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Everything posted by Harleycat

  1. Dean and Cas still have good chemistry, it's just not the same tension that was there in the early seasons. It's weird, because they literally live more like a couple now and are definitely the parental figures for Jack, but the sexual tension is gone. The attention that Cas gives Dean just isn't as special as it was when Cas was taking time away from his angel duties specifically for Dean.
  2. Sam as they write him now isn't too quick on the uptake of new information. In 1 to 2 episodes it will occur to him to question it and his faith in them will be restored, probably at the exact moment that Dean thinks that all is lost. If the current writers are nothing else they are consistent.
  3. Time will tell in the upcoming episodes. No need to give it too much thought now, I seriously doubt anyone involved in making the episode did. I'm guessing this is all just a waste of time before they get to the real storylines that lead up to the finale. I miss the meta episodes and Ghostfacers for the pointless fluff. Really I would have rather they did a couple episodes where Dean and Sam just go do jobs together. When did the writers decide that the boys are above doing cases? What happened to the if I'm going down I'm going to take as much bad down with me attitude? They are so self centered now, whining about not having unlimited cash and having a cold. These are supposed to be the same men who spent years living in a car, only getting a motel room to sleep for a couple of hours every few nights because they were busy and full of purpose. Bunker Dean and Sam need to get it together.
  4. I don't know. Jensen shows in interviews all the time that he is a great dancer. He probably was the one to do it because he was the only one who could do it. Just like he was the only one to do comedy in a comedy episode, because everyone else just can't, or at least the writers seem to think that they can't. I mean what, Jared got one "funny" scene during the fight, which he did with Jensen, and then they had him spill stuff in the beginning.
  5. You would think that since Garth was closer to Bobby then either of them the boys would be named for him. Super strange filler episode but whatever, at least Sam and Dean were in it most of the time.
  6. Given that the show has established that Sam is a lot like his father and that Sam knows that John used to beat Dean it kind of made me sick to see Sam hit Dean for refusing to agree with him. Thank goodness Sam Winchester has no interest in having a family. And then as Dean agreed with Sam him saying 'just don't hit me again' as they get into the car. The whole scene was so unnecessary.
  7. As long as Jensen keeps bringing it in his delivery of these nonsensical scenes I don't care what they have him do. He made the entire episode. It makes sense to me that they wanted to give Jared an opportunity to step up his acting by not having Jensen around to blow him out of the water. But the thing is Jared still was as bland and forgettable as ever all by himself. He looked especially like he wasn't even trying next to the guy who plays Chuck who was obviously giving it his all.
  8. I mean yes, but I hardly think that Crowley pimped Sam as being so great. You realize that every time Crowley called Sam Moose he was implying that Sam is well intentioned but big, slow, and kind of dumb. Which is how they have Sam act most of the time. Sure, he has his moments, but that's what they are, just moments. The day to day Sam just gets kidnapped or hit in the head a lot.
  9. The tragedy of the current writing team has been Cas. I don't know how Misha can stand it. What happened to the kind of funny, but mostly purposeful and righteous Cas? Now we have a Cas who does nothing but whimper over Jack and be a jealous ass about Jack preferring Dean (because really who wouldn't prefer Dean). The actor slips out of character during those stupid speeches they have Cas give, not even he can take it seriously. The writers just couldn't seem to handle a loving relationship between men. They had to make it as uncomfortable as possible for the viewers.
  10. Interesting, I've never read that before but years ago read that it was inspired by On The Road. So you're probably right.
  11. Them making Dean too perfect (perfect fighter, perfect father figure, perfect instincts, perfect leader) often takes him out of the plot entirely. It's no wonder Dean just wants to retire on a beach somewhere, it has to be tiring knowing that there is never going to be an end to having to take care of his dependents, who should really be more of equal teammates by now. And yes, Sam does have moments of trusting Dean's instincts, but then he forgets that two episodes later. It's boring, but at the same time everyone just listening to Dean and following ordered would also be boring.
  12. I think Dean is just tired of being angry at Sam and Cas. He has never quite gotten that it's not his fault that they are dumb dumbs. Maybe he should consider making some new friends. I agree, he is always in control, it's just that the show wants to make it seem like Sam and Cas's lack of emotion are what is normal, so Dean having passion or emotions or feelings about anything ever is him being out of control.
  13. Cas has no opinion on human sexuality, he's not gay or straight. I think it's one of the reasons Dean used to like hanging out with him.
  14. In my mind Destiel had their moment back when Cas was temporarily human. After he returned to being angel he and Dean were definitely just friends for a lot of years, and not even particularly good friends. So it does seem silly for the writers to be trying to imply more then friendship now.
