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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. That's Taylor Wily (Kamekona)'s real name: Teila Tuli.
  2. Film Director & Editor Carolyn Cronenberg, Wife of Director David Cronenberg, Dead at 66.
  3. Variety spells out the pay disparity & offers to DDK & Grace here They say:
  4. Unless they promote someone who recurs in most/many episodes to the main titles (like Dennis Chun, who plays Sgt. Duke Lukela, or Taylor Wily, who plays Kamekona) or they add the actress who's supposed to play Tani, the HPD washout turned lifeguard (or whatever the character description is) whom McGarrett apparently wants to add to the team, they'll probably do a mix of staying on the actor name credits &/or existing Hawaii shots longer, or adding any Hawaii scenes necessary to make up for the lack of DDK & Grace P. on the opening credits. They removed Masi Oka's credit the week after his "aloha" episode & the credits didn't seem appreciably shorter to me (but, yeah, we're only talking about removing 1 person there... like when Michelle Borth was in, then out of, the main titles... we're not talking there about removing at least two people from the credits in the same season); so presumably they can make the credits work without noticeable issues when they remove DDK & Grace P. from them. They still have at least 4 actors in them (Alex, Scott, Jorge, & Chi) . It'll probably be like S1 again, when the "Core 4" were the only ones in the main titles, if they don't add anyone/anything else.
  5. Unless they can figure out workarounds I can't, at the moment, to keep these characters around it would appear we're going to lose the recurring characters of Abby Dunn (aka San Francisco Treat/San Francisco Police Lady), Chin's niece Sara, & Kono's husband, Adam, with the departures of DDK & Grace P.
  6. They set up a potential Chin departure in the next to last episode of last season, where Ingo Rademacher's recurring, originally bad/anti-Five-0 character offered Chin a job running a Five-0 type task force in San Francisco. As for Kono, in the last scene of the season finale she was seen on a plane with a flight attendant, or perhaps flight crew member, welcoming everyone on board the flight which was going to Las Vegas with continuing service to Carson City, NV (which doesn't even have a commercial passenger airport). Kono was going to Carson City to continue tracking down the sex trafficking ring involving teenage girls that Five-0 battled in both the finale & an earlier episode last season. When Five-0 dealt with the part of the ring that was in Honolulu, they were shown a map, on the magic table, showing other cities where there were active sex trafficking rings; Carson City was 1 of them. All it took to be "in the know" about the potential exits that became reality for the Chin & Kono characters was to watch those 2 episodes of the show, read recaps of them, or know somebody who watched & could tell you about them.
  7. DDK Discusses His H50 Departure on His Facebook Page
  8. It's Jorge (Garcia)--he plays Jerry (Jerry Ortega) & was also a fellow cast member of DDK's on Lost.
  9. Prince's former drummer, John Blackwell Jr., dead at age 43 of a brain tumor.
  10. And Daniel Henney played Adam's brother, ex-con/Yakuza head Michael Noshimuri, on H50. On CM he's playing the same character he played on the most recent CM spinoff, which ran for 2 seasons & got cancelled at the end of this 1.
  11. Grace P's departure may have been in the works during the season. There were supposedly hints she may not return at least on her last day of S7 shooting but nothing apparently seemed definite. As for DDK, this seemed to really come out of the blue. He told TV Guide after a show his company's executive producing (The Good Doctor, starring Bates Motel's Freddie Highmore) made ABC's fall schedule that having that new responsibility plus continuing to play Chin on H50 simultaneously wasn't going to be an issue--he could do both & he planned to. I linked that article in the Media thread; DDK makes the comment towards the end.
  12. Theatrical Producer Libby Adler Mages dead at 93 of a heart attack. Actor Skip Homeier dead at 86.
  13. I actually also mentioned not seeing Abby Dunn (or Chin's niece, Sara, or Kono's husband, Adam) anymore in the next to last paragraph of the next to last post on the previous page. Only I referred to her (& all of them) using the character name, not an irrelevant (in my opinion) nickname. Perhaps that's (partly) why my post was missed.
