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Posts posted by Apprentice79

  1. 13 hours ago, deirdra said:

    Ted Danson wore blackface and said the N-word over a dozen times during the Friar's Club roast of his girlfriend Whoopi and Howard was mocking it.  Whoopi never talks about it, as if it never happened, because 1) Ted was in Blackface saying the N-word and other cringe-worthy things, and 2) Ted dumped her when his mid-life crisis was over.

    The Black community turned against her and she lost all of the goodwill she had had over her win for Ghost.  She took something that was painful in our history and made a mockery of it. So, it does not surprise me that she minimizes racism because her wealth shields her from it in some ways and she loves the N word.  I remember her trying to get Barbara Walters to use that word on national TV. Barbara wisely refused to do so. I also think that Ted dumped her because of the fallout over blackface in addition to the end of his mid-life crisis. 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, sevenrings said:

    Also, I'm sorry to say this because I love Whoopi. She's a legend and I love so much of her work, but sometimes she annoys me just as much as Meghan. 

    The View has dulled Whoopie's shine for me. She has shown to be arrogant, ill-informed nasty and makes excuses for powerful men who have committed crimes. Her comments about rape were really illuminating in a bad way.  She always puts the onus on women regarding men's behavior. I also hate how she minimizes racism and police brutality against Black men.  

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  3. What did you guys think of Vanessa Marcil today? The ladies did not seem to care for her or was it just me. It is odd because they are not the view.  I liked her and I think she would have been better than Marie Osmond.  I know I keep saying how much I dislike her, but, I cannot help it. The show needs a reset because it is getting lame now.  I love how Sheryl and Cari Ann dress. They wear beautiful colors..

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  4. 28 minutes ago, JakeyJokes said:

    Howard has ... I don't want to say re-branded, but he has always had a pulse for where the culture is. He was pro-marriage equality early on and at some point he made up with Rosie and Kathie Lee Gifford, who were two of his biggest targets of vitriol in the '90s (BABA BOOEY!). He's actually very underrated as an interviewer; you can't go on his show and try to skate. He knew damn well Whoopi wouldn't like him bringing up Rosie, so I kind of love him for not giving an F.

    Notice how Joy was speaking positively about Rosie. Joy has had minor hiccups with past co-hosts in the past like Starr, Rosie and Elizabeth.  She does not hold a grudge, but Nutmeg will be the exception.

    9 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

    Howard much like Trump used to be viscous to people he thought said anything negative about him or he just didn't care for. I have a feeling alot of celebrities are scared of him. Yes, he's changed, but ask Wendy Williams her dragged her because she said he's very "Hollywood " now. She's an idiot but he got nasty and that was just a few weeks ago. 

    That rant against Wendy was vicious, it was really something. He attacked all of her insecurities as a woman. 

    9 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

    Whoopi going on her Diblasio rant and Meghan giggling and shouting her dislike of  Diblasio was almost too much.  I should have  just turned it off then.

    Megan loves it when Whoopie goes on a rant against a Democrat. She reacted that way when Wendy misinterpreted AOC's comments and Whoopie went on a rant. 

    • Love 10
  5. 2 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

    So I DID recall correctly, the Hunter Foundation NOT being into drug addiction UNTIL Wendy (allegedly, supposedly) had an alcohol/ drug addiction earlier this year. I think that entire "'Wendy's in rehab" news story was nothing but a guise for Wendy to hide from what really was going on with her.

    I despise liars. If you're going to lie Wendy, at least have the decency to be good at it.

    Why do you feel that she is lying about a relapse? Wendy has always been open about her addiction issues back in her radio days.

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  6. 9 minutes ago, rcc said:

    Because Whoopi was there. If he were on tomorrow with Joy moderating different story. Whoopi saying about Rosie "I don't think about it." Well Whoopi you know damn well your control issues is the reason you can't abide strong women. 

    Exactly, she would have clashed with Starr as well. Sunny does not push back on Whoopie as she should. She does not attack Joy because Joy knows how to handle Whoopie in a subtle way that does not threaten her. There was tension between them when Joy first came back..

    • Love 17
  7. 13 minutes ago, Aileen said:

    I think her point was that she was "allowed" to listen/watch growing up and Cindy didn't object, so it couldn't be as bad as Sunny was implying.