  15. Lol. I meant in this episode, not all of life. Although the fact that all you can recall are these instances says a lot.
  16. Seriously, I don't remember Sam even thanking Dean for coming to save him, he just expects it all the time. I hate how they never let Sam learn how to take care of business himself. A middle aged man should not just be stumbling around to dangerous situation to dangerous situation just expecting that he will always have big brother come rescue him. And Cas is as bad as Sam the last couple of seasons. He even talks like Sam, which is weird. What ever happened to Cas being an angel of few words? Old Cas would never have demanded an apology. He wouldn't have even mentioned that his feeling were hurt. It just wouldn't have been a thing. He has bigger things to worry about then Dean being mad at him.
  17. The difference was Dean was sincere, or at least Jensen makes you think he was sincere, when he said those things. Sam just seems to be a manipulative jerk at times when it comes to Dean. He knew that they weren't really going to stop being brothers but let Dean think he meant it anyway.
  18. When exactly was Sam not a screw up who Dean had to take care of in the series? The difference is that Dean is kind to Sam, he always takes the responsible on himself and tells Sam that he did his best. Sam is different from Dean that way, he doesn't try to make things better for Dean. The few times Dean has expressed disappointment in Sam Sam has always emotionally manipulated him, saying that he isn't going to hunt anymore or be Dean's brother anymore, and so Dean stopped doing that. The writers never let Sam grow up, that is essentially the problem with the character. He is always the immature brat who the team has to save just for him to be resentful of them for saving him again.
  19. The show was inspired somewhat by On The Road, with Sam being Sol and Dean being Dean. The characters in the book had a backburner mission of finding Dean's father, which semi-prompted going on the road together. It ended with Sol choosing a more traditional life while Dean continued life on the road. I could see the series ending in a similar way as a nod to the source material. The series was always a celebration of Dean's chosen lifestyle (fast car, fast food, fast women, classic rock, going out in a blaze of glory) which Sam as the observer never fully embraces. So I hope Dean drives off into the sunset with Cas looking out for him and Sam finally finds his comfortable life, as he really is insufferable now.
  20. Dean is going to purgatory so he will be able to go save Sam when he gets back from purgatory (duh). Sam will somehow get kidnapped and stall by giving some speech about how Dean is coming to kick their ass and Dean will. They have done this a million times, it's what they always do when the guys are separated. I'm surprised at this point that Sam can tie his shoes without Dean's help, they make the poor guy so pitifully helpless.
  21. These people clearly have no experience with life in general if they think that Dean is abusive in any way, shape, or form. The writers have made their mistakes, but painting Dean as abusive hasn't been one of them. They make more attempts then past writers to highlight the fact that Dean has sacrificed his life from the time he was a child and through most of his adulthood for Sam. He continues to do what he does, work and take care of Sam, because that is what he knows. Is it healthy? Probably not. But it's the most true to life story line they have on this show. I think the fans in general are to blame for the watering down of Dean's character in a lot of ways. They can't handle passion without screaming abuse. Given, the writers should be stronger leaders themselves and not give a shit what 16 year old idiots are screaming about on twitter or whatever, but you can't have everything.
  22. The current writers are definitely not too concerned with Sam the person. The girl he's into dies, he doesn't care. His mother and Cas dues, he doesn't care because he has "hope". He starts an apocalypse for a second time, he doesn't care. Jack is accidentally hurting and killing people, he doesn't even blink an eye. He is now killing people, not just monsters, but that's no big deal. But telling people to not eat junk food, well that's important.
  23. They heavily front loaded Sam having conversations with other people about admiring and looking up to their older siblings and wanting to be like them before they started the plot line, so maybe that's the motivation? Or maybe just wanted Mommy's approval. They really didn't make it clear. Regardless of what Sam called it, Dean was always the leader. And of course you are right, it is lazy writing.
  24. They probably believe that it is what the viewers want. Anyway, Dean has never wanted to lead a big group of people. It would be a major character rewrite for him to be anything but wary of that. Dean is always the team leader of team free will. He decides what they are going to go do and who is going to do what based on their strengths, weaknesses, and group dynamics. What would you call that if not being a leader? Team free will is always four or at most five people. Dean is responsible and a worrier, there is no way he would take on being responsible for so many people. Jensen is the strongest actor of the bunch though and does steal whatever the scene is. He made eating a hamburger interesting enough that the way he eats became a character trait. I don't respect it, but I see why they would need him to be out of the mix for the other characters to stand out.
  25. Maybe it was to show that Sam will always need Dean to lead him? Although that is kind of depressing if that is what they were going for. Sam will always be Dean's giant baby who is in trouble again.
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