand that Will get tested. Pregnancy is not the only unintended consequence of unprotected sex! This, this, a thousand times this. I wish I had some great insight to add, but you've nailed it.
  12. Could they wash his greasy hair and give him a haircut while they're at it? I've never seen GMcC look so awful!
  13. I took a break from the show, and missed Original SORASed Will, so it's different for me. When I see Will acting childish and demanding and petulant, I remember a young Sami. The difference I see is that Sami was smarter than Will, much quicker on her feet, and underneath her insecurity and jealousy, she had an innate sense of self that Will just doesn't have. What they have in common (probably as a coping mechanism for their towering insecurity) is their conviction that they are always right, and that their first reaction when confronted is to start slinging justifications. Will's justifications aren't well thought out; again, he isn't as smart as his mother. Will sleeping with Paul, in his mind, had nothing to do with Sonny. Remember that first confrontation with Sonny, Will asked him if they couldn't just forget that it had happened. That wasn't just about how self-centered and immature Will is, it shows that he has absolutely no business being in a relationship, let alone a marriage. What did he say to Paul after Adrienne stormed out? "If you hadn't stayed in Salem this wouldn't have happened!" He has absolutely no ability to take responsibility. I don't see Sonny as the cheating type, even when Will was off chasing his dream in LA. I think Will's insecurity makes it more believable that he would cheat. I think Sonny is a loyal guy. P.S. Abigail looks so much better as a brunette! She actually looked nice!
  14. Wait a minute, he's MY Victor! Oh well, he's so awesome there's enough to share! John Aniston is a treasure. I love him so much. I've been watching and rewatching the key confrontations in the Will/Sonny and JJ/Eve storylines because they are so damn good. Freddie absolutely killed it -- Sonny's heartbroken eyes, the rage in his voice he didn't even try to hide, his stark demands for the truth. Will has been giving me violent rage attacks ever since the truth began to come out. His constant "It's all my fault, BUT YOU..." refrain as he looks for a way out. I am in no way, shape, or form an Adrienne fan, but I LOVED HER lashing out at Will. It was a nice juxtaposition of their stories -- we the audience could see that much of the rage fueling her verbal attack -- and that slap! -- was her own rage at Justin, but Will was so shocked he could barely stammer out two words. (By the way, I'm a huge Mama Narita fan. Between "Use real words!" and calling Marlena "a meddling psychiatrist", she's got me for life. Seriously -- "a meddling psychiatrist"! That is Marlena to a T!) I feel that Will is being written and acted as true to someone who grew up in the cesspool of family dysfunction that he did. (That's probably because I missed him being SORASed; this is the only adult Will I know.) He's definitely Sami's son, in terms of trying to justify his actions, but Sami was always defiant and sure of herself as she flung her justifications at people. Will lacks that innate sense of self that Sami always had, and frankly, he's not nearly as smart as she was. He is very childish, in both his reasoning and his reactions. He is always surprised that whatever justification he offers is refused and thrown back in his face. As for JJ/Eve/Jennifer -- I could write a novel about Jennifer's dysfunction and how it reminds me of my own extremely crazy mother. Jennifer is seriously fucked up about sex, and I wish the show would explore the reasons *why*. My mother slut-shamed me worse than Jennifer slut-shamed JJ, but as an adult, knowing more about her family of origin, I understand *why*. No mother is that involved in her child's sex life without having severe issues -- what are they? Do they stem from guilt from having fallen in love with, and married, a rapist? Or from her own attack (wasn't she raped by Lawrence Alamain for... reasons?)? It would make sense -- the whole revelation that Jack had raped Kayla, followed by the shocking news that Abby had been sleeping with EJ, could have triggered these emotions in Jennifer and wound her up. This storylines NEEDS this background, because without it, it is terrifying, and not in the way the show intends. Jennifer's hysterical verbal (and physical) attacks on Eve and her son were some of the ugliest maternal moments I've witnessed, and I watch GH! Her son is so tortured with self-hatred that I'm afraid he's going to be driven to suicide. The actor is really selling JJ's stark conviction that he is not a good person, that even trying to be a good person is just a waste of time because he's so damaged. He broke my heart, and killed any sympathy I had for Eve, because she is supposed to be the adult in the room, and there's no way she can't realize that the longer they are involved the worse he gets.
  15. I am so glad I watched yesterday's episode because Lucas and Brad! Being all smiling and sparkly! And exchanging "I love you"! They are my favorite couple. But man, do I miss Britt.
  16. Jen actually had the nerve to call Roxanne and interrogate her. Oh my god. What will that heifer do next? She is so creepy! No wonder JJ is so messed up. That poor kid. Every woman in his life save Roxanne is a complete harpy!
  17. I missed a lot of DAYS this week because of weather reports -- did Jen really talk to Roxanne? How did this happen? What did she say? I am dying to know!
  18. Thank you! Jenn needs serious psychological help (not Marlena!). Her relationship with her children is beyond twisted.
  19. RickKitchen: Thank you so much for the detailed rundown on Nick, Gabi, Will, et al. What an epic clusterfuck. I'm glad I wasn't around to watch him be destroyed.
  20. tessaray, you mean you aren't overcome with lust for Growly McClenchy? My favorite Ridge thing was always how he addressed Stephanie: MoTHURRRRRR!!!
  21. Could someone fill me in on this? I stopped watching before Nick went evil (I loved Nick, I loved the actor, and I hate hate hate that they turned him evil.) What on earth did Nick do to Will?
  22. Oh! That totally makes sense! I've never been watching when Bridget was front and center, but I've caught up via YouTube and I really liked her, and have been wondering why we can't have her around. Thank you for going through the mental gymnasatics! I love Bill and Katie back together -- when they work, they are a GREAT couple. She gets sparkly and develops a sense of humor, and he becomes a gentler man. And I'm never into engagement rings, but I LOVE that he got her the Rock of bloody Gibralter! That thing is HUGE! I love Bill. And on a shallow note, I love Katie's rich, auburn hair. It always looks so good when she refreshes the color. I can't even talk about Brooke, except to say that I remember now why I hat hate HATE this character. I was happier with her gone.
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