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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. The whole family has a mean sense of humor. IIrc, Amy acknowledged as much in season 1, ep 1. Not cool. On another note, I'd pay to see Chris' reaction when he watches the footage of Tammy blaming him for her lack of weight loss.
  2. This. Even if Tammy is not a baby person per say you'd think the mere fact that her sister and supposed best friend survived a risky pregnancy and birth would be enough to generate some enthusiasm. Frankly, I'm surprised Tammy didn't stick her fingers in her ears like she did when she found out Amy was approved for weight loss surgery. Amy hit the nail square on the head when she stated in season 1 that if something is not about Tammy or directly beneficial to Tammy, Tammy has no interest in it.
  3. I think shit just got real for Tammy and she realized it. All the things Misty & Chris tried to tell Tammy for months suddenly her hit her like a ton of bricks and she realized the 'jig' was up - Amy, and to a lesser degree Michael, were no longer at her beck and call. The 645lb baby has been displaced by the 5lb baby.
  4. Tammy may not have known Jerry was married when they first started 'talking' but she most definitely knew before season 2 began filming. I recall seeing various screen grabs of Tammy's social media accts where she responded to trolls. She replied that yes, she knew Jerry is married and no, she doesn't care.
  5. I disagree. As we discussed upthread, he could easily be sending her the goodies he wants to see her eat via webcam. That's sort of a feeder's m.o.
  6. Correction: She TRIES to brush her teeth 2x a week. Meaning there are times she doesn't hit her goal 🤢
  7. 'Jerry Bites Back': Someone at TLC has a wicked sense of humor lol
  8. I agree. I have to wonder if Tammy is so starved for simple affection and connection with someone, anyone, that she's confusing it with sexual attraction. Please note, I'm not making a generalized commentary on all pansexuals. I'm referring specifically to Tammy's life situation only.
  9. This. Plus, at her lowest weight iirc she was around 280lbs. Now at 7 months preg she's 292ish. So she gained only 12lbs by 7months. That's fantastic. Good job Amy. Keep it up.
  10. Without Tammy and all the challenges she faces & causes in daily life they don't have much of a tv show. At this point, Tammy is the show and everyone wants to stay on the tlc payroll for as long as possible. Regarding Jerry, it was interesting that Amy thought to ask him how many kids & grandkids he had. I would have gone with 'Are you still married & how many other side pieces do you have besides Tammy?' but that's just me.
  11. I'm sorry, but all I see with Jerry is a guy who's looking for a hook-up/booty call. Imho Tammy is kidding herself if she thinks he's going to marry her.
  12. And yet, all of Tammy's siblings, even Amy, are able to care for themselves and function reasonably well in society. Tammy can't and won't even try to improve her situation. This made me previously wonder if some other additional trauma occurred to Tammy.
  13. Forgive me if I'm wrong as it was a full year ago but I seem to remember a scene from season 1, ep 1 maybe, where Tammy took a sponge bath in Amy's livingroom. Please tell me this actually happened and I didn't dream it lol
  14. Maybe Amy is receiving compensation to care for Tammy? In my state, if a person meets certain medical criteria they can have a family member care for them as a home health aide and the family member will get paid for the work. I believe it's through SSDI but I may be wrong. Actually, the more I think about it the more this makes sense with Tammy and Amy.
  15. I hate to write a human being off as hopeless but based on where Tammy's head is at currently, sadly I don't have high hopes for her. Something has to change deep inside her. Chris was right when he said that it has to come from within you.
  16. Regarding Amy, as tempting as it is I'm not going to rag on her for the constant baby talk. I've known others who suffered from infertility and when/if they finally get pregnant they want to talk about 24/7, shout it from the rooftops, etc... Annoying? You bet. But I'm willing to give Amy a pass on this. Now, the farting & burbing is another matter. Tammy seems to have much deeper rooted emotional problems than Amy. I have to wonder if there was some add'l trauma or event that occurred to Tammy. She clearly needs intensive therapy, in-patient, if at all possible. I feel like despite what she says, Tammy does not want to be independent and is making damn sure she isn't by eating.