  14. Not that it's gonna work, but someone's put a petition to Les Moonves, who runs CBS, on change.org in an attempt to get Grace P. & DDK back on the show, with the equal pay they're asking for. https://www.change.org/p/leslie-moonves-keep-daniel-dae-kim-grace-park-as-part-of-the-cast-on-hawaii-five-o-on-cbs?recruiter=607748576&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=share_for_starters_page
  15. Alex also had another failed, 1 season series at CBS, Three Rivers. He played an organ transplant surgeon (which I think inspired his work with the Taylor's Gift charity &, I think, other organ donation/transplantation charities/organizations). Right now I can't remember which show came first (Three Rivers or Moonlight). But all 3 of his series began in consecutive years, Fall 2008-2010 (when H50 started). Also, Scott's stint in Entourage wasn't over until the hiatus between S1 & S2 of H50. Usually who gets paid what depends, among other things, where they're billed in the show's cast credits (plus a whole bunch of other things the actor's agents, managers, lawyers, &--in this case--the network work out among themselves; people like Peter Lenkov don't have anything to do with the financial negotiations of getting an actor on a show, like H50). If you're billed first, you get the most money even if others lower in the credits than you have more acting credits than you. Plus, it depends on if your role is a "regular" role (you're presumably in every ep, or you're popular enough to be given the perks of "regular" status) or if your role is recurring (you're only in a certain number of episodes per season & not all of them).
  16. This is the link to an article from ABC Soaps in Depth magazine from March this year, saying that Ingo's returning to General Hospital & including a screenshot of the page from his Facebook this past January where he says that he & his family are relocating back to LA from Hawaii on Friday of that week (& the pluralization of "Soaps" in the title is weird since ABC only has 1 soap now; they should just call it General Hospital in Depth). http://abc.soapsindepth.com/posts/general-hospital-ingo-rademacher-return-127243/photos/ingo-rademacher-gh-costars-02-200733 His H50 character primarily interacted with Julie Benz's Abby Dunn character &, after Abby confessed he was having her try to get something he could use to shut Five-0 down, he started interacting with Chin more which eventually led to him offering Chin the job of running his own San Francisco-based, Five-0 like task force in the last season finale--&, as you may remember, Abby's "in" with Five-0 was to observe how they operated because SFPD had already started a similar task force. Considering Chin's gone, I don't know if I can see Abby (or even Sara) being around this season, & I'm also not certain about Ingo's character. Nor, sadly, can I see Adam being around since Kono's gone. Anyway... Having said that, I suppose they could maybe keep Ingo's character on by having him work with McGarrett, Danny, & the remaining team members now (assuming his GH schedule allowed). It's not like he can't fly back & forth between Honolulu & LA to film his part either; Teilor Grubbs (Gracie Williams) started commuting last season after her family moved to LA, apparently to open up her potential job offers (which is probably 1 of the reasons we're seeing more scenes involving Danny's recently-discovered son Charlie with Danny, Uncle Steve, & others; Zach Sulzbach, who plays Charlie, lives in Honolulu--so he doesn't have to commute--& he's also still in the "cute, precocious TV/movie kid" phase of his career... a stage which Teilor Grubbs has grown out of at this point).
  17. This is the link to the article (from TVGuide's website where DDK says being the EP of 1 show & an actor in another, which doesn't film in the same city, at the same time wouldn't be a problem & he intended to do both this season (there's Skype/FaceTime, regular phones, etc., with which he could talk to the other show's set/staff, so it shouldn't have been that hard to make both work. And there's planes, of course, if really necessary). DDK talks about doing both in the next to last paragraph/right before the end, I think. http://www.tvguide.com/amp/news/two-hawaii-five-0-stars-exiting-season-8/ As for holding down 2 TV show jobs in the same season, our own EP, Peter Lenkov, did it all last season, commuting fairly regularly among his base in LA, the H50 set in Honolulu, & the MacGyver set in Atlanta where they film. And numerous actors who make their living with recurring roles in multiple shows simultaneously also do it (like Michelle Hurd, who's been playing Lou Grover's wife in our show; we didn't see her last season, but in S6 she had roles in H50, Blindspot & Ash vs. Evil Dead--all in the same season). So DDK would've been able to make it work too, I'm sure. Grace's son was born by the middle of S4 (in the show Kono & Adam were back in Hawaii either right before or after the Christmas/New Year's break repeats); so I figure he's probably 3 or 4 now, given that we're about to start S8. Unless Canadian schools are vastly different, age-wise, than in the US I figure he's around preschool age though I don't know if he would've started it or still has to. And I assume she's raising him in Canada; she's lived in/near Vancouver a long time & I've never heard of her having an alternate residence in the US, or anywhere else, since she moved to Canada when she was growing up. Her Wikipedia page says, most recently, though that she supposedly has US/Canadian dual citizenship.
