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David T. Cole

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Everything posted by David T. Cole

  1. The first moments of the pilot were great but then it dies.
  2. Added X-Files to Canon page, thanks Smrou.
  3. So there's a TV personality named Caitlyn Jenner. Maybe you heard of her, she's got her own show. Once upon a time she was known as Bruce Jenner but now it's Caitlyn Jenner. What's in a name? A lot. It's who she is and it shouldn't matter if it took 6 months or over 50 years to get there, that's who she is now. It's a baseline level of respect -- not only for her but for anyone dealing with issues of self-identification and a sense of one's self -- that we can at the very least call them by the name they chose for themselves and use the pronouns they've publicly indicated they prefer, regardless of the gender of their earlier lives. Here's some handy examples! She's doing that thing again. Caitlyn is doing that thing again. Ms. Jenner is doing that thing again. When she was known as Bruce she was doing that thing. We know you may have formed opinions about Caitlyn when she was on Keeping Up With The Kardashians that may not be positive, which is fine: you don't have to like her. But you do have to respect her identity as a person if you're going to participate on these forums. If we can do it for Sean Puffy/P/Daddy Combs, we can do it here. Further reading: The GLAAD Media Reference Guide which we generally follow here The transgender issues guide in particular
  4. News =/= TV. We don't do news topics on the site so the candidate debates and Cecil the Lion are not what this topic is about. Thanks.
  5. It was Gordon Lightfoot's 5th birthday today. He got a steak.
  6. Hot Pie?! Oh man. I honestly would prefer Hodor. I think Mark Blankenship would make a good Littlefinger. Sharp wit, throws people in pits a lot.
  7. Here is the iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/show-yell-hollywood-game-night/id1024901566 Here is the podcast RSS feed: http://feeds.feedblitz.com/ptv-say-hgn We'll publish the next episode on EHG too but after that it's just at the places above. Show & Yell will be our umbrella for any after-show podcasts we do and Again With This is our retro series.
  8. Here is the iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/show-yell-hollywood-game-night/id1024901566 Here is the podcast RSS feed: http://feeds.feedblitz.com/ptv-say-hgn We'll publish the next episode on EHG too but after that it's just at the places above. Show & Yell will be our umbrella for any after-show podcasts we do and Again With This is our retro series.
  9. Remember this when the dementia REALLY kicks in. For the record the actor's name on the soaps mini came in that way over text, autocorrected I assume.
  10. It wasn't a good show but it was one of those shows you watched as a kid because 1. bored 2. seems like you should like it (space!). I think the concept is solid though.
  11. LOL, link please. Hot Potato was pretty hard. Next time we'll dumb it down a bit.
  12. Yeah, we got to get Dan back on the show!.
  13. "Your one stop shop for the animal apocalypse" is a thing said on this show. BTW, we're calling him Charles Animalson now. Get in on the ground floor!
  14. Know your limit, play within it.
  15. This is a final warning to all those accusing fellow members of grand cheerleader conspiracies that: Wut? LOL. C'mon. If you can't be civil about that (or really anything else), your posting privileges will ask that I give them an S then a U, S-P-E-N-S-I-O-N. What's that spell? Getting booted.
  16. Because I like to play for one game after a season is over.
  17. We flove you too. I fliked your post too.
  18. OMG so fun. Soccer with cars. For PC and PS4 http://rocketleague.psyonix.com
  19. That SWTOR cinematic with the big melee between Jedi and Sith was amazing. I'd sign up for that. What I really am curious about is what they will mine for the live-action TV series if they ever do it.
  20. Did you listen to the show?
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