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Everything posted by parisprincess

  1. Perfectly put, film noire. This is Kim in a nutshell. I'm going to miss this board for the next five days. I'm flying from Detroit to Tampa early tomorrow morning, so I'm sure I'll have lots to catch up on when I get back!
  2. Brandi has managed to do that in less than five seasons. Brandi wins!!!
  3. So much this! Brandi made Kim's "situation" sound so dire that, of course, LisaR was concerned. Had she explained it as you suggested, motorcitymom65, we probably would have been spared a lot of the BS we've had to watch because of that particular conversation.
  4. Bet Kim doesn't make anywhere near the coins with her Sharknado 3 little cameo as LisaR made with her Depends commercial.
  5. The only relationship of Kim's that I enjoy is the one with Monty.
  6. Wow! I learn something new on these threads every day! I've never heard of any kind of sex book being given as a wedding gift. Surely the giver would be a very close family member rather than extended family, friends or acquaintances, right?
  7. What an accomplishment! Andy probably wants us to start making banners and planning a parade in her honor.
  8. I haven't seen where Kyle has picked all the fights, especially the one at the gay party. She had every right to be upset that Kim purposely showed up with Brandi in tow, the one person Kyle did NOT invite because she doesn't like her. Why would someone do that to her sister, and why would Brandi show up somewhere she obviously wasn't wanted? Then when the uninvited person makes a nasty remark about Kyle's husband not wanting her, Kim sits there and doesn't say a word. She claims she didn't hear it, but I think she was just in her foggy little world and it didn't quite register. After all, she wasn't sure what day it was and what day she had last seen Kyle. Poker night the only time she was off? Hardly!
  9. The fact that Kim has opted out of several events since the start of the show, plus the fact that she has been allowed to opt out of blogging whenever she wants, shows me that she is definitely allowed to say no, and it hasn't cost her her job.
  10. I agree with some of what you say, jinjer, but the fact is Kyle and Mauricio bought a house in the desert, so what are the supposed to do? Never speak of it or invite Kim to stay there because of her misplaced resentment? Why did Kim even agree to go there since it was obvious that she had a chip on her shoulder the moment she walked through the door? She could have suggested meeting somewhere else to talk. And Kim wouldn't be sobriety-challenged if she'd admit she has a problem and did something about it, rather than everyone having to walk on egg shells because of it. I feel that Kyle can't win most of the time with Kim. If she just sat back, watching the Kim/Brandi dynamic and waited for Brandi to turn on fragile little Kim, rather than give her a heads up, then she'd be criticized once again for not "having her back". I get so tired of hearing how Kyle never sticks up or speaks up for Kim, when Kim was shown several times watching Brandi go off on Kyle (in Eileen's driveway, at the Gay mixer about Mauricio) and never, ever steps up to defend Kyle. I do agree with you, jinjer, that Kyle needs to step away from Kim and enjoy the fabulous lifestyle that she has.
  11. I don't buy Brandi's friendship with Kim being because she cares so much about her. I think there are two reasons she's Kim's biggest champion; number one, none of the other women can stand her (Brandi), except Captain Save-a-Ho Yolanda, who I give props to for never giving up on a project even if it is a lost cause; and two, she loves to rub it in Kyle's face because of her jealousy and hatred of her.
  12. I guess I'm not a good person because if my sister was screaming at me time and time again that her friend was more like a sister to her than I was, and I knew that this so-called friend was saying the same things behind her back that she was bitching about everyone else for doing, I'd sure as hell want to let her know what kind of friend she was so righteously defending too.
  13. I don't understand why the Duggar girls have to side hug each other when Michelle gave frontal hugs to both Cindy when she arrived at the house, and the lady who was at the door at the reunion. Also, the girls can't even touch the guys while courting and yet Michelle sure did a lot of touching with that guy at the reunion. I'm surprised JimBob didn't take her hand off him and step between them like he did when Derrick put his hand on Jill's shoulder in Nepal.
  14. In that video of Kim on WWHL with Tom Arnold, what is with all these women constantly touching and stroking their hair? All the Kartrashians do it and Kim is doing it too. Even when the camera is on Tom, you can see her hand moving through her hair if you look carefully on the left. That is so distracting and very annoying.
  15. The "me me me me" stuff runs in the family. I'm still shaking my head over the video where Kyle is talking to someone about a hurtful remark Brandi made and Kim butts in and goes on and on and on about how Brandi hurt HER. How many fucking times did she say to Kyle "But, she hurt MEEEEE!" even though Kyle acknowledged several times that "Yes, she did", but when Kyle said "How about 'in addition' to you.....", Kim then changed to "In addition?!!! In addition?!!!" Kim was determined to make the whole conversation about her and no matter what Kyle said, she was going to be wrong. As much as I'd like to see Kyle wash her hands of Kim, I have to admire the fact that she has put up with her for so many years without strangling her.
