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Posts posted by Apprentice79

  1. 4 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    I know Joe S is a ginormous blowhard but dang, if he wasn’t saying all the things that need saying!

    What did he say? I cannot bear to watch him for long. Plus, his show gave a certain person free publicity. I do think that he and Mika had a beautiful wedding from the pictures that were posted online..

    • Love 4
  2. The View got no Emmys tonight at the Daytime Emmy awards, very deserving since they have that obnoxious vile harridan Megan McCain on the panel.

    • Love 13
  3. 1 minute ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Don't get me wrong I like the show too but we now have a people getting offended when someone wears a fat suit for an episode.  Married With Children was down right gleeful in its ability to make jokes at other peoples expense but then turn around and take the opposite view all at the same time.   It would make a joke about fat people then the very next joke would be about skinny people.    I think too many people would have focused on the gleeful meanness of the show without understanding the show was also making a point about that very same gleeful meanness.  

    That is so true, they made fun of everybody and Al  the main character got mocked the most and I always felt bad for him. I wanted him to win at least once...

    • Love 5
  4. 2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    There are plenty of shows that would never work in todays market but that doesn't mean the show doesn't stand up to second viewing.   I love Married With Children but its complete political incorrectness would have offended so so many people and with the internet if full force it would have gotten cancelled after the pilot.    And yet I watch reruns of it all the time and my cousin who was born after it ended loves it as well.  

    What was so offensive about Married with Children for some people? I liked Al because he was so unconventional.  I always felt so bad for him, nothing ever went his way, he hated his life and he was the first man on tv that went out of his way to not have sex with his wife, lol..

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  5. 1 hour ago, Kromm said:

    I've been staying away from places where that's likely happening, although I noticed a bunch of YouTube video reviews where 95% of the review is gushing about the movie, with an interlude somewhere in the middle venting about how much they hated the Captain Marvel parts but were willing to overlook them as long as Disney waves a wand and gets rid of her after this.

    Just to reiterate my opinion on that scene, so nobody has to scroll back, I was more than fine with the concept of the scene, but felt the execution was horribly ham-handed. I even came up with a headcanon/theory about why it wound up in the movie seeming so arbitrary/badly set up.  That I bet there was a preceding scene shot where these women meet/are teamed up and it was cut for time.  Leaving a super-well intentioned and thematically appropriate scene behind which despite that felt forced and artificial... when it didn't really have to.

    The various pigs out there STILL would have been offended and loathsome about it, even if it had been set up better by this other theoretical scene I'm speculating about though, so really I think this instead comes down to one of the few bad editing decisions made in the movie and has nothing to do with those (mostly) guys and their misogynistic bullcrap.

    I don't understand the intense hatred for Captain Marvel.  Why does she trigger so many nuts out there. Why does a fictitious person inspire so much vitriol.  The misogyny is really scary. Some people need to get some perspective, it is not that serious.  I liked the scene with the women, but, I can understand why some people felt it was forced. Live and let live..

    • Love 10
  6. 3 minutes ago, TheView said:

     I think Meghan would’ve been great on The Real World. 

    Megan wants to be like the laides on the housewives, but, she is too weak and stupid to deal with the ladies on there. They would have her for lunch and I would enjoy every minute of it.

    4 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

    Everybody was correct in treating Puck horribly.  He deserved it.

    Puck was bad, but, I always thought there was a meanness in Rachel.

    • Love 6
  7. 23 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

    Rachel was so chill on The Real World.  She's changed tremendously.  I blame her husband.

    We saw hints of her vileness in the real world, her treatment of Puck, even though he was gross.  I think her husband brought out her worst traits and justified it by using the Bible. Some people bring out our best and others your worst.

    • Love 4
  8. 2 minutes ago, TheView said:

    I'm just glad we have Meghan and not Rachel Campos-Duffy. 

    I find both to be equally repellent.  I doubt the show will ever find a sane Republican who can articulate her views without lies distortions propaganda and hysterical rants.

