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Everything posted by notyrmomma

  1. Wow, i could barely follow that yelp post! Why don't people take a minute and read what they write?
  2. And chances are, that disease was completely unrelated to his weight and is actually quite a rare disease. He would definitely benefit from therapy, even if it's just to deal with the crappy hand that life dealt him. Just proves, sometimes in life are biggest problems are things we never even thought to worry about. Speaking of neurological disorders, I'm still mad that Dr. Now didn't state that Susan's neuropathy was directly related to a vitamin deficiency and instead implied that it was due to her weight. Even Dr. Now is a member of the "fat is responsible for every single ailment" club. Sometimes people get sick for no reason.
  3. Just saw this pic on Mayra Rosales's ("half-ton killer) Facebook page and thought you all might like it: https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10868139_887919857939076_7287700687584471721_n.jpg?oh=5810c075c73db2d2e94d4922e3178374&oe=5550E415 I don't know if that link will work right, but it's a pic of Mayra, James, Olivia, and Mayra's husband (I think). Everyone looks great!!!
  4. I agree. I was so frustrated at the way this episode ended. I am just two years younger than they are in this show and I was married in 1997. If nothing else has changed in these 20 years it's that I became much more practical than I was in the 1990's when I was in my 20s....she gets back Sean who she already knows can't take care of her?!?! I know that sounds shallow, but how much easier would your life be if you didn't have to support your husband? See, she's stupid. If I got the chance to go back, I would have immediately went back to college (which was waaayyyyy cheaper in the 1990s) and gotten an education in computers or something that I knew would be super profitable in the 2000's + and not bothered so much with the men. She obviously ages well, and at 40, when she's rich and self sufficient, she will be able to get any guy she wants.
  5. It could also be "fair use" where I believe that you can you a short snippet of the song for free...but don't forget, this is VH-1, they used to play music videos of these songs. You are so right! I am embarrassed to say that I didn't even think of 9-11 when i was watching this show. Nothing against 9-11, on one hand, I think this show has enough to deal with without getting into it, but on the other hand, 9-11 was a life changer for at least all the New Yorkers I know. It almost seems unrealistic that Becca wouldn't say anything to Lollie about it.
  6. She needs to suck it up and get the surgery done. I have been in Whitney's place (my highest weight was 318). She will spend the next 10 years losing and gaining the same 50 pounds and wake up one day when she's 40 and wonder why she didn't get the surgery done when she was young. Bariatric surgery is an extreme measure, but she doesn't realize the irreparable damage she is doing to her body right now, which has a better chance of being reversed if she nips it now. Has anyone checked out her facebook page? All of the comments (and I mean ALL OF THEM) are positive. Now I am all into not shaming people for their weight (first of all, it hurts more than helps), but how do you manage to get no one to challenge you on your views?????
  7. They said he was going to another doctor. Frankly, I don't blame him, those doctors are jerks (too cocky for me)....and their shrink, she has a God complex.
  8. Nope. I believe Ruby is still 350+ (and I'm being nice). I know this is hard for people who have never had a weight problem to understand, but when you get that heavy, it's nearly impossible to lose it on your own. It's like something strange happens when you pass that 300 lb mark. It's almost like your stomach stretches out so much you never get full, and for whatever reason, filling your stomach with lettuce just doesn't cut it. And about Whitney, I want to like her so much, but she is heavily delusional if she thinks just exercising will take the weight off. She's young now, but give her 10 years maintaining 380 lbs and she's not going to be able to walk due to the damage her dancing will cause her joints. She needs to suck it up and get weight loss surgery as soon as she can. I bet her PCOS would even improve.
  9. But Ruby still hasn't lost all of the weight. I don't even think she is close. I follow her on Facebook and she never shows pictures of herself.
  10. I don't know if I can articulate this properly, but losing weight is just not as simple as eating less and moving more. When you have multiple hundreds of pounds to lose, you lose it fast at first, but after the first couple of months, the weight loss slows dramatically. This means that you have to stay on a diet for a very very long time, which is nearly impossible to do without a little help. It's one thing if you want to drop a quick 10 lbs for your high school reunion, losing 400+ pounds can take years of strict dieting....look at Ruby for example. And you don't get to 600 lbs without some serious food issues that you just can't turn off like a switch.
  11. I believe there is a lot of testing going on behind the scenes. Every Dr is different, but all require a different battery of medical tests to make sure you will survive the operation in an of itself. So when Dr. Now says that he will schedule surgery for "tomorrow," he is probably just doing it for the camera since a lot of prep and testing goes into the pre-op process (and the test results are only good for like 2 weeks or so). And about the emotional aspect of eating - I had the sleeve operation (VSG) in Sept and I will tell you for sure, the only thing the surgery does is limit the amount you can eat at one time. It does nothing to take away the compulsive eating behaviour...however, a binge for me was eating a lot of food at one time, and the VSG basically killed that ability (a couple weeks ago I got lazy and tried to eat two of the chicken nuggets that I cooked for the kids' lunch, and afterward, I felt like I did one of those eating challenges from Man vs Food, I was so sick and uncomfortable). Because of my experience, I still struggle to understand how Penny managed to not lose any weight...especially in the first month where you eat nothing at all for three days, then slowly move to liquids, then mushy foods. To my original point though, I guess she could have been drinking a chocolate milkshake every two hours, for example, and fought through the pain (Why God why???). When I was still in the hospital, one of the nurses told me that they had a bariatric patient on the day after his surgery had a tray of food delivered from the cafeteria (he lied and said it was for a visitor)-only he ate the tray of food and threw it all up. That is one mad food addiction. Five months out and eating is still a tedious process for me.
  12. I bet the neuropathy was caused by a severe vitamin B (and/or D) deficiency from the rapid weight loss. I wish they would have mentioned that instead of just blaming it on the excess weight, because it is a real danger with rapid weight loss. They did kind of the same thing with Donald back in S1 - they implied that his Guillain–Barré was due to his weight, where he would have probably still gotten that even if he was at his ideal weight. I bet her gallbladder is shot at this point too. Also, I wonder why they made her lose 100 pounds before the surgery? She wasn't one of the heaviest ones. I wonder what was really going on there.
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