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Everything posted by notyrmomma

  1. By the way, who's watching the next show? I hope y'all go to the other forum to snark (I don't think there is a live forum)
  2. No, don't give him one more chance. That next time he could actually kill her. what is wrong with these people?
  3. There is a soda stream commercial on with Jillian Michaels. Did she always have such huge arms? I don't remember that. I bet she has a hard time finding shirts that fit her.
  4. Why can't she get a home health aid to help her? He wasn't going to be of much help anyway.
  5. She got screwed out of her surgery because he's an asshat?
  6. "you have 800 pounds of food in you, you don't need to eat" Favorite quote
  7. I would stand up for her too! News flash Lee: she doesn't want to take care of you anymore
  8. what the fuck part of "no carbs" don't they understand?
  9. Hey y'all. I'm a little late to the party, but I'm here now! I haven't read all the comments yet, but this is a male/female couple, right? (sorry if that sounds like a terrible question. The definite girl kinds of looks like Penny to me (if Panny could walk around)
  10. I am just watching the first hour of the show now, because by the time I got a chance to sit down and watch it last night, it was 9pm. I am at the wedding dress scene. So I googled the bridal shop and they do indeed carry plus size dresses, BUT they consider "plus sizes" 16-24. Aint.No.Way. she fit into a size 24 wedding dress. Aint.No.Way. I got married 20 years ago, but I was a size 20-22 and under 250 pounds and I wore a size 24 wedding dress. They run terribly small. And yes, totally grossed out by the sitting in her undies on the couch. Geeze woman, have some decency. Was it so fucking hard to slip that ugly blue dress over her head? Also BABS, why didn't you say something to your daughter? What's wrong with these people?
  11. If she described those symptoms to someone at an actual ER, they would bring her right in and at least do an EKG and start blood work. You would think, especially related to her cardiovascular history, she really at least needed an EKG to determine that it was, in fact, a panic attack, right? I always thought that one could not tell along from BP alone if someone was having a heart attack. Where are my medical experts? Overall, this is infinitely irresponsible of TLC as her nit-whits, specifically the ones who are obese themselves, are watching closely. It's like they were afraid to even utter that there was a possibility she was having a heart attack.
  12. Questions - "Family By The Ton" starts tonight at 10pm EST (probably right after My 600 pound life - like Skin Tight used to - thank God that isn't on) and it will have six episodes. Are we allowed to discuss it here, maybe make a new thread? Or should I go to the thread that has the general TLC one-off show discussions? Who else is watching tonight?
  13. You, my friend, are doing it right! Any nit-whits here? Please take note. Her stupid nit-whits, especially the young ones, don't know this though and they think it's just fine to show up to work with their party personalities. And because of this, "40-something" me has to waste an hour sitting in a packed meeting room listening how we can even be fired for something we say/do at a non-work sponsored happy hour with coworkers, just because some damn millennial doesn't know how to act at work (some millennials are perfect professionals, the ones who aren't give them a bad name).
  14. OK, I have to say this and I kind of feel like a shit for even feeling this way because he is a human being, but I'm almost mad he's still alive. Several of my loved ones died too quickly from diseases even though they did everything right. How he even survived the year of filming with that infection on his legs is beyond me.
  15. Hey @PityFree, high five. It is traditionally the mother's religion that the kids follow growing up, but I bet they either didn't practice either religion or considered themselves non denominational Christians, attending any church (not Catholic though because that was probably too structured for them) only at Christmas and maybe Easter.
  16. I know, right? I'm a big fan of "say yes to the dress" and they often have plus size girls on that show. When they try on a dress, they still have to squeeze into a sample size and since the dress can't be zipped, they use a ton of clothespins to hold it up. I call some serious shenanigans that the bridal shop had a dress in her size, for her to zip up and everything--which had to be like a 32/34 - when a couple of years ago, she couldn't find a pair of khaki capris in her life to save her life and had to wear those obscene leggings. We just had this big meeting at work a couple of weeks ago because someone had just been fired for sexual harassment and we were told, straight up, that there was a zero tolerance policy - even if someone overhears you saying something remotely sexual, or have something inappropriate on your phone and they catch a glimpse of it (I had to tell my husband not to send me any funny memes during work hours!). She would not last five minutes in real corporate America.
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