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Everything posted by candg123

  1. Came out of lurking just to say that Angela looked like the hankerin for a hunk o cheese guy in this episode
  2. Well this is not surprising news from a young woman whose been brainwashed into believing her worth lies in her ability to pump out kid after kid.
  3. Calling the casseroles pies really bugged me. I don't understand the whole "expectations ruins relationships" line. It's normal to have expectations for your partner and your relationship.
  4. I was so glad to hear Ben's mother tell Uterus "one thing at a time." I suspect she is hoping they wait a while before boarding the baby train. Speaking of baby train, what was up with Jill opening the shitty mobile and acting like she had just gotten it in the mail? I guess we're not supposed to remember the episode where Josh and Anna make it as a wedding gift for Jill and Derick.
  5. You never know, he may send you back a photo of himself half naked on a velvet couch ala George Costanza. Or, just send you a bunch of chick tracts decrying the sins of the flesh.
  6. I agree. It's so sad to see. I remember the earlier specials when they asked some of the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up. It's a shame that none of them have gone on to pursue those dreams. Unless you count Jill's brief foray into midwifery. Which I don't.
  7. Pauline was horrible! I really thought that I couldn't dislike anyone more than Penny, but this woman may have her beat. Also, I just don't understand why Dr. Now continues to this surgery on people that so obviously have psychological problems. I feel like he needs to say no to them until they get the psychological help they need first. The surgery is not a magic bullet. They need to prove that they have the tools to be successful post surgery. Pauline most certainly did not, and I think he was wrong for doing her surgery.
  8. The RV Rodrigues family really turns my stomach. I feel so bad for those children. They don't even have beds to sleep in! Unless you count that creepy ass cage they built for the baby in the closet. Those people are so selfish.
  9. Things about the Duggars that get on my nerves. Where to begin? Their whole modesty spiel when they have sex on the brain 24/7. Uterus being so proud of having birthed 19 kids, but then giving them up at 6 months old. Their thinking that a woman shouldn't do more with her life than cater to a pig of husband and push out an ass load of kids. Everything about miracle Josie. Anything that Uterus says. Puke. There's more, but I would probably wear out the keyboard trying to type it all.
  10. I just watched the episode where Jason comes home from the war, and Japan surrenders. Something that has always bothered me about this episode is how bitchy ME and Erin are about Toni coming around to ask if they've heard from Jason. And then later when she shows up at the house after he gets home they're over there rolling their eyes and shit. I just don't get why they were being so rude.
  11. I'm a longtime lurker here, but after watching this episode I decided the time had come to create an account. Just a few of my thoughts. 1. That pregnancy announcement was so fake. These people are not actors. The producers need to stop with the recreations. It's ludicrous. 2. Jill and Derick are nauseating. 3. Wtf is up with Jill spoon feeding Josie?!?! 4. I can't stand Anna. She was all, "you're pregnant? I'm so jealous. Haha, just kidding." She was not kidding, and I think she's just as crazy as Mullett. 5. I don't usually like Jessa, but I actually agreed with her about the wedding. I know it's important, and a big day but it really is just one day. The marriage is more important than the wedding. At least that's my opinion. 6. Finally, I really just want to smack Mullett every time she opens her mouth.
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