  16. That's why I said her bawdy remarks are usually not made at inappropriate times. I'm certainly not going to say she's never inappropriate, because they have all been at one time or another. However, Brandi is the only one who makes a habit of it. Also, with Brandi, its not always about saying things that make the others gasp or clutch their pearls; its also things like the remark she made to Babyface about the ring and the remark she made about Eileen's home. These are things you may think to yourself, but a mature adult doesn't say them out loud.
  17. LisaV's pussy remarks ARE getting old, but all in all, she comes off with some good zingers. Also, her bawdy remarks are usually made either in her TH's or at a time when its not inappropriate. When she's with a group of women who have all made risqué comments at times, I have no problem with it. However, if such a remark were to be made in a setting like Brandi's finger-banging remark was made, then I wouldn't find it appropriate at all.
  18. AND, you have to know your audience. Many people do enjoy a little risqué humor, as long as its with the right person/group.
  19. Seeing Paris reminded me of the fact I'm glad her 15 minutes are over. Nicki seems like a sweet girl. Loved seeing Camille and loved her dress. After seeing her on WWHL, I wish she would come back on the show.
  20. At the last dinner in Amsterdam, I was quite amused by the ladies' sex talk. When I get together with girlfriends over wine, we discuss many topics including some pretty raunchy stuff, but its a group discussion and only one of many things we talk about. I can't compare that to being a guest in someone's home with a famous songwriter and a singer, where music is being discussed and some nutcase, out of the blue, makes a remark about finger banging. All Brandi did, once again, was show her ass to people she had never even met before. She just doesn't care how trashy she comes across.
  21. I would hope it would be the final straw for Kyle, WireWrap, but she seems to be a glutton for punishment when it comes to Kim, so I'll be pleasantly surprised if Kyle does indeed walk away from the mess that is her sister. She was under contract to talk about Kim and Brandi. That's why the cameras were there. The women (ALL of them) talk about the others in practically every scene because that's what they're being paid to do.
  22. But, Sincerely Yours, you could change the name from Kyle to Kim in your post and it would still be true. That's why, although I prefer Kyle to Kim, I think that everything with them is tit for tat. Their pattern is "you accuse me of this and I'll accuse you of that, or I'll accuse you of the same thing you accuse me of." Nothing will ever get resolved because neither will ever let the other off the hook. thewhiteowl, it was so refreshing to see one of the women describe something without either embellishing or outright lying about what happened. Kudos to LisaV! SwordQueen, BRAVO!! You've provided the perfect description of the Kim we've seen on the show, and I'm sure that's how she has operated her whole life. I just wish Kyle would man up and stop letting her nasty sister continue to reduce her to tears. Kim gets too much satisfaction when she makes Kyle cry.
  23. Meh, it runs in the family. Kim gets off on being able to make Kyle cry with her screaming about how Kathy and bestie Brandi are ALWAYS there for her and what a bad sister Kyle is. Its tit for tat with those two. Plus I'd add in her share of the cost of all the renovations Kyle and Mauricio made prior to putting the house on the market.
  24. Yeah, Kim was Big Kathy's caretaker for a few months and Kyle has been Kim's caretaker for how many years? Who got the short end of that stick? Big Kathy must have had a sick sense of humor. From what I have read, she enjoyed pitting the three girls against each other when they were young, and she made Kyle promise to take care of Kim, which Kyle feels she has to continue to do forever, or until Kim straightens herself out (which doesn't seem likely). As Kyle has said, she doesn't want the job, but going against Big Kathy's wishes would make her feel guilty. I'd bet Mommy Dearest also had a good laugh when she left the house to all three girls, knowing there would probably be problems down the line when the property would be sold. If sister Kathy is so much closer to Kim than she is to Kyle, I'm sure she didn't allow Mauricio and Rick to take advantage of Kim when it came to the Palm Springs house. IMO, there's no big mystery there. It's all in Kim's addle brained head.
  25. Brandi called Eileen a homewrecker because of her relationship with Vince before they were both divorced, but has no problem with Kim having a relationship with Davis while still married to Monty? This is the same woman who calls all the other women hypocritical? It makes as much sense as her suggesting that the others' husbands cheat on them just because Eddie cheated on her. Her thought process leaves me baffled.
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