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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Ugh! Those stupid evangelicals supporting an amoral sociopath in Donald Drumph? If you think your God chose this oversized Cheeto with the undersized fingers to become president, then it's time to shut your religion down for good! Chris Christie is such a tool. And by that, I mean he's a butter knife spreading all that bullshit around. I liked that Trevor got the audience involved in chanting. Hey CNN, more Christine Armanpour and way, way less Wolf Blitzer (oh wait, it's run by fat toad Jeff Zucker, so that won't happen).
  2. How the fuck does Samantha find these stupid, low information whackjobs? I have this strong urge to slap each and every one of them into semi conscience. I feel sorry for that Republican Samantha was talking to at the hot dog restaurant. He looks as if Samantha gave him a loaded gun, he'd take it, point it at his head, and pull the trigger. You killed a Canadian goose with your bus, Samantha! You're gonna pay when you next cross the border!
  3. Super great to see Samantha back. This on again, off again routine is too much for me. Especially since she just laid waste to those hypocritical evangelicals supporting Donald Drumph.
  4. FUUUUUUUCK!!!!! I expected Jon to show up tonight. But I did NOT expect to see Old School Stephen, with old school eyeware, and THE WØRD back again laying waste to Donald Drumph! So righteously awesome!!!
  5. Waaaaah!!! What Bill shows here is he can't stand the fact that other people, like Jon and Stephen, have done a far better job at getting their points across, and being funnier to boot, than he ever could. The awards and acclaims they've received over the years is proof of that.
  6. I'd love to see Roger Ailes go down. But I'm not about to give praise to Gretchen Carlson for doing what she did. For a long time, she was a willing and well paid stooge who did a lot of damage for Ailes in assassinating the truth and creating false narratives, like how Christians in America were victimized and under constant attack when they absolutely were not. Jon did plenty of these stories to back that up. Carlson is Sammy Gravano to Ailes' John Gotti. Great opening by Trevor about the senseless shootings of African American males by the police. Yet I'm already seeing comments in other sites about how the victims were the ones at fault for resisting the police. Where is there hope to fix these things?
  7. FURTHER ADDING: Trevor's opinion that Clinton and Drumph are each other's best shot at winning the White House is bull fucking shit! We can all see Trevor was a Bernie Sanders fan. But Sanders would have been ill ready to become the Democrat's nominee for president, especially given how his campaign unfolded. Drumph would have made him flustered and short fused with his trolling methods. So yeah, mega lame on your part, Trevor. Jon may have had issues with Clinton, but even he would never have tried to frame the candidates like that!
  8. Agreed with everyone talking about Trevor's attacks on Hillary Clinton the last two nights. Especially when you consider A) She really wasn't found guilty of any criminal wrongdoing, hence no charges to be layed against her, and B) James Comey acted like the Republican hack that he is making it sound like Clinton was up to no good when she really wasn't. Not very cool on your part, Trevor.
  9. Everyone, Stephen included, was talking about the awkward handshake Obama, Trudeau, and the Mexican president were attempting. But I loved that Stephen included the Canadian Parliament chanting "FOUR MORE YEARS" after Obama's speech to Canada's House of Commons. I watched Obama's address to Parliament, and he kept getting standing ovations. Even among conservatives. No way U.S. Republicans would do likewise in that scenario.
  10. Probably they do. But then are reminded by their lord and master Roger Ailes the consequences about deviating from his script just a wee bit. That was a nice sendoff for Jessica. I am so gonna miss JWilly. :...(
  11. Could someone please prescribe some chill pills for Van Jones?
  12. Calvin Trillin has always been a welcome presence on TDS. His book on covering the Civil Rights protests in the sixties seems fascinating.
  13. Toronto tried desperately for decades to land a Summer Olympics, believing it would make them "world class" (and because they wanted to one up rival Montreal, who hosted the 1976 Games). They bided for the 1996 Games but lost them to Atlanta in a curious decision that many believed were bought. Then, they tried desperately for the 2008 Games, spearheaded by the city's elite and by Mel Lastman, the most embarrassing mayor Toronto ever had until Rob Ford showed up. Despite the efforts to silence opposition and to put on a happy false face, Toronto lost to Beijing, which was theirs to lose. The lasting memory of the bid was Lastman's stupid comments suggesting he was afraid to meet the African delegation for fear of being "boiled in a big black pot of water", fucking idiot. Last year, Toronto considered putting in a bid to host the 2024 Games but decided not to because they came to the realization that the costs and debt of hosting these fames far outweighed any benefits. And it's about time. The Province of Ontario would have been on the hook for any debt incurred which would have taken forever to pay off.
  14. That was a Stephen I never saw before, when he was talking about Brexit. There seemed to be a combination of anger and despair wrapped in a chocolaty coating of comedy.
  15. ITA with last night's episode. The Brexit story was waaay too short, considering the ramifications of this batshit decision. Not to mention we already know that listening to stupid people (Drumph) is a recipe for disaster. And I would have been happy if they talked about the disastrous cost of hosting the Olympics and/or the corruption behind the IOC that frankly makes FIFA look like a church picnic by comparison. But props for bringing in another TDS alumnus, Matt Walsh, to perform for the show. Quite underwhelming given we won't see Ollie and the gang for a month. :(
  16. If anything, this should be a wakeup call to American voters this November, as Britain is starting to realize what happens when you side with morons.
  17. It would not have surprised me if they wrote a whole bunch of Ted Cruz insults, stuffed them in that jar, and Samantha pulled one out and read what was on it. Learned something new about something I had no idea existed, like Tribal Courts. That woman? HOLY SHIT, what a piece of work she is!
  18. The Brexit piece was very good. And quite head shaking. It's incredible that some people would want to cut off their own noses to spite everyone else, but that's what we've got right now. But, deep down, it's no surprise. There have always been those in Britain who've felt themselves far superior to their European neighbours, and this just shows it. Even Ollie admits to showing these tendencies from time to time. And I say this as someone who's family from his father's side all immigrated to Canada from the U.K., post WWII. And the piece about the NRA was also very good. And a reality check to those hoping for any form of gun control. Sandy Hook should have showed us that to take on the NRA, you need to be prepared fro the fight of your life. And not get despondent and cynical everytime they lose.
  19. Fuck Facebook. And Fuck Mark Zuckerburg with a prickly cactus.
  20. Seeing Jordan and Desi at the desk to kick start the show was a bit surprising, at first. But if there had been something about an immediate change in plans with the hosts, we would have heard it before hand. But it was purposeful and worked out well in the end. BTW, Erik Erikson's claim that whites will turn out in huge waves of support in November is total bullshit because 1) Its coming from Erikson's mouth, so it's automatic bullshit. And 2) The last presidential election in 2012 saw Mitt Romney gain close to 61 million votes, the fourth highest in presidential election history. Romney had the white male voter cornered, yet he still lost to Obama by over five million votes. Drumph has much fewer support among key minority demographics than Romney did, and that support keeps dropping everytime Drumph makes a fool out of himself. But that's okay. I'm looking forward to seeing Erikson's head explode in November when he's proven wrong, yet again!
  21. I heard him say the word "bigly". But that makes sense because, according to Drumph, he knows words because "he has the best words!"
  22. As I said last week, I wouldn't vote Gary Johnson for dog catcher, much less U.S. president. But looking at the field of contenders for the Libertarian party's nominee - as well as the crowd in the audience - it seems Johnson is the best choice of batshit lunatics in the party. Another reason not to vote Libertarian.
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