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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. Oh my, I think I may have to go watch this now!
  2. Amen! That scene bothered me way more than the exploding rats, and the slime monster sequences!
  3. It's freaky how much her voice sounds exactly like Uma's! However I don't think she actually resembles either one of her parents. Not really seeing much of Uma or Ethan in her features. I realized she reminds me a lot of the actress Zoe Kazan - they are far apart in age, but they look like they could be related.
  4. Phew! I thought I was the only one who thought this! Some folks in another thread tried to explain it as being due to the Mid-west setting and behind the times in fashion, but even factoring a fashion lag, seriously, NO TEEN BOY in the mid-80's would be caught dead with those pudding bowl haircuts - they look ridiculous! Billy and Steve also have silly hair, but it's at least age/time-period appropriate. The best explanation I read was that the boys had grown so much in between seasons, that the show's stylists may have decided to keep their "kid" hair-cuts so they'd still be recognizable to the viewing audience. I hope they change them for next season, because the sheer awfulness of their hair is actually distracting and taking me out of the show.
  5. I'm finding it a bit hard to root for Hopper this season - I feel like the writing for his character has been a bit lazy and broad - he seems unnecessarily angry hostile and violent ALL the time. I feel like the character (and David Harbour) are much more intelligent than what has been in the script this season. It's been one of the more notable weak points for me this time around.
  6. I'm so glad I have these forums to help me fill in the blank spots, because I seriously had no clue what her gesticulating was supposed to mean in that scene!
  7. Holy smokes, that was intense and pretty scary! Possessed Billy is quite terrifying. I felt sad for Max, as you could tell she was really hoping there would be some shred of humanity left in her brother. Apparently not - and as others have already mentioned, I'm actually feeling a bit sorry for Billy. I predict if any main character dies, it will likely be him. Poor Mrs. Driscoll. That hospital scene was also terrifying. The air-duct thing is such an 80's trope: Die Hard as well as The Breakfast Club among others that I'm probably forgetting. The show continues to nail the period details: Nancy's purple and teal dress with the little cutouts was peak mid-80's fashion. She's wearing some outfits that I envied on other girls back in the day! I actually like Nancy, and am interested in following her story, but I'm super-bored with Jonathan - he feels totally extraneous to me now, and the show drags when they are together. I also laughed at the Mayor's gloriously tacky eighties bedroom decor. Hopper and Joyce are probably now up the creek without a paddle once the Mayor calls in for back-up. Like everyone else, I'm loving the Scoops Ahoy gang (Robin has now grown on me), and hope they are reunited with the rest of the cast soon.
  8. I was just joking about the apnea exercise, mainly because I loathe Chicago and think their music is exerable. An exercise like that would send me into a vessel-popping rage. Carry on!
  9. Yes, I think this is what she's up to - relentlessly poking and prodding, looking for weak spots. She's convinced her perfect precious son was the victim of a pre-meditated murder by a cabal of women, and she wants someone to crack. If she gets custody of her grandkids in the bargain, then that's icing on the cake for her. I'm still not sure about Corey being a cop or PI - perhaps he was at the police station for some innocuous reason, but time will tell.
  10. I wish they hadn't cut that ice cream tossing scene! Mary-Louise is just masterful at the passive-agressive jabs - Renata was actually speechless. Apart from some great parent/child scenes, this episode felt like more filler. I really hope there are some more revelations about Perry's growing up, and how he came to be an abuser. Celeste needs to get her shit together. Laying on a yoga mat and singing along to Chicago is about the least relaxing thing I can think of.
  11. Good point! And yes, the weird science look you posted is exactly what I would associate with teen boys from that era!
  12. Agreed - that scene really made me uncomfortable. Am enjoying the rest of the 80's nostalgia - Max and El having fun in the mall was nice to see. Loved it when El used her powers for a prank on the popular girl. They are really nailing the hair and clothing on all the extras in the mall, but why are Mike and Will still wearing such terrible pudding bowl haircuts? Not really typical of how mid-80's teen boys would be wearing their hair. They should be sporting mullets at this point. Steve is never not hilarious, and I'm loving his friendship with Dustin. Not really warming up to Robin thus far - Maya Hawke is reminding me of another actress (not her Mom Uma) who I can't quite put my finger on, but who I really dislike. Might be Emma Roberts - more so in attitude & mannerism than appearance.
  13. Enjoying this so far! The nods to eighties films are fun and holy smokes, the special effects budget has clearly been increased multi-fold. Great and utterly cheesy eighties music cues - can't imagine what they must be spending on music rights. My favourite visual effects thus far: the massive perms, and Mrs. Wheeler's eyeshadow. (I longed to have my eyeshadow look like that when I was a teen in the eighties - my ultimate goal was to have eyes like Donna Mills in Knots Landing).
  14. Yes, THIS! A thousand times this! Mary Louise has been able to use her "grieving grandmother" status to worm her way into these women's lives. Her ties to Celeste's (and now Jane's) children complicates things. Unfortunately for Celeste, ML has become an abusive surrogate for Perry. I think people are flummoxed by her partly out of shock and disbelief at her passive-aggressive jabs, but I do think everyone has finally reached a breaking point and has had enough of her. And yes, I agree - I think she was delighted that Celeste slapped her - it's exactly the ammo she's been fishing for all along. I know people are finding this season soapy, but I'm still enjoying the hell out of this show! FIGHT ME!