    Okay, that makes sense, I still find it annoying because she has to make everything about her.  

    • Love 7
  8. Nutmeg is so happy today. Howard praised her dad to the heavens and he told the ladies to be nice to Megan, I rolled my eyes when he said that.. He must not watch the show.. I did love it when he said he loved Hillary Clinton and that she was misunderstood. 

    My mom is Cindy McCain, I don't know why Nutmeg shouted that at the panel.

    • Love 13
  9. Just now, Aileen said:

    I had no idea Whoopi had a heroin addiction. Is this common knowledge? 

    Yes it is..It is why she does not drink alcohol. It was awkward how Howard brought it up.. 

    • Love 9
  10. 9 hours ago, The Solution said:

    No. There were a lot of words but he didn't say anything. I found myself responding out loud "Why?" and "How?" to most of his comments. That means "I don't believe you."

    Plus, he's unemployed.

    He is rich. He is the type of Rich that works because he wants to do that..

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  11. 32 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

    Hummmm,  "It's like she has no shame....."  Could be cause it's true.  "Believe you me......"  She is really talking about herself these days.

    "I'm a single woman running around NY."  Recently separated.  I always thought single meant not married.  "A young a pretty NY City girl."  Delusional ya think?  Wendy hasn't been a "girl" for 40 years.  BTW, I hate meeting single men that are married.

    "I do date."  After 3-4 weeks from separation?  She is going to get into trouble with her desperation for a man.

    I think it is all a front by Wendy to show Kelvin that she does not need him or miss him.  I fear for her sobriety with all of the partying and going out that she is doing. One thing is clear is that Kelvin kept her isolated from everybody, she is like a kid in a candy store now.  It seems like she is out almost every night..

    • Love 8
  12. Damn! Wendy was ratchet with Blac Chyna and it made me LOL literally. She was truly shameless in all of her glory and owned it. This is how Wendy was like on her radio show, audacious, bawdy, mixed with humor in questioning her guests. Blac Chyna rolled with it and hid any discomfort she may have had.  Wendy seems alive more than ever, it seems like being away from Kelvin has really brought her back to life.

    • Love 6
  13. I feel bad for Claire, she is so alone in a town where she is related to everybody.  When people are alone and going through something that is when they need love and support. Hurt people usually hurt others or themselves.  I usually don't sympathize with villainous characters in fiction but she seems so lost confused and yearning for some type of love. My problem with Claire is just like every story written by Ron, is that he did not build up to Claire being so bad. I look at Sami and her trajectory was a slow build. She started very idealistic , she adored her big sister loved her parents and was very close to John. Then, boom she witnessed her mother betraying her father, then it went downhill from there.

    With Claire, I did not see what led to her to become a crazed homicidal jealous person. A normal person does not try to burn their aunt alive out of jealousy. What makes this story so bad is that she is isolated from Marlena who would do anything for her children and grandchildren. I had a debate on another board where a poster was trashing Marlena and calling her a bad grandmother for only focusing on Will. I had to remind this poster that Marlena loves all of her grandchildren equally, but she has always been in Will's life. Claire and her other grandchildren have spent most of their lives away from her, especially if you take SORAS into account.

    The immigration story is just so nonsensical and offensive in every way. It is obvious that Ron is making a political statement. I have no problem with him writing a controversial topic but I wished he had written a nuanced story that really gave both sides of the issue a point of view that made sense.  He just pissed me off with his inaccuracies about immigration, immigrants, both legal and illegal. 

    • Love 11
  14. 12 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

    I am disappointed that no one at the table stepped up to defend Elizabeth Warren's decision not to do a Fox "News" town hall. (Et Tu, Joy?) Why should she try to win over Fox News viewers?  It's a lost cause. Don't give oxygen to racism. 

    I agree, Foxnews is a propaganda machine.  The majority of people in this country who are eligible to vote don't vote because they are apathetic and feel that their voices do not matter.  Elizabeth and others running need to give them a reason to vote in 2020. Why try to win over Fox News viewers who would never vote for a Democrat even if it would improve their lives and that of their children.  The ladies implied that Elizabeth was too scared to face Fox News, that is not the case at all. She is a realist and Elizabeth Warren was a Republican who became a Democrat over time. Her evolution is very fascinating, in my opinion. Also, she has gone into red states and red districts in blue states to get out her message, so she does not need FoxNews.

