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Everything posted by Tunia

  1. Hiya' Saber... I was previously unfamiliar with Bill Whitaker also, but once I read his credentials, I was disappointed in his pronunciations. Being on "60 Minutes" (which I don't watch), he should be well familiar with "YOO-ca-tan", and he had a couple other flubs. Alex made hosting seem so effortless that I have high expectations for whoever fills his shoes. It surprises me how much I DO care who the new host is. Thus far, Anderson Cooper and Aaron Rodgers have been my favs, but I'll be waiting to see how Mayim Bialik and LeVar Burton come through. I like the current champ too. :-)
  2. Oh nooooooo...Did Bill Whitaker really just say "YUCK-a-tan"?
  3. I know, right? Everyone is referencing his TV shows, but when I think of James Garner, my mind goes to The Notebook.
  4. Tara Setmayer is wonderful, and I've said for years that she'd be perfect for this show. She fits the bill: Republican, conservative, intelligent, informed, and pleasant. She and Ana are proof that you can be a strong conservative without being nasty about it. Regarding Nutmeg's "pink eye", I happened upon an article earlier today (which, of course I can't find now) that was seriously inquiring if MM was showing signs of COVID - LOL.
  5. Sadly, it was both of Manny's parents, both from COVID. His mother passed on 12/28 and his father on New Year's. How incredibly sad for their family. Both were "Doctors, who did everything right (about COVID)".
  6. So Meg-gun says "If people can't work with him (Hawley), he should resign". Uh, Meg...if that were the criteria, you'd be gone long ago.
  7. I was thinking the same about Sunny. Did she just roll out of bed? She looks like the "morning after" a hot date!
  8. Awwwwww, no costumes? YAY! (I've always hated their Halloween show...colossal waste of time and effort. IMO)
  9. If Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed as the ninth Associate Justice, adding only two judges wouldn't do the Dems any good anyway. They need at least four to tip the Court in their favor, for a total of 13. With the addition of ACB, the Court would be off-balanced with 6 Conservatives and 3 Liberals. If Biden adds 2, the Court still leans Conservative at 6 - 5. He would have to add four to make a 7 - 6 Liberal lean. Who knows what the optimum number of Justices is the right one? We've never had experience with more than nine at a time. At what point does the number become cumbersome? As a Liberal, I'd have no problem with raising to 13 once the Dems are in control (JMO).
  10. Just one more reason I understand and love Joy - I'm a Libra too. 10/4
  11. Chris Cuomo on CNN is a long hauler after his heavy bout of COVID. He speaks of it often and also interviews others who are having the same experience. He's had some very interesting discussions.
  12. LOL - I had no idea that nipple prepping was so passe, and have to wonder why it's no longer recommended. Seems like, for the little effort, there are pretty good results. For those who hadn't heard of it before, basically it was simply "tweaking" your nipples to toughen them by rubbing them between your fingers often and on a regular basis. Then, when l'il Liberty arrives, the sucking action of the BF doesn't chap the nipples and makes BF more comfortable. I must be showing my age by not knowing this is now "out"!
  13. She should have been "prepping" her nipples from the beginning of her pregnancy if she was planning on BF. Didn't she bother to read a book about it?
  14. Looks like he's been re-scheduled to next Friday. Friday, Oct. 9 — The Political View with South Carolina Democratic Senate nominee Jaime Harrison who is running against Sen. Lindsey Graham
  15. OUCH, cinsays...I think you read Rainyhawk's post way too personally. Her question, slightly restated, was "Where would one buy a tiara like that?" and NOT "Where do YOU, cinsays, get an idea like that??" She wasn't attacking your comment, just asking a simple question.
  16. Maybe this is the look she was going for:
  17. Which came first - the chicken or the egg? The green jelly bean tale of making one horny is really a cause and effect situation. It's not that the green ones make you horny. The actuality is that they are the relief! The legend has it as follows: Canadian loggers worked far from home through long, cold, and tough winters to harvest their lumber supply. In the Spring, they'd float the logs down river to the sawmills. At that point, they were done with their assignment and would return home after many months away. Naturally, they were quite horny. However, they'd arrive home to find that their brood of annual children* wanted Dad to play and spend his time with them. The solution? Dad would arrive home with a large bag of green jelly beans which he would throw by handfuls into the springtime grass to keep the kiddos busy while Mom and Dad "renewed their acquaintance"...a win-win situation for all. *Generally, each year would add another child created during the summer heat and emerging around Feb/March/April. Note: I live in a town settled and primarily inhabited by French Canadian families This is the story they have told for decades. LOL
  18. Just a bit of ice ball trivia for you: Queen Elizabeth insists upon ice balls rather than ice cubes because ice balls make less noise when they clink together due to the minimal surface area that touches. She doesn't like a noisy drink!
  19. Uh oh...Sara's in the prego seat - not good for her! Let's hope the curse has been broken for her return.
  20. Meeeeeeeeagan is damn lucky she's sitting at home right now, rather than waddling out on stage and hiking herself onto her stool. Can you imagine the comments then? This couldn't have worked out better for her. With her complete lockdown on baby updates and her insistence her child will be raised with total privacy, I wonder if she'll even announce the gender and name of her spawn when September rolls around. I could see Her Contrariness refusing to do so just to be....Meghan. She is because she can be.
  21. Ana was on Don Lemon's CNN show on Wednesday, and looked stunning in a sexy black top! I don't know what the gurllll has done, but it sure is working for her. Looks like she lost a little bit of weight because her face appeared slimmer and defined. Her hair was FAB! Had to do a double-take since I didn't realize it was Ana at first...but that voice is a give-away. It's always such a treat to catch a glimpse of her now and then on CNN. Miss her.
  22. Oh wonderful...Medical information dispensed by Khloe Kardashian. Swell. Well, at least we know WHY she was there. Shilling again.
  23. When I clicked on the link, my first thought was that it was a boring bassinet, until... The YouTubes on this are amazing! I truly got sucked down the rabbit hole watching reviews of this product, as well as the manufacturer's promo, so about an hour in total. I'd love to see an in-person demo, and I don't even have a baby.
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