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  1. IMO Georgie is lovely and his trajectory on YS was great, but Mandy is just boring. They sort of try to make her into a Penny character with television ambitions, but what is the attraction between the two of them other than the physical?
  2. I enjoyed watching the actresses attack each other and be slippery, in fact I enjoyed nearly everything about this epi. I'm still not too happy with the tango or the tango music, and I feel the character of Connor is unnecessarily formulaic. He was funny tonight, but he shouldn't be there at all.
  3. I thought we knew in the BBT that Georgie was married multiple times and has become somewhat jaded as a result. I'm not sure I like the tango and I defo don't like the show's musical puntuation. In general, I'm really likeing everything about the show except Connor (whose oddity seems formulaic) - nothing against the actor, I just don't think the role should be there.
  4. Well, mostly the character, but this many seasons in a lot of that has transferred to the actress (I saw her in a romance movie a couple of days back and she seemed awfully similar to Lou, although have to admit, romance movies are NOT my thing, so I didn't watch long). Character-wise I really have trouble with the whole family not stopping her every time she ends up attached to some overwhelming obsession (and pushing everyone around and focussing fanatically on one goal) by just naming what she's doing. How many times can we watch her be forced to come to her senses exactly the same way? She comes close to spoiling the whole show for me. I liked it when she was in New York.
  5. I usually believe the purported victim, almost without question...
  6. The most recent season in Canada, I think season 18. Sorry to spoiler anything.
  7. I detest Lou no matter what. She is a one-note actress and the writers write the same storyline for her over and over. My family would have intervened by now were I repeating the same life patterns so often. I love Amy and Nathan. So glad she swerved Caleb.
  8. I like this idea of Cheryl's, especially if it was accompanied by a change in the range of score (say out of 10) so as to be more detailed. And it could be given as the reason to change the range. I don't understand the Strictly comment above. Strictly is def amateurs paired with pros.
  9. I think we really couldn't see who had Joey up on the shoulders. I thought Ilona looked fabulous in that costume and I admit to having been dubious about many of the costumers' choices for her this season.
  10. I'm happy Joey won - he was my choice pretty much from the getgo. One of those guys that looks more striking when dancing than when listening to judges. Loved his amazing ability to lead and his musicality. I wasn't unhappy about the order in which they went out and I was really really happy they told us what the order was. I was a little under impressed by Derek and Mark's tango - which was unexpected. Partly the constantly swooping camera angles -- when I've seen men dance the tango together before, the cameras haven't been swooping around them like a third partner and I've been much more impressed. I'd be happy if Sharna or Mark replaced CAI. I'm sick to death of both her and Bruno. Bruno just needs to tone the eff down. I did throw almost half my votes to Chandler and was happy to have done so when I saw their freestyle. In fact, all the freestyles were very good, although Joey and Jenna disappointingly lacked some lustre. Overall a nice bunch of people dancing this season and a lovely top bunch. Everyone went out in approximately the order they should have and I loved some of the tweeks, such as Alfonso and Julianne dancing etc.
  11. Julianne should go to Australia to replace Sharna who should judge here. We don't need Derek AND Julianne play fighting in the judges' seats.
  12. I am team Joey , I guess because he is so amazing as an amateur. One thing I noticed in that show when Witney seemed to be blocking the cameras from seeing Danny (I would be happy for him to go out first or second) was that Jenna has NOT been blocking the cameras (which she can do when warranted). I'm always very interested in what Chandler is going to do, because I appreciate her talent and skill -- she is getting better at projecting emotion (maybe), but there can be big problems with cameras and lighting where black contestants are concerned. I remember it from Danny Tidwell's season on SYTYCD, a long time ago now - we had long discussions about it back then and a group of us watched carefully for it to improve. It seemed to sorta improve eventually (Cyrus and Comfort), but I definitely feel that if the cameras were closer to Chandler's face, or if she was lit better, that the complaints about her emoting would be more muted. And, as I've said before, I just don't find Brandon that interesting, although this particular epi disproved that. Steven and Danny should be gone. This is going to be a loooong 3 hours.
  13. I don't know about the contention that DWTS is supposed to be an amateur competition. I've been watching since S2 and I've never seen a season that didn't arguably have one or more ringers in it. I think Chandler deserves the accolades, myself. And she probably isn't pulling the votes as she might be were she a white ringer. But somebody who used to be on this forum has analyzed how often ringers win, and I don't think it happens all that often. I'm for Joey winning, precisely because he is supposedly not a ringer? I'm not making an accusation, he just dances so well for someone without training. But star power and attitude can make up for any ringeryness in the final, so the ringers never bother me, I just enjoy their dancing.
  14. I found the insta dance badly set up and tediously repetitive. The re-do of the supposedly "iconic" dances was full of nonsense too. I hate it when they expect us to believe that 1) the celeb is picking which dance they're doing and 2) they just happen to have the dance in their head. I certainly didn't agree with some of the choices either.
  15. I think Joey is miles better than Danny. Partly a body shape bias maybe, but Danny is just so stiff through his core. Joey is an absolute delight to watch, but Danny makes me want to get on stage and adjust his body lines physically (despite the fact that I know nothing). I think Steven or Ilona should go next. Steven is really terrible and I haven't seen a whole lot of improvement and Ilona is better (when not doing awkward lifts). Alan has got to let her dance and stop with the daft lifts.
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