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Posts posted by Apprentice79

  1. 2 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

    Specific to the comment you responded to, I would agree with the poster - it doesn't appear that the others at the table ever ask Meghan for advice on what the Democrats need to do to win in 2020. If they do, I'd be surprised if it happened that often because it shouldn't seem so difficult to think of just one example of this. On the flip side, I can think of many times where Meghan has inserted her opinions and followed it up with 'I'm telling you, you're going to lose if you don't listen to me' or 'I can't wait to play back the clips when Trump wins in 2020'. 

    What they do defer to Meghan at the table for is to explain Trump's base. Many times Joy and Sunny will be talking about Trump and then ask Meghan 'why doesn't his base care?', 'what will it take to move the needle with his base?". Those are just my observations and I say this as someone who can't stand Meghan - I dislike her for her attitude but I still listen to her opinion and ideas. I often am on the other side of the argument but I still listen.

    Megan has superficial knowledge about Trump's base, plus, they hate her and her dad.. Nothing she says about them is ever profound or insightful.  She pretends to be an expert on them. Sunny and Joy do not need Megan McCain to tell them.  I could enumerate the many reasons why they are so loyal but it would be off-topic. 

    • Love 22
  2. 3 minutes ago, Lilaclily said:

    I hate the spewing of statistics, live or in reruns!

    Someone needs to ask the princess of Arizona where she gets her statistics because they could be manipulated for a desired result.  The also need to tell her that since she has never run a Democratic campaign that resulted in a victory, she cannot give Democrats advice on how to win elections both locally and nationally. They let her get away with too much crap. 

    • Love 15
  3. 1 hour ago, cinsays said:

    Yeah, wouldn't the kid want to spend time with his friends, not his mommy...

    I criticize Wendy a lot but I see nothing wrong with a mother and son hanging out with each other. I think they are both dealing with the end of their family and are leaning on each other for moral support. Wendy fought hard to have her son after losing two daughters, I have no doubt they have a tight bond. We may see Wendy as a pathetic joke, but she is his mother. He does not see her like we do. Sometimes parents need love and support from their children when they are going through something. 

    • Love 16
  4. Just now, ari333 said:

    I love Joy. I enjoy Sunny; And I even like Whoopi sometimes (shocker)

    I like Whoopie sometimes as well.  The look on her face when Joy and Megan were still going at it when they were going to commercial reinforced my beliefs that she is over Megan as well.  She looked sad dejected and at a loss on how to deal with the princess of Arizona.  

    • Love 12
  5. 13 hours ago, JBC344 said:

    That is who I meant. I couldn't remember if he had a son or daughter. Thanks. 

    You welcome! I always wanted Benjamin Carver to come back as well.  Benjamin could have been involved with Wilson.  The Carvers should have had a strong presence on the show.  I have always liked Abe but not with Lexie..

    • Love 2
  6. 57 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

    Jade Westin, Benny Dimera's daughter, Benjy Carver, Tyler Kiriakis, Conor Lockhart, JT. 

    Benjy Hawke.  He also has a son Steven Hawke who he named after his idol and beloved surrogate dad Steven Johnson.

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  7. 9 minutes ago, PennyPie18 said:

    Malkin and Coulter are probably much worse than MM.....no one is more hate filled than those two. As for Heaton, meh....I think she is over-rated as an actress, and never really knew that much about her. There has to be more polished, professional Republican women than those three, who could restore The View to it's original format.........no screeching, no yelling, no nasty behavior toward the other hosts. Where the heck is she????

    Candice Owens is as bad as Megan. She is a Black conservative and she is the most repellent woman that I have had the displeasure of watching on TV. I was truly appalled by her atrocious behavior, she made me embarrass to be Black. She is trying to get the Black community to leave the Democratic party, her pathetic movement is called "walk away". The idiot has no idea that this movement was started by Russian bots online and she is being used. It pains me to say this about a woman of color but it is what it is. 

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  8. 29 minutes ago, Tosia said:

    Honestly I believe MM spoiled it on purpose to distract from her ridicule on SNL and John Oliver, PLUS, I really believe that she believes ANY media attention--negative or positive, is better than no attention at all.  

    I don't think she is that strategic to do that, she is too emotional to be that manipulative.

    • Love 10
  9. 4 minutes ago, rcc said:

    That's why I did not watch today. So many times she obviously didn't care about other cohosts getting attention.

    It is why she ran Rosie off of the show. Yes, Rosie had her issues.  I still remember on Rosie's first day back on the show, the audience cheered for her effusively chanted her name and the look on Whoopie's face said it all..

    • Love 23
  10. 2 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    It’s next to the vault that holds the money she paid to the insurance company. 

    Whoopie has no idea how student loans work and it was embarrassing how the ladies shook their heads in agreement like she had said something so profound when she was dead wrong. Whoopie is another one who thinks too highly of her intelligence..

    • Love 18
  11. 2 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

    I may be one of the few people on planet earth who doesn't watch GoT, but I can't believe Meghan gave away a spoiler and had the nerve to say "I'm sorry the audience is so triggered about this. Why is this a hot topic if I'm not supposed to talk about it?" 

    Then she says, "I wasn't told not to give away spoilers." Uh, it's kind of common courtesy not to do that? Or to at least preface your spoiler by saying, "spoiler alert!"

    She needs to stay off of twitter because they will be coming for her. What a dumbass, giving people more reasons to attack her on social media..

