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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. De Niro and Ibrahim I'm looking forward to watching. Gervais, not really. And Cruise, even more so! :P
  2. Aasif and Al seem to have already left the show, as by their absense in the credits. I don't think Jason's going anywhere, he and his wife Samantha are like a duo over there. Right now, it's those two along with Jessica and Jordan. Jessica has been fantastic, and looks as if she's taken over from Ollie as Jon's go-to correspondant, while Jordan looks OK. I'll be interested to see what Michael Che brings to the table, possibly starting as early as next week. He might be another rising star in the TDS galaxy.
  3. All the best to Larry on his new gig at 11:30PM next year. Because not only does he have some mighty big shoes to fill, but eventually he'll be going head to head with the guy who's shoes Larry's filling.
  4. I've got a funny feeling Jon will be talking about Rob Ford tomorrow night.
  5. I think, as host of The Late Show, Stephen's guest wish will finally come true when he'll have Jon on.
  6. I saw him live too. About three years ago. They told us, before he came out, to make a lot of noise because he loves it and he feeds off of it. So after Stephen came out and did a lap around the audience - where I stuck my hand out and he grazed my fingertips - he stood in the middle of the audience to soak in the applause and the chants of STEE-PHEN, STEE-PHEN, STEE-PHEN. I was two rows up and sitting in an aisle seat. I had one foot in front of my seat and the other on the aisle steps, knees bent, fists pumping, and giving it all like a soccer supportert at a match. After we stopped cheering and sat down, Stephen came up to me with his hand out and shook my hand for that great support I gave him. When he got to his chair to start the taping, he took off his WRISTSRONG bracelet he was wearing and fired it off to me. I still have it to this day. I still get excited thinking about all that. It's something I will cherish greatly, especially as time goes on.
  7. Do you expect Jon to know what's going on down in Brazil as their country is getting ready for the World Cup? And does anyone believe Pele has all the answers?
  8. Taibbi's appearance is timely, given today's Supreme Court ruling that basically expands what Citizens United allows you to do. Meaning, the one percent have it easier to buy elections. And the rest can eat it. Always enjoy seeing Denis Leary ham it up with Jon.
  9. I like that idea. I think it would be a lot easier to create weekly threads to discuss the shows of that week. That way, we could track down any posts we made, rather than spend an inordinate amount of time looking through one long thread trying to find out what we said and where we posted it. That was always my complaint about the TDS and TCR threads over at TWoP.
  10. Hi gang! Long time Twopper at the TDS and TCR boards, now signing on. Over there, I was know as the "loveable" EmperorJon, known for both my thoughtful observations and brain farts. :D. I went with what I consider my longtime default username. Why I originally went with EmpJ, I don't remember, but I hope you all remember me here with my new name, just like loudfan is now trow125 (which shouldn't be too difficult, seeing as she will continue to give us the latest TDS and TCR guest lists, yay!). Like everyone at TWoP, I was taken aback and saddened at the recent announcement to shut down that site. I have been there for nine years, and have had great conversations and insights with so many people about TDS, TCR, and other shows. But, as they say, when one door closes, another one opens. I think we can make this place just as awesome as TWoP, if not better. Perhaps we can even persuade shamskygirl and Miss Kean into coming back with us.
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