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Everything posted by Ikki

  1. So, I only read the summaries, but I'm curious...was Brandon hooking up with Kharece while he was in his last relationship? The one that left him "heartbroken"?
  2. Yeah, I thought that was a great prize-- in that college is very expensive and that by winning the show she is encouraged to further her education. Of course, it's only quite that great of a prize if she wants to go there. It seems like a great opportunity, but it is also really far away from her family and friends, and it has a limited range of courses (what if she wants to double major in design and... I don't know, biochem?). Haha, I'm feeling anxious about the college plans of this fourteen year old I've never met. Hopefully she'll want to go there and love her well-earned time at the school.
  3. That was great. I'm so happy for Maya; her look was my favorite. I definitely would've put Peytie second, though.
  4. Kelly looked like her lips were frostbitten. That's all I got from this episode. (Not really, but I kept waiting for them to cut back to her so that I could continue to comment on them.)
  5. My roommate was watching this episode and talking about it with my other roommate's boyfriend, and after talking about the age difference between Mark and Nikki, she said, "But he's not creepy at all." Now, I haven't actually watched the show, just read about it on here, but I feel like we have different definitions of "not creepy."
  6. I'm glad that they were all like, "I'm not going to fucking SHOOT you." Until Wes did, but he's my least favorite of them anyway. Though I also wouldn't have minded if Laurel did it in a completely calm way.
  7. A fun thing to do with this episode, as I learned from talking to a friend, is to try to summarize it to someone who no longer watches the show. Then end your summary with, "And that's what you missed on Glee."
  8. I think it was that his memories came back when Emma came to town and he heard her name. That's why pre-curse, in the Snowing's dungeon Rumple was all like, "I NEED HER NAME!!!"
  9. Thank you for reminding me of the ship name "Mulan Rouge;" I was wasting my time referring to it as "Red Warrior" when clearly the other is superior.
  10. It seems like everyone was emotionally compromised by the first episode, but for me it was aiming to hard at the Captain Swan feels, of which I have none. No, instead it was the second hour that reminded me just how much I shipped Sleeping Warrior and punched me in the face.
  11. As weird as it was that they aired these two episodes together (and it was quite weird), maybe they figured they couldn't just air the second episode on it's own at some point? I would've been there for Mulan and Ruby, but the whole lack of the main cast thing would have made the episode seem strange anywhere, I think.
  12. Why the hell were these episodes aired together like this... At the same time, RUBY. MULAN. BRAVE RED WARRIOR. Like, I should've gone to bed after the first episode, but the part of me that actually cares about shipping is glad I didn't.
  13. I'm really glad this thread exists, just so I have somewhere to say: I do not give a shit about Captain Swan. (And to see that there are other fans not so crazy about them as well.)
  14. I wish May had actually killed him. Not because I want him dead, but because I'm a fan of the whole "kill the one you love" thing. (That...doesn't make me sound better.)
  15. I'm 100% here for all this dramatic irony.
  16. Does anyone else consistently add cinnamon to their hot chocolate because of this show? (I also add salt to my chocolate milk because of Modern Family, and I enjoy waffles significantly more because of Parks and Rec.)
  17. I loved Zelena this episode. Hated what they've done to Snow, but I almost feel like Zelena's my favorite current character (in the "fun to watch" aspect). But then there's the whole "raped Robin Hood and we're not going to address that" aspect that keeps me from fully enjoying her.
  18. My roommates and I were flipping between HTGAWM and this (during the commercials), and we saw her at the very end when it was clear she had been picked as the winner. I told them, "People on the internet hate her." And they were all, "What?!" "No!" "Why?!" And I tried to explain, as well as explain why I liked her outfits the least of those left. But they all liked her a lot, so I guess she has some pull among 20-something girls.
  19. Watching this show with someone who both doesn't keep up enough to have seen all the episodes and insists on talking/asking questions when you have no way of pausing the show is an incredibly frustrating experience. Just needed to vent about that a little.
  20. I think I would've been surprised that Andrew is Lash if I hadn't read the theory on here. Regardless, when I read the theory I really wanted it to be true, so I'm excited.
  21. I just desperately wanted Belle and Merida's story to turn into the gay romance storyline.
  22. "Are you thirsty? 'Cause I am." --Henry, dialog expanded
  23. ^I laughed so hard the first time I saw this scene. I rewatched it a bunch of times immediately, and when I came to it on a recent rewatch, it made me laugh all over again.
  24. I started laughing so hard when I saw Lena being called a negligent slut.
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