  15. The thing that is so horrifying to me is that doctors can't even administer medication to ease the pain, because the patients veins collapse. They couldn't even administer a merciful fatal dose of morphine if they wanted to - patients simply suffered until they died. I thought the treatment of the animals that were hunted down and shot was much kinder than what the human victims had to endure.
  16. Me too - I will miss her, she was phenomenal in the role. If I was watching and closed my eyes while she was speaking, I could have sworn it was the real HRH Queen Elizabeth's voice. But I am curious to see what Olivia Coleman (also a phenominal talent) will do as middle-aged Elizabeth. Helena Bonham Carter as Margaret will be a big and rather unusual switch from Vanessa Kirby as well. Can't wait for this to start up again! More Tommy Lascelles and his giant-ass dogs please!
  17. Oh, how I miss the original thread from back in the TWoP days! Y'all are my people, and mimes will never not be scary or traumatic!
  18. I thoroughly enjoyed this series and blew through all the episodes. I love how Jon was game to try most anything even if he knew he'd look clumsy at it. I like Roy Choi's calm demeanour and patient teaching style. Their attempt (and re-do) at making beignets from a box was a highlight for me. Also, if they do another season, they should definitely bring back Bill Burr, 'cause he's just funny in a kitchen. Gwyneth, not so much. I thought all the little animated transitions with the stop-motion food truck and the quick flash on the recipes were adorable. Whoever created those did a fantastic job - they totally delighted my inner kid. Which foods looked most delicious to you? I can't really get excited about brisket or prime rib, but the episode featuring the Thai chef and the pie lady was an interesting combo of foods, and it made my mouth water. The deconstructed smore in Austin looked really tasty to me for some reason. Glad there are some other folks out there watching it!
  19. It's tricky business for an actress - basically a no-win double-standard situation. They are constantly under threat of diminishing income simply for having the audacity to age, so I completely understand the temptation to want to look well-preserved. On the other hand, one wrong move can really mess up a person's face, and prevent them from doing what actors need to do, which is emote and display expression. I honestly don't know what I'd do in that situation - I'd probably stick to much more minor procedures such as surface treatments, and perhaps subtle tightening around the jaw-line. Anything more and you could be asking for trouble. I think actors tend to get addicted and carried away because they're surrounded by other actors who also have work done, and lose perspective on how freakish looking it can become. I think Nicole looks lovely on camera and is believable as the mother of grade-schoolers, but lets face it, all of these ladies with the exception of Shailene, Zoe, (and possibly Reese), are at least a decade too old to have little ones in elementary school. IRL they would all have kids in college, or even Grad school. Because the actresses are all so phenomenal, I'm able to suspend disbelief and enjoy the show nonetheless!
  20. It's a bit murky, but it was some sort of major securities fraud, which was apparently at the Federal level, since the FBI picked him up and tossed him in the clink. It seems he had been covering his ass for quite some time with both his and Renata's money, and now *poof* it's all gone. Lara Dern's Type A privilege rage was making me laugh all through the episode. She was more furious at the prospect of being poor than the fact that her husband committed a Federal offence.
  21. Ya know, I don't usually go for really blonde guys, but after I became aware of him (back in True Blood days), I decided he was a blonde dude I could go for. However his performance last season was so convincing and so terrifying, that even if by some miracle/time-space convergence thingy/ if I had a free shot at him, and he were guaranteed to be all mine for a night, I would actually hesitate.
  22. I think Celeste mentioned in her own therapy session that her boys are seeing a therapist, but we haven't seen any evidence of it on the show, and their behavior certainly doesn't seem to be improving.
  23. Oy, what a mess all of these ladies are in now. As expected Mary Louise refuses to believe anything negative about her precious boy. It sounds like she was widowed and raised Perry as a single parent? And it was revealed Perry had a brother who died? I wonder if more of his past will be revealed. Celeste is up shit creek now that the cat is out of the bag about Ziggy. Something seriously bad happened in Bonnie's past, and I'm intrigued to know what it is. She seems very wary of her Mom, and I don't think it's just her prior alcoholism. Looks like Mom is a voodoo practicioner of some kind. She is right about Nathan - he is a dolt, and I don't understand why he constantly picks on Ed, who is simply bewildered by Nathan. Poor Ed. I had honestly forgotten about the whole affair subplot, and couldn't remember if it had been revealed to him last season or not. I'm loving that he's standing up for himself: "Where are you going?" "To get my ears checked" Heh. That was really powerful.
  24. He was pretty annoying - it seemed to me that he got off on any sort of media attention, and feeling like "an important person", which he was certainly not. There are loads of nice, kind British people. The McCanns however, certainly seemed arrogant and unlikeable to me.
  25. Agreed - Madeline is cut from exactly the same cloth as those TV actors who got caught up in that real-life college admissions scam. Hyper ambitious, and her kid's choice of school is all about stroking HER own ego and having bragging rights, not what's best for the kid, or what aligns with her interests. That being said, her daughter is an insufferable brat who has no concept of the multitude of educational options open to her. I wish TV was more nuanced at writing teenage girl characters, 'cause they aren't all bratty all the time.
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