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Bookish Jen

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Everything posted by Bookish Jen

  1. Well, unless there is a change of plans, I should be starting that temp job next week on the 9th.
  2. Good news. I'm still in the running for that long-term temp job I was telling you about. The company is still interviewing and need to do background checks. However, the non-profit I temper at last fall needed someone for a couple of weeks and welcomed me back.
  3. Can somebody explain the top Sunny was wearing yesterday with those weird sleeves?
  4. I saw this book at my local library. I'm debating whether I want to read it or not.
  5. Finally finished both "The Kingdom of Prep" and "Still Laughing." I really enjoyed both of them and learned so much. Just picked up "Poverty, By America" by Matthew Desmond. I really liked his previous book "Evicted," which I read and reviewed several years ago. I think I'm going to like his latest a lot. He's an amazing writer who puts so much effort into his books.
  6. Can I brag a bit? A couple of months ago I wrote a review of journalist Christopher Zara's memoir, "Uneducated: A Memoir of Flunking Out, Falling Apart, and Finding My Worth" at my blog. Well, guess who sent me an email thanking me for my positive review? Yep, Christopher Zara. He also shared a snapshot from my review on his Instagram page. We're now following each other on Instagram.
  7. I had my face to face virtual interview earlier today, and I think it went fairly well. I'll probably find out next week if I got the position next week at the earliest.
  8. I'm reading two books. One is "The Kingdom of Prep: The Inside Story of the Rise and (Near) Fall by Maggie Bullock. I saw this at the library, and I knew I had to read it being such a lover of fashion and fashion history. The other book I'm reading is "Still Laughing: A Life in Comedy (From the Creator of Laugh-In) by George Schlatter. Laugh-In is a bit before my time, but Mr. Schlatter is pretty much a legend and I like his memoir so far. A publicist from LA sent me a copy.
  9. Okay, the phone interview went splendidly, and now they are trying to schedule a virtual interview with the whole team either later this week or early next week. ETA: I have virtual interview via Microsoft Teams with the department heads this Thursday. I got some feedback about my initial phone interview yesterday from my recruiter. The guy who interviewed appreciated my research on the company and what I learned, but I was told I was too quiet. Hmm, I'm not a rah, rah cheerleader type, and maybe due to it being Monday, dreary outside, and the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 I just wasn't as perky as I could be. Still, they seemed impressed, and hopefully I'll perk up by Thursday.
  10. Or we get lumped in with Boomers. I am most definitely not a Boomer.
  11. Well, it looks like I have a phone interview this upcoming Monday at 3:00pm.
  12. I talked to one of my recruiters, and she told me about an assignment that will require some of my editing and proofing skills. It's a long-term assignment, and the pay is really good. My recruiter is trying to work out a time for me to interview this Monday. If I don't hear anything by the end of the day, I'm going to call her tomorrow, and hopefully she'll call back.
  13. It's horrible. I spent a big chunk of yesterday at the mall. I hung out at Barnes & Noble and treated myself to an Auntie Anne's pretzel. It's still hot today and it will be a bit muggy tomorrow. But after that the weather is going to be splendid.
  14. Ugh. It's going to be hot and humid for the next few days here in Milwaukee. It's September. We should be cooling down.
  15. Okay, it's been over a week, and I have yet to hear back from the temp agency. I know I didn't get the temp job, but I still wish somebody would have called me to confirm. I'm probably going to call the agency next week after the Labor Day holiday, and talk to my usual recruiter. I can usually rely on him.
  16. She looks like a porn version of Sarah Palin. Not a good look.
  17. Finished "Typecast," and I really loved it. I'm now working on the book review. And I just picked up two books from the library. One is "What's Eating Us: Women, Food, and the Epidemic of Body Anxiety" by Cole Kazdin. I just started reading it. I like it so far. It's not written in a dry, academic style. And the other is really snarky. The other book I picked up is called "Celebrity Nation: How America Evolved Into a Culture of Fans and Followers" by Landon Y. Jones. Mr. Jones was an editor at People magazine, so I'm sure he knows his stuff.
  18. If you're looking for a book about stars of Hollywood's golden age, you might want to check out Joan Kramer and David Heeley's book "In the Company of Legends: https://thebookselfblog.wordpress.com/2015/04/15/book-review-in-the-company-of-legends-by-joan-kramer-and-david-heeley/
  19. I'm currently about half way through the novel "Typecast" by Andrea J. Stein. Ms. Stein found my blog and sent me a copy to read and review. I really like it so far, so I will definitely give it a positive review.
  20. Okay, I still haven't heard back about the temp job, so I guess I didn't get it. But why wouldn't I get some feedback? This agency is pretty good about giving me feedback quite promptly, so I don't know what gives. I'll probably give them a call some time next week to find out what the deal is. I'm probably going to get more serious about finding a permanent job after Labor Day, but I would like to get some type of work even if it's temporary.
  21. Thank you for all of your kindness and support. It means a lot to me. And I know it would mean a lot to Pokey.
  22. I have some very sad news. My cat, Pokey Jones, died this past week-end. I knew it was coming, so I wasn't shocked. I had even made plans to put him down, but Pokey had other plans. I will miss him and love him forever.
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