    • LOL 1
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  9. 2 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    I think it's probably a prequel, but I hope that sandwiched around the meat of the story is a frame that brings Natasha back to life in the MCU. (Or at least starts movement that way, if GotG3 is going to pick up that thread--I could TOTALLY see a post-credits scene teasing Guardians 3: The Search for Gamora [And Nat By Association].) I just can't believe that the studio would greenlight a Black Widow prequel movie knowing they were going to kill the character permanently in Endgame. It makes zero sense, especially since the studio has never really wanted to do a Black Widow movie to begin with.

    Why were the studios against doing a Black Widow movie?  She should have gotten one a long time ago.  

    • Love 2
  10. On ‎5‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 6:00 PM, TheView said:

    And also it was a really bad move for them to fire Joy. 

    I remember Joy saying that Barbara really wanted to get rid of Elizabeth, but, was afraid of looking like she was picking on the conservative, so Joy had to go in order to look like she was being fair.  It is why Elizabeth left without any goodbye show, she left the same day she was fired. Whereas, Joy got a sendoff show. 

    • Love 5
  11. On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 5:46 AM, Cranberry said:

    My top 10:

    1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    2. Avengers: Endgame
    3. Black Panther
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Thor: Ragnarok
    6. Ant-Man
    7. Spider-Man: Homecoming
    8. Guardians of the Galaxy
    9. The Avengers
    10. Captain America: Civil War

    Order shifts a little depending on my mood. 

    Robert Downey Jr.'s Massive Payday Tops 'Avengers: Endgame' Star Deals

    Some interesting details in there. Scarlett Johansson is apparently a producer on the Black Widow movie as well as the star. The article says it's slated for 2020. The next Guardians of the Galaxy movie will apparently reunite the current five stars and start shooting next year. We should also see at least one more Black Panther movie and one more Doctor Strange movie thanks to the actors' contracts.

    I think the actors will renegotiate their contracts to be in more movies in the MCU, even if we don't get a Black Panther 3 and Doctor Strange 3. I have a feeling we might get them, depending on how much money the sequels make. 

  12. 23 hours ago, DrivingSideways said:

    I actually love when Wendy has these young stars on like the kid from Blackish (I forgot his name but he was charming), and today's Jacob Latimore.  He's great on The Chi and was such a gentleman.  I was floored when Wendy asked him if he was involved in gang activity.  Where did that question come from and why does she think that's appropriate?  

    Wendy is an idiot and the optics of a Black woman asking a young Black male that question is absurd to say the least, what a bitch!

    • Love 10
  13. 10 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    Not much to say about today's show. Everyone was pretty well behaved.  I didn't know Rebel Wilson was a lawyer. 

    The contrast between Rebel Wilson and Megan was palpable.  It is not fair to compare them, but, I did. Rebel has gotten herself in trouble on twitter, but, what a delightful woman.. Her rap made me laugh, I wonder if the show will have to pay for it, lol.. 

    • Love 12
  14. 31 minutes ago, deirdra said:

    The View producers/staff must have watched The Good Fight last night to get the idea for the Hate Speech vs. Free Speech "hot topic"

    Facebook is a private organization so they have the discretion to do what they want.  Just like Primetimer, we can only speak about politics as long as it was brought up on the show. If you violate that rule, you can be suspended or banned if after repeated warnings  you continue to talk about politics that are off-topic. 

    Free speech means the government cannot come after you for your rhetoric.  I can criticize and mock elected officials as long as I don't threaten their lives.  Hate speech has consequences in a private organization.  I don't understand why Sunny was so uncomfortable about people being banned on facebook for their dangerous rhetoric.  Facebook is not a government entity.

    It is frightening that so many people rely on facebook for news as a country we are in big trouble.    

    • Love 19
  15. 1 hour ago, Mikita said:

    Sigh. I like Carrie Ann, but yes, the emotional breakdowns and tears needs to be kept to a minimum. You too Sheryl. Every episode tears. 

    I do think that some topics like sexual abuse, loneliness and familial bonds triggers them. Also, I don't know what it is like to have been sexually violated and having family members who did nothing to help you. Both of their mothers did nothing to really help them with their respective traumas.  Sheryl's mom blamed her and Carrie Ann's was in denial. However, I will take their tears over Rosie O'Donnell's simmering rage who was always on the verge of exploding like a volcano. I too love Rosie, despite it all. 

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