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Everything posted by parisprincess

  1. I agree that these people should drop all the nonsense about past grievances but that's not likely to happen with any of them. While KELLY should let go of their Kim obsession, Kim needs to stop constantly blaming Kyle for not being there for her, and always trying to lay guilt on her for never doing enough. Kim really does treat Kyle horrendously with her forever telling Kyle that Kathy and Brandi care more than Kyle does. The only thing Kyle could do that would make Kim happy is to be her biggest enabler and validate her endless maladies that give her an excuse to take one pill or another (or several). Since Kyle won't do it, she's the worst sister imaginable. Kyle needs to cut ties with Kim and let her continue her downward spiral, which is exactly what is going to happen unless Kim has a sudden burst of self awareness and decides to do what only she can do, and that is to seek help.
  2. I agree that Brandi's wine tossing is not as bad as LisaR's glass breaking. However, Brandi's idea of being funny is almost always something that comes across as being mean. There's nothing funny about someone throwing wine at an unsuspecting person, like she did with Eileen or at Jeff on WWHL. Saying the most inappropriate thing you can think of just for the shock value isn't funny either. I enjoy watching some of the gems the other women come out with at times that are unexpected and funny, but I can't think of a single time that Brandi said anything that made me laugh because it was funny. If she has a sense of humor, its a warped one.
  3. Since I don't believe for a moment that the dad is going to relinquish his rights to Robyn's kids, Kody will never be able to adopt them. Someone needs to inform Robyn that, even married to Kody, if she were to die, the kids would go to their father, and if he, for some reason (illness or whatever) couldn't take them, they'd go to a blood relative before going to some moron with three common-law wives and 15-20 other kids.
  4. Yes, Kim does need help, but she needs to stop expecting Kyle to be there 24/7 for her when the woman doesn't have the education or the tools to help her. What the fuck does she want from Kyle other than for her to be an enabler? THAT, in a nutshell is exactly what she wants. Kim, and Kim alone, is responsible for her sobriety and needs to wake up and admit she has a problem and seek the help she needs, instead of the three years sober shit she keeps throwing around and saying over and over that she's fine. She is NOT fine, nor has she been sober for three years! Oh, and I love what you did there with the KELLY!
  5. I was referring to her behavior ON poker night. She wanted them to accept that it was just a case of taking a pill that "didn't agree with her" and give her a total pass instead of even suggesting otherwise. If she had admitted she was high as a kite and APOLOGIZED for it (to anyone), it might have ceased to be as big an issue as it has.
  6. I just read Brandi's blog and had to laugh at her remark about the others getting upset about her "tossing an inch of wine while "play acting soap opera". Maybe Brandi was "play acting soap opera", but its obvious that Eileen didn't get the memo. No, it wasn't playful nor was it funny. In fact, Brandi doesn't know how to kid and joke around. At the pot place, I really think the other ladies were joking and pretending they were unfamiliar with pot, as they laughed and giggled about it. Of course, Brandi didn't get the joke because her idea of a joke is to out people (Adrianne, Kyle) regarding things that are not hers to reveal, or make remarks about eating pussy, or any other outlandish thing she can think of that will be of shock value. Brandi and Kim make a good pair.
  7. And because of her behavior at poker night, the others have a hard time listening to her proclaim over and over that she's been "sober" for THREE YEARS. That is a lie, and Kim knows it, but she expects everyone else to ignore her behavior and pretend she no longer has a problem and, in her words, is fine. That's hard to do when you have seen the results of others who have deluded themselves about their condition and/or you really care about the person who either gets all pissy or responds with "blah, blah, blah" when you try to have a serious discussion with them. Kim is her own worst enemy, and I think the others should just let her free fall to whatever depths she will ultimately take herself to while the others enjoy their pretty fabulous lives (meaning Kyle, LisaV, LisaR, Eileen and Yolanda).
  8. Yes, leave her alone, but don't forget to be there for her 24/7.
  9. I can't, because she shouldn't have even been there. She wasn't wanted and, more importantly, she wasn't invited.
  10. If Kim truly feels that way, she should get off the show. When has Kyle needed Kim? What has Kim ever done for Kyle? Kyle has said that Kim is like Mauricio's second wife, so he (and Kyle) must have done a lot for her over the years. And if its making it harder for Kim, having others hammering on her issues, she'd be smart to leave the show and lean on the ones who "really" care for her, Kathy and Brandi.
  11. Its hard to commit to helping someone unless THEY actually own up to the fact that they're an addict and commit to seriously taking steps to come clean. If I remember correctly, when Kim did go to rehab, she checked herself out early, and she has not been shown to be taking the steps that are called for during recovery. Commitment on the part of the addict is necessary before anyone else can help them.