  18. I recently read Ingo & family moved back to LA. He's doing another story arc as Jax (or however you spell it) on General Hospital apparently. Plus, Ingo's H50 character seemed to be based in San Francisco, instead of Honolulu given that he was pulling the strings behind the scenes on Abby's original storyline before she & Chin fell in love, when she was supposed to be looking for things about the team which would help Ingo's character shut them down (his brother in the show was the HPD Internal Affairs cop who was always trying to pin something bad on Chin, who was eventually killed by Chin's brother-in-law, Gabriel Waincroft, & he wanted revenge). Besides that, he was the guy who offered Chin the job of leading his own Five-0 like task force in San Francisco; it would just be weird, in my opinion, if Chin & Ingo's character traded cities.
  19. There's been no official announcement that S8 will be the last. It's all speculation on the part of those who are saying it. Yes, Alex said in an Australian media interview last season that he thought he'd be ready to leave at the end of S8 because of the physical damage he'd incurred from doing so many of his own stunts (& at the time, S8 hadn't even been officially announced), & 1 media report I've seen since the Grace/DDK departure news broke says the upcoming S8 is the last year on Alex's contract; but in his even more recent interview, with CBS' Watch! magazine, Alex--who's been undergoing specialized treatment for his injuries--said that he was now feeling well enough he thought he might be able to continue past S8 if the show went beyond the then-announced S8. If the ratings resurgence it was said the show had last season continues (now who knows about that, what with Grace & DDK gone) this season, it could go past S8.
  20. I'm pretty sure DDK's original intent was to stay on. After The Good Doctor, a show he Executive Produces through his production company, along with others & their company/companies, got picked up for ABC's fall schedule he was quoted (I think in TV Guide/on their website) as saying his involvement in that wouldn't affect his involvement in H50 (& vice-versa)... he was fully prepared to work on the other show behind the scenes & continue playing Chin on H50. As for Grace, it's less clear. As far back as her last day of shooting for last season, there was talk that when they wrapped her last scene they referred to it as "a season, & possible series, wrap" for her--so someone, somewhere, was apparently under the impression that she might not be coming back for S8 (for whatever reason) as far back as the end of S7 shooting at the end of March or the beginning of April (whenever it was). Considering Alex, Scott, &--as far as we know--Chi McBride's Grover & Jorge Garcia's Jerry are all still on the show, & all their respective characters are badge-carrying members of the Five-0 task force in the show (which makes 4 team members), they may only be casting 1 part: the new female potential regular, an HPD washout with the character name of "Tani", that was publicized between when we saw Grace's Kono on the plane for Nevada to track down the teen sex traffickers in the S7 finale & yesterday when it was announced DDK & Grace were leaving H50.
  21. OK... This version of yesterday's article from Variety says that *CBS' final offer in the negotiations with DDK & Grace P. was to pay them 10-15% less this season than Alex & Scott are getting*; what was stated/I read before was that DDK & Grace P. were *already* making that amount (& wanted more). It also says that both Alex & Scott have deals which give them percentage points on the back end, as far as the show goes. I know that's a (pretty standard) contract thing, & it's a showbiz term which I've heard, but I've never really understood it other than it means--in this case--Alex & Scott make money from being on the show through other sources than their paychecks. http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/daniel-dae-kim-grace-park-hawaii-five-0-1202484329/#respond
  22. You don't have to be Hawaiian to like/love Spam. I'm half-Filipina & have eaten probably more than my share in my lifetime.
  23. I know you meant "no LEAD Asian actors", but they still have Dennis Chun who plays HPD Sgt. Duke Lukela (he's at least part Chinese, I think). And they still have Taylor Wily (Kamekona) & Shawn Mokuahi Garnett (Cousin Flippa)--but I think they're Samoan, which is probably more "Pacific Islander" than Asian. And they have Kimmee Balmilero, who's Filipina & replaced Masi Oka as the Medical Examiner. And Shawn Thomsen, who plays the recurring role of HPD Officer Pua--I think he's Hawaiian, but I'm not sure what the rest of his ethnic mix is. And I know we only saw her once last season, but the new Hawaiian Governor in the show, Governor Keiko Mahoe (played by Rosalind Chao), is apparently at least part Asian as well. So there is still Asian representation among the supporting/recurring cast. And they haven't yet cast the new female regular they've announced they're looking for. She could be a full or part Asian as well.
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