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  1. I’m not sure if I missed something or if there was something weird with the editing but why was there a discussion about voting out Gabe after he had won immunity? Or am I just imagining things? I think it was between Sue and Genevieve?
  2. Cade came over on his own to their apartment, before the restaurant scene - I actually don't remember if he was even at the restaurant?
  3. For the current seasons airing, they have their own forums: 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way - PRIMETIMER 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days - PRIMETIMER
  4. Somehow this PI only had 2 weeks, yet when he was talking to Skyla after Grangie stormed off, it sure sounded like he's known them for a long time.. so why after 7 years did she only give the PI 2 weeks to dig up dirt on Michael? Also, maybe not specific to this episode but overall to Michael's lying.. does anyone else remember way back, there was an interview with him, I think it was outside at nighttime, when Michael said he didn't do the BJ but finally just said to her that he did do it because she just wasn't going to let it go? This was probably in their 1st or 2nd appearance on one of the series.
  5. Patrick is such a little shit stirrer. "She hugged me..." 😂
  6. What in the name of Oprah was that? Everybody gets a crown! 👑
  7. I am so tired of hearing about "the blessing" 🙄 What is going to happen if Carlos says no? Really? Maybe just apologize for not asking... you know, because you weren't allowed to tell him you were marrying his daughter.
  8. I think she made him a frozen pizza his first night? And the donuts for breakfast! She decimated his digestive tract in less than 24hrs.
  9. It's the Netherworld/Nether region all over again 😂
  10. Being lactose intolerant, I would have been more terrified of having to eat the ice cream than having to put up with a tarantula on me 🤣
  11. I see a lot of people getting on Amanda for the ashes but I think what a lot of people may not be considering, or just missed, is that she lives in Louisiana but she was at her sister's place in Ohio(?) because she was leaving the kids there with her aunt while she went off to Romania. She also said something about how they were meeting her aunt at the airport and that her aunt would be taking the kids from there and watching them, so they brought everything, ashes included. It makes sense that she'd take them, then at least their dad can 'stay' with them while she's gone. For those asking about moving ashes around, I lost my husband almost 5.5 years ago to cancer as well. No kids. For the first week or so after I got his ashes back, yes, I did move them around the house with me. Mostly from the family room to the bedroom (on his side table), and back. Might sound crazy to some, but I felt guilty 'leaving him alone' after I finally had him back at home with me.
  12. Ty reminds me so much of a manipulative, gaslighting ex - both in his dead-eye look and attitude - that I can't watch anymore of this season unless I hear he goes out.
  13. Please let him walk her down the aisle, please let him walk her down the aisle... 🙏🤞
  14. It’s Seattle Mike and he wants to know if “...you want the magic surprise?” 🤮. It’s as unsexy as you may imagine.
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