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  1. All I got from this episode is that Anna looks pregnant and Jill is miserable. I like how tlc no longer tries to keep pregnancies and courtships hidden. We all know that's all they do anyway. Also, was SPURGEON sitting on the floor while the rest of them ate? Couldn't they have stuck him in a high chair?
  2. I think it's interesting that there's so few comments on this episode. I actually sighed when I saw the show on my DVR. I don't know what it is about this season that just doesn't interest me.
  3. I loved seeing this side of LuAnn. I caught that little bit of shade from her former roommate: "like a pig sniffs out truffles"! I appreciated that she was pretty candid about her come-up.
  4. I think Jana tried very hard not to roll her eyes several times during that pedi scene. Just watch her when Anna has her back to her. You could almost see a thought bubble saying "wtf" over her head.
  5. This show just keeps getting more and more ridiculous! I guffawed at the twinses' cat prank. Sad but I think the sister brought it to make her twin feel better after Leah screamed at her. Poor girls. I absolutely loved Jenelle's lawyer telling it like it is. The dumbass isn't even patient enough to listen to how she was going to get out of the charges. Give Nathan the roll! You know you don't want him! My boyfriend, who doesn't even like kids much, said "did that woman just plop a crying kid down and close the door on him?! What if something was wrong?!" Not much to say about Karl. Or Chelsea. I love Randy. He needs to come by more often.
  6. So did that party planner just dump powdered sugar into a bunch of Oreos? Because wow.
  7. Landon's nose looked weird in the talking head. I'm loving all this ridiculous drama. Kathryn getting knocked up, T-Rav's black eye, Craig's Italian mafia shirt, Shep the bitter hag.
  8. I spent most of the episode reading. All these women do is sit at dinners and fight. Can't keep track and frankly don't care. I felt like how Lisa V. looked - annoyed and confused.
  9. Kwameeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Frozen?!?! That's such a rookie mistake. The more I see Jeremy, the less I like him. Also, ever since a poster commented that Carl has a story for everything I can't help but notice that now!
  10. I can't stop laughing at the pictures and your comments. Let the snarking commence (or continue)!
  11. I imagined the cocktail either warm or watered down with melted ice if it came straight from that jug. Also it made it look like the host was just holding it in his crotch area like he was peeing into it. The whole thing was bizarre and forced. Get over yourself, bun.
  12. The judges so openly dislike Phillip and I love it. Why compete week after week if he doesn't take the constructive criticism and apply it to better his craft? If he's already the best at everything, why bother? Oh yeah because he's a douche. I love how Tom called it that he'd be talking up his flaky little restaurants instead of being a team player. Padma is insufferable though.
  13. Kris seemed to enjoy sharing the things Lamar has been going through. Sicko. Also Cait seems to have Corey's number. Could that exchange have been anymore awkward? Unless I was just imagining tension.
  14. This episode was awful. The judges throwing food, fast food on a plate, Instagram, man bun douche won. Ugh.
  15. LVP must've annoyed someone in production. They're making her seem like a persnickety old cat (dog and swan) lady this season.
  16. Omg this sounds amazing! I have never paid attention to her walk so PLEASE elaborate! I'll have to rewatch!
  17. It'd be amazing if Josh just rolled with this and turned into a huge party boy. He could go on a bender, hang out with a few sleazy Z-list celebs then end up on Celebrity Rehab.
  18. Joy Anna has an odd way of speaking that I can't quite figure out. Is it her accent? A speech impediment? She kind of slurs her words together. Also Dill must have a hot mess of a mouth to go through all that surgery. SPURGEON. I can't. As far as Josh goes, JD was the only one who was ballsy enough to just put it out there. Good for him. Josiah asi had a TH which was shocking.
  19. Corey creeps me out. He kisses Khloe straight on the cheek, which for someone who's relatively new to the group is kinda odd. Then, did anyone catch his eyes darted down as she turned around when he made the grandkids comment? I think he's hot for his "daughters". Gross.
  20. Whole lotta red flags with mark wanting his baby-fiancé to wear his daughter's clothes. He especially focused on that sheer black dress. What a perv. Gross.
  21. Shelby, this is hysterical! I sat here and giggled to myself for a good while (whileses?).Hasn't Leah sat down alone with Corey before? Like this season? Nathan is such an asshole. He's manipulative and abusive and I hope that shit head gets what's coming to him soon!
  22. Said it before, saying it again: Kail has such a hard-on for Jo! Also, Nathan is such a manipulative dick. Those two deserve each other.
  23. Why was Jeremy smirking so much? Also Kail is a miserable, passive aggressive bitch. She picks at Javi and when he reacts, she acts like he's the one behaving like an asshole. The look on her face when Javi told her to not talk to him was amazing. Really bitch you're gonna act shocked that he's mad? Like you haven't been acting like mega douche this whole time? Nathan is trash. So is Jenelle but he obviously hates her and has issues.
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