  17. But even Amy was surprised by all the candy wrappers in Tammy's trash can & wondered how Tammy obtained them. There has to be a tremendous amount of food entering Tammy's house for her to maintain a 597lb+ figure let alone gain an additional 50lbs more in only one month. The internet and grubhub are 2 likely suspects but wouldn't Amy & Michael have seen the constant deliveries? For context, a Big Mac is approx 550 calories. Tammy would need to eat 7-10 Big Macs a day extra to gain 50lbs in a month. FWIW I think Jerry is a feeder and is also bringing Tammy food when he visits.
  18. Chris has got to be thinking 'what the hell did I get myself into?' with Tammy. The look on Tammy's face when discussing Chris' weight loss said it all. Congrats Chris, she's all yours buddy lol.
  19. I keep reminding myself that Tammy is an addict and it's the addiction that's causing her to lash out at family, esp. Amy, but I just have to say, hot damn, Tammy is not a pleasant person! I have no trouble believing Tammy has burned all her bridges as Amy stated. I would never be able to put up with all her b.s. and verbal abuse on a daily basis. The fact that Tammy still has anyone willing to help her after the way she treats them is amazing to me. I do notice that while Tammy is quick to lash out at Amy she won't mouth off to Chris. It will be interesting to see if he can help her. In my trying to be a compassionate human being, I hope Tammy can turn her life around and live a happy productive life. But to be honest I'm not so sure I really care anymore.
  20. Agreed. I know it was a re-enactment for tlc cameras but Tammy's reaction to Amy's pregnancy news was far more that of jealously and anger than of love and concern IMHO. I'm thinking maybe Tammy was counting on the 2 years Amy was supposed to wait as time as enough time to marry Jerry (nevermind that he's already married to someone else) or some other man and catch up to Amy. Yes, its incredibly juvenile thinking but that's Tammy, mental age of 5yrs. Amy's pregnacy news basically torpedoed that plan. Now Amy is once again further along in life and in the lead indefinitely.
  21. The brother is obviously very overweight but at least he takes responsibility for it. He's not blaming his poundage on his upbringing, spouse, siblings or covid. This alone puts him light years ahead of Tammy in my view. I also like that he stuck up for Amy and set Tammy straight on who's to blame for her crappy life situation, herself. For these reasons I'm willing to give him a chance.
  22. I'm sure this has been covered before but are they identical twins? Darcey's jawline appears to be much broader than Stacey's. In fact, this is how I always tell them appart. No doubt they've aggressively pursued the identical angle through plastic surgery.
  23. Forgive me if this has already been discussed. I'm assuming Santa Claus (or whoever they believe in) did not bring a new puppy for Iz and Sam as we surely would have seen 100 posts about it. As a dog lover I say THANK GOD for small miracles.
  24. We previously discussed how it's cruel keeping Jill from the TTH and her siblings but I wonder if Boob and MEchelle have actively turned the siblings against Jill, particularly the little girls and Jill's buddy group? What explanation would Boob give the girls as to why Jill is not allowed at the TTH anymore? Would he tell the siblings that Derick and Jill let satan build a fortress in their hearts and disobeyed Jesus by not honouring her parents? I could see Boob using Dreck and Jill's defiance as a lesson, much the way he used his own dad in public speaking engagements. I could even see Boob leading the family in prayer, asking the lord to lead Jill and Dreck back to Jesus, pompous ass that Boob is.
  25. Wouldn't it be great if the media got a hold of Dreck's plan/threat to write a Duggar tell-all, ran with it and put him on the spot? I could see Dreck immediately back pedaling, talking in circles and claiming he never said anything of the sort. His plan all along was to write a book chronicling his mad skills as a missionary and soul saver. Because we all want to read about that.
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