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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. From USA Today: Simeon Wright, Who Was With His Cousin Emmett Till When He Was Abducted After Whistling At A White Woman In Mississippi In 1955, Dead From Cancer
  2. From Variety: Actress and Acting Teacher Elizabeth Kemp Dead at 65
  3. From The New York Times: Award-Winning American Poet John Ashberry Dead at 90
  4. Bill, at least, appears to have made it to Houston. Jen posted this pic of him there to her social media awhile ago.
  5. Saxophonist Larry Elgart, Famous for the Hooked on Swing Album and for Writing the Instrumental Version of the American Bandstand Theme, Dead at Age 95 Some sources credit "Les Elgart", not Larry, as being among the writers of the American Bandstand theme (aka Bandstand Boogie). Presumably it's the same man; I've never heard otherwise. As of 1977, the show began airing a new version of Bandstand Boogie, now with lyrics, which name dropped & referenced various aspects of the show, by singer/songwriter Barry Manilow & 1 of his frequent collaborators, Bruce Sussman. This version was originally recorded for Manilow's Tryin' to Get the Feeling album which was released in 1975. This version remained the theme song until the show moved to first-run syndication in 1987.
  6. The other day, in the "The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family" thread, I linked to an Instagram post from Jen on her account. It was of all the flooding on the street where they lived in Houston. You couldn't see any of the house(s), just a really big mess of water. In the caption, Jen thanked their neighbors there for looking out for the property during the storm & said that they'd be coming back to check on things as soon as it was safe (& it was on Twitter yesterday that Bill will be there soon, making donations of food & other pet supplies for the animals that have been displaced & otherwise need help). I was surprised Jen said they'd be coming back to check on the house, as if they're just on an extended trip elsewhere & that's still their primary residence; like others, I figured they'd sold the house, or have it on the market to sell; especially since, in the last season promo TLC released, Zoey & Jen are talking about how someone else will be living in the house & using this or that thing. Some of the people who responded to the post with the house pic said that maybe they decided not to sell the house, at least not yet, so they/Bill would have an accessible place to stay in Houston since Bill still owns Rocky & Maggie's, as far as we know, & he'll probably be going between Florida & Texas on Rocky & Maggie's store business. I hadn't thought of that until then, but it does make sense to me. I mean, it costs less to stay in your own house than to have to rent a hotel room every time you're in town on a business trip.
  7. Yeah. Joey plays Aaron Wright, brother & fellow computer hacker of Ian Wright, the Joe Jonas character who appeared in 2 eps of S4, including the Finale, & who kidnaped Grover's daughter, Samantha, then was killed by Wo Fat after which Wo Fat released Samantha from her captivity (as I remember, Ian had her locked in a super large dog kennel at some house somewhere).
  8. That makes more sense, & is accurate, if he was 91 & celebrated this year's birthday before he passed. I'm surprised nobody at the media sources using the obit stating he was age 91 & born in August, 1928 has caught that error (& fixed it, prior to publication). Guess nobody bothers to proofread anything before publishing it/posting it online. I try to though. I get AntennaTV, but I don't know if they're doing any tributes, or when. I haven't been watching the channel so far today.
  9. From TVLine: Character Actor Shelley Berman Dead at Age 92; Complications of Alzheimer's Disease.
  10. Yep, Richard Anderson & Richard Dean Anderson are/were 2 different people. And I'm betting the latter had to add his middle name professionally because the Screen Actors Guild won't accept more than 1 person with a certain name. Presumably the elder Richard Anderson joined SAG first; so when the original MacGyver actor joined, he had to be Richard Dean Anderson (& anyone else wanting to use "Richard Anderson" as their professional name also has to add a third name or a middle initial, that no one's already using, to their name).
