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Everything posted by Ellee

  1. So ... Nicole. Have to say I’d get a laugh if Enzo wins part 2 and whoever wins part 3 doesn’t take Cody. Or even if they do they make Cody sweat it out. Had no desire to really watch the show. Is it worth watching?
  2. ummm .... what is wrong with me that I still hover around here way too much even though I know everyone has pretty much ... maybe totally given up?
  3. Have a feeling it will be Nicole’s pee pee. Not everyone peepee’s on camera.
  4. Don’t know for a fact but I’m sure it has to be. Episode threads too.
  5. Did they give you more treats this year for all the work that’s been done? No? Me neither. Wonder what those kitties got. I hear a lot of ‘meow meows’.
  6. It could be 3 weeks longer. (I hear you. Hope you got at least a bit of a smile before you rolled your eyes. 😁 )
  7. I’ve been trying to post for 15 minutes. I’ve got nothing. 🤷‍♂️
  8. LOL if that’s the criteria the prize money better double or triple. 😁
  9. I didn’t know AG owns it. Ugh. Maybe she will decide to retire at the top of her game and turn the reins over to someone else to run the selection committee.
  10. Even after this is over and in third, will it ever dawn on Enzo that he should have voted Nicole out? Or will the money split even things out? How far will the ratings bottom out for the rest of the season? Enough for changes?
  11. Keesha was the smartest one of everyone.
  12. Maybe he will host a crime show or something. 🙄
  13. Probably will but I’d think Bryn and Jason would be better to have Bryn just work her way up to stay at Jason’s unofficially more and more. Can you imagine the war they’d be in and the accusations if Bryn were to be in Jason’s custody?
  14. Not reading much so I don’t know what’s going on right now but I really do hope Bryn has strong emotional support coming from someone. And actually Jason too. His mom/dad and friends hopefully can provide it. B sees bad headlines as $$$.
  15. I haven’t watched the episode again but I read where someone thought Tyler’s tears were fake when he was talking to Da’Vonne during the jury segment. I didn’t think so. Were they?
  16. ROFLMAO! Just read this comment at Jokers. ‘I must credit Nicole that she made it this far without hiding one salami this season.’ ETA: I just thought it was funny. Nothing more.
  17. Question. I don’t ever remember family videos for the jury before. Have they done that?
  18. Enzo! Enzo?? Lol I just read where Enzo said that Cody wants Xmas out and HE wants Xmas in. There might have been more. I didn’t continue reading.
  19. With Enzo being Enzo, any chance he screws it up and gets Cody out of the game? I’d at least get a good laugh. Maybe even Enzo would try it now. 🙄
  20. Memphis has been acting liking he knows he is going.
  21. Is it true that they are paying the jury an extra 10Gs to act all excited and happy? Is there going to be backyard interviews or will feedsters get to see stars for hours? I mean ... they’d be in the backyard. 🙄
  22. I think what bothers me too is that TPTB basically write the show. What did they see or could possibly think would be exciting? Now the most brilliant play would be if Keesha negotiated to be the first eviction. That would be the best play of the game IMO. Wonder what happens next.
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