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Everything posted by Porkchop

  1. Help me! I'm lost! Look under Health and Wellness where? Search just brings up this conversation.
  2. There were lots of laughs for me in this show. Plus lots of shock. And I'm laughing again reading the comments. This is one of my favorite places on the internet. Thank you for existing, previously.tv!
  3. I'm watching the Happily Ever After show, listed as NEW, on Friday night. I haven't seen one new scene. It is all repetition, boring, boring, boring. I think I've seen these scenes three or four times already.
  4. It's amazing to watch Sacha Baron Cohen hoodwink those politicians into thinking that Israel has a program to train preschoolers and kindergardners in the use of firearms. And to hear them approve of the program ... because children that young don't know right from wrong yet, so they would make great soldiers. Aaarrgh.
  5. Yes! I was thinking that it looked like JamieO just had on a shirt .. lost her pants somewhere. I am quite ancient, so I was wondering if I am just behind the times, but looking at all that bare leg, hmm. I do hate it when I sound like an old lady!
  6. This is alarming and gross (I always knew I could never be a nurse) but absolutely fascinating. I'm hooked.
  7. Never thought I'd hear Danielle referred to as "fan favorite." Who did that poll? The live show was horrible, just horrible. Who thought I wanted to see all those unknown or barely-known characters answer one foolish question each and then get shut down? I have liked Michelle in other situations, but not here. Also, there was something reallly weird about the fact that her trousers were the same color blue as the chair she was sitting in, which made my brain say, Wait, does she have three legs?
  8. I am attracted and repelled at the same time by this program. These are real people ... and that is very interesting to me. Folks just like you or me are doing this crazy weird stuff. I'm totally captivated by it, and at the same time, I feel like the producers look for problems rather than happiness for the participants.
  9. Humpty Dumpster! I laughed so hard I typed it wrong four times!
  10. leighdear That's just how I feel about Christian Soriano ... total talent, total fun to watch! I feel like a proud aunt, having been there at his "birth". Well, his first appearance on the fashion scene. Project Runway now is just not the same. Too many team challenges, too short a time for creating, too much crabby interaction, etc.
  11. I was delighted to see Christian Soriano in the Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People issue! (April 30/May 7 double issue). I have very little interest in fashion, but I love competitions, so I used to watch Project Runway and Christian was one of the most interesting people on the show. And some of his designs were showstoppers! I check for designers' names in People magazine and I notice Christian Soriano is cited more and more often. It makes me smile.
  12. I said last week that this show is so sad I don't know if I can watch it. But here I am again, so sad, so sad for these families ... there is no happy ending for any of these stories. My heart aches for the transgender men, but what they want for themselves is causing the destruction of the life of the women who love them. I believe most trans folks have known since childhood, so perhaps if society was more accepting they would've dealt with their situation instead of hiding it and misleading the women they courted and married and had children with.
  13. I wonder who thought it would be entertaining to embarrass Erik and James again. That segment was entirely a waste of time, as well as being cringe-worthy. I felt bad for both of them. I hope they were paid enough to make it worthwhile.
  14. This is so sad, I don't know if I'll be able to watch it next week. There are no easy answers. Hearts are breaking.
  15. I think Donathan is a fairly common name in his home area. Aha, here's some statistics: Summary DONATHAN is ranked as the 21058th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 255. This name is in the 92nd percentile, this means that nearly 8% of all the first names are more popular. There are 0.08 people named DONATHAN for every 100,000 Americans. This name is most often used as a last name, 85% of the time. Based on the analysis of 100 years worth of data from the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Baby Names database, the estimated population of people named DONATHAN is 435.
  16. Kellyn really photographs well. I wonder if she's tall enough to be a model. Hmm. By today's standards, she's probably too old.
  17. I am loving these stories, but I seem to be getting a little annoyed with the hosts (and I'm not a person who is easily annoyed). I don't want to keep hearing the woman host whisper We found her. Can't she ever speak in a normal voice? I don't want to see the host and the adoptee standing outside the door with the newfound relative waiting within. Show me more of the story, and less of the hosts, please!
  18. Oh, Riverblue22, you have altered my life! I'm going to have to give up something in order to fit in ALL those Long Lost Family shows from other countries. I watched the one that was linked here, and used up four Kleenex! Will all this weeping be a problem in my real life? I just love these shows, and the twin sisters reminded me so much of my grandmother, who came from England about 1880. (Yeah, I'm OLD!)
  19. Jenna and Michael's Ponderosa video is a hoot. And their commercial is hot! A hot hoot!
  20. She looked so adorable in the ski hat she wore the pet supply place. But when her hair is visible, it's always dreadful. Based on her selection of outfits in the current episodes, I think she's having an affair with a heavy-metal musician or a biker.
  21. I think a lot about Molly and what in the world was it about Jon that she found so objectionable? I remember as a teenager when I moved to a new town, I could list the really handsome boys pretty quickly ... but as time went on, many more boys were added to my "attractive boys" list. Because one had a great smile, another had gorgeous eyes, another was nice to me when I spilled my lunch on the floor. People that you like become better looking as time goes on! Liking someone makes you less judgmental as far as surface things like looks. And it seems like Jon treated her very well, was patient, was kind, interacted with her family, etc., etc. I don't think it was Jon's fault that the relationship went nowhere.
  22. My children have a half-sister, thanks to Ancestry! Totally unbeknownst to any of us, including my ex-husband (of whom I was very fond, just couldn't live with him, and who died in 2011) ... he fathered a daughter when he was 16 (long before I was involved with him). The girl named another boy as the father, and that boy was able to prove he was not the father, and no one else was named, so the daughter grew up with her mother's last name and no father. (Although there were several stepfathers in her life). So, because of some amateurish family trees on-line and verified by Ancestry DNA results, the daughter found my kids, her half-brother and half-sister. And got to see many pictures of her father and hear many stories. It seems like all three of them are enjoying each other. It's too bad my ex has died, because I think he would've gotten a huge kick out of this, and he'd be giving her lots of hugs to make up for all the years he missed, never knowing that she existed.
  23. 20 degrees F when I got up this morning, still 20 now at 2:30 p.m. Will spring ever come? And rain forecast for all day tomorrow, making it a hard run for the Boston marathoners.
  24. How does a person live a normal life with those weird fingernails?
  25. Spring? No way. I just drove home to MA from FL ... 600 miles the first day, 700 miles the second day ... to beat the snowstorm that was forecast for the next day. Now I'm here and I wonder why I didn't wait until June!
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