  11. Richard Anderson was another Hollywood celebrity I had the good fortune to cross paths with when I was involved with the March of Dimes while growing up. We did a local telethon fundraiser together in Knoxville, TN back in the mid/late '70's. As I remember, he was a nice man (I got lucky; very few of the celebs I crossed paths with were "duds" & I don't really remember those that were now). As I was reading his obit, I noticed something though. His age is stated as being 91 at the time of his death. But I read 1 obit (& I can't remember if they all say this, or not) that actually listed his birthdate. The birthdate given was August 8, 1928. Based on that, & the fact that he did live to see his birthday this year (2017), I think either the wrong year is being published for his birth (which isn't unusual for celebrities) or somebody's math turned out wrong when they figured his age (I also used the calculator on my phone to check it & I didn't come out with his current age being 91 either. I got that he was 89 when he died, based on the 1928 year of birth & the fact he did have this year's birthday before he passed). I find it interesting he seems to have maybe been a couple of years younger than he's being given credit for, & I wonder why his age was raised (if that's what happened--the sources using the 1928 birth year for him could be wrong too); I know people have fudged their age upwards for stuff like joining the military, but I didn't see anything in his obit that would warrant his age being raised 2 years from what it really was... & most people (especially celebrities) who change their age make themselves younger than real life, not older.
  12. According to this, Dave is (among other things) refusing to shave his beard for the new show.
  13. Bill & Jen did a Public Service Announcement in regards to people making relief/recovery donations to the Houston area in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. It's here on Jen's Facebook page. And you'll notice Bill isn't very natural at reading from cue cards/a TelePrompTer (yes, that's how you spell at least the brand name version of it), which I assume they were doing (or they at least had the major points they wanted to hit/names of organizations they wanted to encourage donations to on some kind of cue card so they wouldn't forget something). Every so often he takes a kinda long pause when he's naming off different organizations to donate to, as if he's waiting for someone to move the next cue card into position so he can continue talking.
  14. From USA Today: Hong Kong Businessman, Socialite, and Creator of the Shanghai Tang Fashion Brand, David Tang Dead at 63; Cancer.
  15. From USA Network: Pineapple Pop Culture to Snack on Ahead of Psych: The Movie.
  16. Having read what you said, that makes sense they would/they might keep the Houston house since they still have Rocky & Maggie's there. Hopefully they'll explain sometime in the eps which involve the move to Florida. Especially since Zoey's very clearly talking to Jen in 1 of the preview videos about how someone else will be living in their house now & using some of the things (I think like light bulbs) that the family doesn't need/want to take to Florida with them. It's in this preview, starting around the 1 minute, 50 second mark (or a second or 2 after), running through the end of the preview, where Will talks excitedly about wanting to have a pool party for 99 people & where we hear him say "I can't wait!" in the last scene of the video as the family drives away from the house (& he sure gets onboard with moving quickly; at the beginning of the video Will wants to know why they have to move to Florida because he doesn't wanna make new friends there, like Jen tells him he will). You're welcome for the pic. It was actually posted as a link to Jen's Instagram in a Tweet on her Twitter (so you probably would've seen it that way too since you follow her Twitter). I just used the link in her Twitter & copied the direct URL to the Instagram pic once I got to the Instagram page.
  17. Jen posted this pic to Instagram yesterday. It's of the street where they lived in Houston. It appears, judging by 1 of the comments Jen made, they're gonna go back & make sure everything's OK (though I'm not sure why, unless they left some stuff behind in the house) once it's safe to do so.
  18. From USA Today: Former Michigan State University Men's Basketball Coach Jud Heathcote Dead at 90. And From Variety: Syd Silverman, Former Owner and Publisher of Variety, Dead at 85.
  19. I agree. Everything I've read about the filming of Leo's funeral/wake (the thing where, like, Bingo Bob made the comment that was something kinda tacky like Leo's death made him schedule a doctor's appointment, then later on the Bartlets had a group of staffers/former staffers up to the Residence to reminisce about Leo) is the same as @eyebleach said. At least some of the events they described involving Leo may have been fictional, but the emotions they showed in character over Leo's sudden passing were equally, if not more, felt in real life by the actors involved over the apparently unexpected death (there were some rumors John Spencer had been sick in real life around that time, & so maybe his death wasn't as unexpected as it seemed) of their beloved friend & colleague, John Spencer. I never thought of that before, but you're right--when Josh Malina's podcast about that ep comes up it really should be a good 1. I wonder who they'll get to discuss it with them; I mean it's a kinda tough subject, in general, & may still be tough for them to discuss in relation to John even after all these years since John's passing. Could be interesting if they get Gary Cole, since his character Bingo Bob was being rather tacky about Leo's death in the episode as I remember.