  12. No she hasn't. According to Kim, it wasn't a relapse; it was a pill she took that "didn't agree with her". You may feel sick and even vomit if something doesn't agree with you; you don't act spaced out, insulting everyone around you like she did in the car AND in Eileen's home. Remember, she's been "sober" for THREE YEARS, just ask her!
  13. Kyle has been giving Kim support for years and years and years (without cameras present), so just how long is enough? How many times does Kyle have to listen to Kim scream "You're NEVER there for me!" before she can walk away, realizing that she can't help Kim because all Kim wants from Kyle is for her to validate and enable her to do whatever she wants? Kyle needs to realize that you cannot control what other people do, just how you react to it; and what she should do is leave it to Brandi and Kathy to deal with Kim.
  14. I don't care if Kim did go right to Kyle to explain her moronic decision to bring Brandi to Kyle's party. The fact remains that Kyle explicitly did not invite Brandi, hoping for a fun event without Brandi ruining it. First of all, Kim had absolutely NO RIGHT to bring Brandi without a heads up to Kyle before hand, and thinking she was going to facilitate a truce between Kyle and Brandi at a party that her sister was hosting was a stupid, stupid move. She WAS provoking because guests don't get to invite others without discussing it with the host first. Then to sit there looking spaced out when Brandi made the insulting remark about Mauricio and not saying anything just showed how little Kim cares about Kyle. Since Kyle and Kim went four months not seeing each other before the reunion, I hope Kyle enjoyed not having to deal with the mess that is Kim, and that she keeps her distance for an even longer time in the future.
  15. Or, as MarysWetBar so eloquently put it, JD the "Hillbilly Bachelor".
  16. I just can't figure Brandi out. She seems to want to create drama every time things are going well and people are enjoying themselves. First, sitting at a table where people are having a normal conversation and deciding to throw wine in someone's face for no reason at all. Then, watching the others having fun at the pot place and deciding its a good time to out Kyle regarding pot smoking. And last, again watching the others laughing and enjoying the walk back to the hotel and feeling the need to lash out about everyone saying things about her but her not being able to say anything......where did that come from? And in the next episode she gets physical by slapping someone's face. Added to her behavior off screen, she has to be stupid not to realize why none of these people want to be friends with her.
  17. It takes THIS to embarrass Brandi? How about when she is drunk and her tampon string is dangling, or so drunk that she has to be carried out of a restaurant/bar/club? Although I agree that LisaR was out of line for glassgate, she had more of a reason to go off the rails than Brandi, who threw wine in Eileen's face for no reason at all. And from the previews, it looks like she does something else that's a totally WTF moment.
  18. From what we know about Big Kathy, Kim obviously learned that from her. Kim and Kyle both seem to have emotional scars from being raised by BK,
  19. If someone had ignored me and then sat staring daggers at me in the plane, making it obvious they had a problem with me, I'd be asking them if they were okay too. On second thought, I'd probably ask "What the fuck is your problem?" No pussyfooting around for me!
  20. WOW, if Robyn could save enough out of her grocery money to fund a trip to Hawaii between the time of the divorce and marriage, I want her as my financial advisor! Either she gets a BIG food budget or she's starving her kids.
  21. What is this about JD chasing people with his constable car? Where I come from, you can only use your work car for work; you're in deep shit if you even use it for personal business, let alone behaving recklessly with it. What a bunch of fools!
  22. Like Robyn will ever let that happen!
  23. I just want to know: 1. Why on earth would they go through a divorce and marriage so Kody can adopt Robin's kids BEFORE even knowing if their father would be willing to give up his parental rights? And I'd bet my life savings that isn't going to happen. Their other excuse makes no sense either. If Robin were to die, being legally married to Kody would NOT give him rights to her kids. 2. They stress that they are all SO busy because they ALL work? At WHAT? 3. If their lifestyle is so wonderful and they're all so happy, why is at least one wife, if not more, crying in every. fucking. episode? So, the main reason for their "restructuring their marriages" is Robin's kids. Since their stupid plan is not going to get them the ending they want, sneaky little Robin comes out the winner. Well played, Robin, well played!
  24. Two names being mentioned are Khloe Kardashian and NeNe. How much more of the Kartrashians can the viewing public take? And NeNe? That girl is so full of herself that I fast forward her scenes in HWs of Atlanta. If either of these two join the show, I won't be watching.
  25. I was so looking forward to hearing who the "stars" are this season, and lovin' the hell out of the fact that the golden boy wouldn't be on my TV screen. Since I don't even know who over half of these people are, and the fact that Derrick is indeed back, I think I'm going to sit out this season. Can't stand watching him make his own rules and get tongue baths every week. I will, however, be reading here to keep up on the snark!
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