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David T. Cole

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Everything posted by David T. Cole

  1. Well, let's diagram this out...
  2. Yep, see upthread. :/ Yep, see upthread. :/
  3. Oh also: I think I mean to say Day Of The Jackal, not Condor (which has three days I am told). I was tired.
  4. ^ Yeah, that was my bad, not the submitter's.
  5. FYI, we figured out why the clips were so 'crunchy' this and last episode so last week... normal volume clips.
  6. No! I feel like they were almost there with this.
  7. I wanted to say how much I love the evolution of this whole Unsullied thing from hidey-hole to zoo and everything inbetween. Many thanks to the mods and the users for making it happen.
  8. Here's the short version: this is the spoiler thread. If you need to discuss social media conspiracies try the social media thread and make way here for spoilers aplenty. Either way, let's not run the discussion around in circles.
  9. Issue with that one is that no one knows anything about soaps but Joe.
  10. You say that like I would be unaware. ¯\(°_o)/¯
  11. Well normally, we'd only give you one guess a week but in the interests of ending this, David Thomas, burger baron and double guesser got it. It was "I'm sorry to tell you..." a la TAR Philimination.
  12. I am sorry to tell you that is not it.
  13. I am sorry to tell you that is not it.
  14. Available in advance online. Here's the place to talk about it. Airs on TV on the 22nd.
  15. It's available online so here's where you can talk about it. Airs on the 15th on old-fashioned TV.
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