  20. I'm a bit surprised people think Vanessa seems far removed from pop culture, because among her credits is a stint as a NYC-based correspondent for Entertainment Tonight at least in 2005, & a stint as host of MTV's Total Request Live, at some point before or after that. Admittedly, though, she may have been more "conversant" (knowledgeable) in pop culture back then than she may have stayed in the years since (especially since she's become a working wife & mom of 3 since then, which tends to keep someone busy enough to lose track of normally unimportant things like pop culture); or perhaps she just isn't knowledgeable when it comes to sports, which Simone Biles is known for. Back in the 2010-2011 TV season Vanessa, under her maiden name Minnillo, & Nick appeared together in an episode (Pōwā Maka Moana, "Pirate" in English) of the new version of Hawaii Five-0 on CBS. Nick played a guy who took a group of kids with wealthy parents who were on Spring Break in Honolulu hostage for ransom off a party boat they'd all been lured to with free tickets; Vanessa played a worker on the party boat who seemed innocent regarding the kidnaping but ended up being Nick's character's accomplice in the end (she apparently knew about all the rich kids somehow, so Nick's character could target them).
  21. That was the ep I mentioned, Malama ka ʻaina (Respect the Land), which was Ep 103. Someone mentioned Kono wearing red in the scene they remembered; the "cocktail waitress" outfit she had to wear while undercover at the Mobsters' party was a print design with red in it, as I remember. And I know it was more like something all the girls working the party had to wear, as opposed to something Kono chose, or was chosen for her, because I saw other girls in the background of the scene wearing the same dress.
  22. From USA Today: French actress & Filmmaker Mirelle Darc Dead at Age 79.
  23. I think you mean the S1 ep where the whole team goes undercover at, like, a gambling party or some kind of meeting involving New Jersey mobsters who are trying to take over the Honolulu organized crime scene from the local Samoan gangs who are running it. Steve & Danny were undercover as 2 gamblers; Kono was pretending to be a cocktail waitress at this event; they got entrance through Chin & Kono's cousin Sid, an HPD officer who was also, but separately, doing an investigation into the New Jersey mob takeover of organized crime in Honolulu/Hawaii. Chin, who was deemed to be the most recognizable of the team because of his issues with HPD & their Internal Affairs Department, monitored the event from the safety of a nondescript truck & was ready to warn the rest of the team if their cover had been broken. And of course it was. The Jersey Mob boss insisted on going over the guest list, even though he had been assured by Sid--who was in charge of the event security--that everyone was who they were purported to be. Of course, Mr. Mob Boss finds 2 names he doesn't recognize on the list: the aliases used by Steve & Danny (& 1--I think Danny--was "Mr. Edwards", which may, or may not, have been an early nod to the character of Stan Edwards, second husband of Danny's ex-wife, Rachel, stepfather to Danny's daughter, Grace, & a wealthy real estate developer whose relationship with Danny doesn't start off the best/the most friendly). So the Mob Guy has his henchmen try to get the real names of the people he doesn't recognize, & whether or not they're cops, out of Sid by beating him up & threatening to shoot him & let him bleed out by the pool/on the lanai of the rented house, or whatever, the thing's being held at. Once their covers are blown, Danny & Kono go into the area where Sid's being kept pretending to be attracted to each other & looking for the way to at least 1 of their cars, or a private area where they can be alone together. They're giggling & talking, & trying to distract the Mobsters from torturing Sid & otherwise trying to help set the Mobsters up so Five-0 & HPD can swoop in & arrest them before they can beat/shoot Sid to death & before Chin & Kono can reach Sid's level of trouble with the Mobsters for inadvertently coming across the Mobsters interrogating & torturing Sid. That was towards the end of the S1 ep, Malama ka ʻaina (Respect the Land), which I think was S1, Ep 3.
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