    • Love 20
  15. 21 minutes ago, RealReality said:

    He was, at the end of the day, a coworker.  A coworker connected to their livelihood.  And while both may have loved him, they attempted to minimize the situation with their public actions.  The best course of action would have been to keep their mouths shut.  Or at least not completely ignore jussie's culpability.  But the weird public defense and trying to seriously get him back on the show?  No good, and I think it may have soured some people against the show.

    But, if their love for him was so great that it was worth the risk of upsetting and alienating people that's a risk they took and it backfired on them.

    After their ridiculous commentary, I know I don't look at taraji henson the same way.  I was interested in that movie she had coming out, but no more. Taraji has developed a cross over appeal and maybe she is able to retain that and maybe she isn't. 

    People become friends with their co-workers all the time, so to just say that he is just a co-worker minimizes their relationship. Taraji will be fine and I have no doubt about that.  People are allowed to believe what they want to believe. She believes in Jussie, that is her right. I am not going to turn against Taraji because she and I disagree about Jussie.  Live and let live.  Taraji did nothing wrong in showing support for a friend. I doubt she will be blacklisted in Hollywood for doing that. She has the right to believe what she believes in, full stop. 

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  16. 9 hours ago, RealReality said:

    While I agree that six years is a great run and empire probably wasn't going to get a ton more seasons either way...I don't think people should only blame JS....I think a bit of that blame and indignation should be laid at the feet of taraji and Terrence who both made a big public show of saying that JS had been exonerated and that he should be put back on the show and that he was telling the truth.

    I get that maybe you don't want to kick a friend or coworker when they are down but I don't think their loud and public actions helped at all.  

    I think that Terrence and Taraji love Jussie so much that in their minds they cannot reconcile the young man that they have come to know and love over the years could be capable of such a vile act. People have dark sides to their personalities and people will let you see what they want you to see.  Love is blind and I would never hold their love for Jussie against them.

    Imagine if you were in their place and somebody that you love was accused of doing something so out of character.  Your immediate response would be to defend them because the possibility of being wrong about a loved one is just too horrifying.  Not to mention, it would cause you to question your own judgment.  It would not surprise me if Terrence and Taraji conflate the charges against Jussie being dropped to mean that he is innocent.  That is far from the truth.

    Terrence and Taraji will be fine, after all is said and done. They have been in this game for a long time and this too shall pass. They were not accused of committing a crime, Jussie was. Everything in life comes to an end, Empire is ending but it opens up a lot of new possibilities for the actors.  

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  17. 6 hours ago, buffynut said:

    If I'd been asked, I'd much prefer Carnie to Marie, as I find she seems genuine, whereas Marie came across as phony.  

    Marie also seems like a religious nut.  Carnie seems really cool, plus, I was a fan of her pop group Wilson Phillips.

    • Love 7
  18. 6 hours ago, cpcathy said:

    Yes on Meghan McCain, what is her deal??

    She is an ill-informed entitled arrogant nasty hateful vile humorless moron who got where she is because of her daddy.   She fancies herself a political pundit because her father was John McCain. She is the embodiment of toxic femininity and will resort to tears when she cannot defend her inane political arguments with incontrovertible facts. She is also thinned-skinned takes any disagreement or criticism of her opinions as a personal attack. I loathe her with the heat of a thousand sun.  

    • Love 23
  19. 1 hour ago, Lastwaltz said:

    Wowza -- are they trolling Trump and his administration with this Jack/Eve nonsense?? Between this and Nicole/Xander having teamed up I'm stumped, and not in a good way. 

    This whole storyline about Immigration has been about trolling him. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

    Well, here's the thing that I wish SOMEONE, ANYONE would ask her, 

    "If life begins at conception, why hasn't anyone proposed regulating In Vitro Fertilization?  Rich, (primarily) white married couples get to create genetically perfect children of the sex of their choice without ANY regulations AT ALL?"  

    Of course, I know the answer.  All the pro-lifers KNOW someone in their family, their circle, who has had IVF.  

    I might be wrong but weren't Pro-lifers against In Vitro fertilization, saying that if God meant for you to have children you would have one if it was God's will.   It is also why the right used to  be against stem cell research.

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