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Everything posted by Ellee

  1. Ariana Grande — getting 20 to 25 million to judge????? Just read that. It has to be wrong.
  2. Thank you @ams1001. Last night was the first time I’d seen Justin and his journey. Crazy as it sounds I was so proud of him when I saw him at the end. Couldn’t help but wonder how he continued on. Go, Justin. Go,Justin, go! 😁
  3. I didn’t see the beginning of Justin’s journey. Was his mom an enabler or what? He looked so good at the end of the show.
  4. Why? Ariana Grande? Why??? Any chance we can be ‘pleasantly surprised’? I’m thinking not.
  5. Darnell will win the next round though I bet. Anyone else agree? What about the other match-ups. Any predictions?
  6. I find it interesting that four out of five moving on were former TC contestants. Not that that makes a difference on their abilities. It doesn’t. Some of us (me) feel like we know them. Does anyone see the TOC turning into a double elimination in the future?
  7. The reference to Susan Smith made me look her up. Article from 11/2020 https://nypost.com/2020/11/18/convicted-killer-susan-smith-could-be-free-in-2024/ Not that I want the boys’ daddy to go through more but I hope he stops her parole.
  8. Lol, my family can’t even say that. 😂 Maybe .... she bought very good chocolate chip cookies. ☺️
  9. Yes. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11524095/cult-mom-lori-vallows-sister-died-fifth-family/
  10. I’m old. Some things I can’t let go. Every day there are articles upon articles of children being murdered/starved or beaten by those that are supposed to love and care for them. Babies are supposed to grow up and experience life. It’s how it is supposed to be. As far as Susan Smith or Casey Anthony goes I was just as riled as I am now. Susan Smith begging someone to come forward ... can still see her standing there begging for the kids to come home or Casey Anthony’s multitude of stories...Andrea Yates...SMH. I just didn’t post then. Wasn’t even aware of these sites. Vallow gets under my skin because you can see how vain she is. Her need for notoriety/fame outweighs the lives of many.
  11. Does anyone know how Lori’s sister died? Jealousy??? I know her sister was young. I wonder how their tell all books are progressing. Booking any speaking engagements to spread their word? How many hair clients does Lori have?
  12. I think I’d run from any one of these people if I knew them. Fast, real fast. Re-evaluate my life. Wonder where I went wrong.
  13. I think Marc Murphy is just ‘a body’ in these tournaments. I don’t think he wants to win because that would mean he’d have to cook again. By doing things this way everyone sees him, knows him and he doesn’t have to ‘prove’ anything. It’s probably a very good payday too.
  14. Charles’ two sons with his second wife are staying away publicly from all of this. Can’t say that I blame them. Now I want the correct outcome to happen soon — for their sake and all the others that have been affected by this. Daybell may think he’s the ‘chosen one’ but Lori is definitely the one calling the shots. It’s a wonder that after all this time he hasn’t realized she will do whatever it takes for him to be the blame for it all — even the deaths before she knew him. What has the church/worshippers saying about them? Anything?
  15. I’m about to watch it right now. I hope the end is near for ‘their storyline’. All I’ve got right now. ETA: Joe was murdered. Joe was not a child molester. The temper — most likely true — not the first person nor the last. It would be interesting to hear what the people he worked with day to day say. I’m sure the officials have done that. Hope someone around Colby has his back as he will need it if realization that what he has said about abuse is proven not true. When Lori is ‘spewing her tales’, does the cadence in her speech change? Charles Vallow had children with his 2nd wife? Don’t think that I knew that. Interesting hearing about the different phases of these men’s lives. Lori had a ‘type’ and ran/murdered when they caught on to her.
  16. Lol...I enjoy this show. It’s too short but by being short it stops producers from ‘writing the storyline’ they want and the chefs are themselves.
  17. Hunter is getting experience in all aspects of these shows. Same way as Ryder will and/or is. It’s experience any kid would be lucky to get. Any one of us would do this for our kids.
  18. With the red team being two plates short, shouldn’t there have been a waiter standing there empty handed? It did appear that Nikki put down the steaks for Jordan’s course. So was Nikki the supposed culprit this episode?
  19. I don’t mind Hunter either. Give him a bit of a break please. The kid is probably afraid to let his personality out. Can’t you hear Guy saying ‘Just follow my lead’ or ‘just do what I do’.
  20. Lol and I figured Sweet T came from the fact that during TC1 she was anything but sweet.
  21. The Premonition. I have to wonder how John’s son, Jay-Jay, is today. I always worry about the child. I wonder about Kevin Foley’s relationship with Michelle is like today. He’s in jail and she got the cash. Michelle. Oh yeah right ... she got the cash .... and since the divorce wasn’t technically finalized everything else too I guess. Still me being me ... I guess I’m most concerned about Jay-Jay’s life. I hope his dad’s friends followed through with making sure he knows how much his dad loved him.
  22. And the physical stuff starts slowly within that time and happens enough to the point that one only needs to see a look.
  23. I’m sure it was the two boys. It takes time to get beat down like she was but her boys were her reason to keep on going. I can see why Sherri tried to keep them together but I’m talking the two boys and herself. He is where he needs to be now and forever.
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