    • LOL 3
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  12. 2 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

    Oh my freaking God!  Meghan just said if anything happened to whoopi she would have to leave earth too 😂🖕🏽👋🏼

    Wow! so Whoopie is more important than her mother, her centenarian grandmother, husband and siblings. I just rolled my eyes, Whoopie must really protect her snowflake ass behind the scenes. 

    • LOL 5
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  13. 1 minute ago, Alexis2291 said:

    Dang, Meghan is triggered as hell and it's hilarious. 😂

    This is definitely the reason why. It's as if she expected people to respect her as much as they respect her dad. I really think she believed that up until recently when the criticism of her increased. I don't feel sorry for her at all. What's worse is she may be spouting beliefs in public that differ from her beliefs in private, if we are to believe Ana Kasparian (I do). I say all this to say that she probably thought being a (fake) tough Conservative chick would earn her some cool points with the cool kids and it's blowing up in her face. 

    The fact that the right is not defending her says a lot.  There is a segment of the right that hates her dad and her by association. Have you seen the nasty tweets against her, they love to fat shame her. The left does it as well. There is bipartisan vitriol regarding her.  She is letting her husband take her down real fast.  I think he encourages her base instincts and we are seeing it on full display on the show, on other shows and online..

    • Love 18
  14. 18 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

    Remember when DiBlasio  announced he's running for pres last week, and Whoopi LAUGHED and mocked him?  it was treated on The View as a ridiculous joke.   Meghan apparently is in disagreement with Whoopi.  She re-tweeted her husband's tweet: 

    I guess Meghan and Ben are pretty upset that Mayor Pete is getting attention.

    She is inconsistent because she just praised Mayor Pete on the show. DiBlasio is a joke, the fact that he is a Mayor of New York city, a city that has more people in it than in some states says a lot about his prospects..

    • Love 8
  15. On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 8:23 PM, stormy said:

    What I found interesting was that there were about 100 people that attended and probably five that were still willing to back trump.

    They booed anyone that had anything pro-trump to say and one guy called trump a con man that had sold them a pack of lies. 

    Tom Perez was there and Chris asked him a question.  My anti Tom Perez feelings were reinforced. Oh how I wish Howard Dean was still in charge of the DNC. 🙄

    I dislike him intensely and he has not being doing what he should be doing in getting Democrats to be noticed in red states and red districts in blue states. Any success anywhere is due to the intense grassroots organizations  and activism on the ground. 

    • Love 3
  16. 3 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    I love Tasha! She is a bit loud but she does make me laugh! And I'm not at all surprised with what she's saying about Wendy. 

    Same here, I knew something was up. Wendy is fake, but, it is not surprising at all.. Her calling the baby, baby bitch is really vile. The baby did nothing wrong, it is not her fault her parents hurt Wendy.  Wendy may have Kelvin for now, but Sharina is still living off of Wendy's check..

    • Love 4
  17. 7 hours ago, deirdra said:

    Thanks, The View, I'd not heard the guy who believes ectopic pregnancies can be reimplanted; I wonder if he also thinks miscarried fetuses and babies can be reimplanted?  ~20% of pregnancies end in spontaneous miscarriages - is he going to assume the women did something wrong and lock them up?

    Google Purvi Patel, who was sent to prison in Indiana for 20 years in 2015 for having  had a miscarriage. We are living in scary times indeed.

    • Love 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

    If what we dislike about her is her attitude and delivery, then we can criticize that, but criticizing her body makes it sound like we have a problem with overweight women, and surely that's not the case.

    The people who attack her  weight on the internet are usually on twitter and not really on here. She is such a nasty person that I really don't care if people make cracks about her weight. I find her that loathsome and intolerable as a person. 

    • Love 14
  19. 22 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

    Yes, sadly, it is true.  They want it to be implanted back into the woman's uterus.  A procedure that does not even exist.  I guess the medical community has to figure it out and make it happen.  Imagine the physical and emotional pain for the woman.

    They don't care about women or the fetus. It is all about controlling a woman's body.  These people also do not believe in science.  As upset as I am, it is not surprising that women's rights are under assault. Then, it will be marriage equality. They are coming for LGBT people, another group they have been force to treat like human beings. They have always come for Black people, so it is nothing new or shocking for us.

    • Love 20
  20. 4 minutes ago, General Days said:

    I don't know. I mean, nobody is obligated to disclose their personal history on TV or elsewhere, but what kind of impact might that have on Meghan? She clearly idolizes Whoopi. She'd have to integrate that information into her narrow worldview. It might do some good. 

    She does not idolize Whoopie in my opinion. Whoopie is a means to an end, she got her the job at the view and she also protects her childish ass from the mean nasty liberals on the panel. 

    • Love 19
  21. 7 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

    Somebody should tell Meghan that Whoopi has had an abortion.

    Word on the street is that Whoopie has had more than 1. It is why Whoopie gets fired up when the topic is brought up because she feels that people like Megan are judging her for her choices. If Megan has met Sherry, then she has met 2 women who have made that choice. Sally Fields was a guest on the show and spoke about going to Mexico to get one at 17, so, that is 3.

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  22. 9 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

    Shut up, Meghan!  Let the guest speak!

    It is impossible for me to believe that Meghan who  is 33 or 34, went to college, and, has traveled, has never known anyone who has had an abortion.  But then, it's also hard for me to believe that Joy or Sunny have never punched her in the face.

    Someone should tell Megan that 1 in 4 women has had an abortion, so she has met women who have had it. Some are in evangelical churches preaching about the evils of abortion.  She needs to shut it with her feigned ignorance. She is such a poser and I don't believe for one second that she is happy in her skin. Her weight bothers her a lot. Her insecurities about her weight, intelligence and accomplishments are on display every day.  

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