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Everything posted by TheRabbi

  1. Something else I was thinking about while watching. Every orientation video for a station is x of 6. But there's more than 6 stations. The hydra is 1, arrow 2, swan 3, pearl 5. I think the orchid was 4? But then you still have the flame, the tempest, the looking glass, the medical station, etc. Just random, or any meaning behind it?
  2. Finished watching this show last night, for the first time since it aired. I still feel that season 6 is the weakest, but the finale ties a great bow on everything, and I also really liked the Richard episode Ab Aeterno. Nothing will ever compare to the experience of watching Lost the first time, hopping on forums immediately after each episode and discussing around the water cooler at work. But watching the whole thing over a couple months rather than 6-7 years is still a preferable way to do it to keep your memory fresh. Was surprised at how much I liked the third season, despite a rocky beginning. Yes, several of the flashbacks get redundant and boring, but the overall story fits together nicely, and the 'Par Avion' cliffhanger of Jack playing football with the others is still my all time favorite. Hurley and Charlie starting the Dharma van is also a highlight. I like the first half of the show better than the second, but it's still a great series and I'm glad I finally rewatched it.
  3. What did Locke see when he saw the monster the first time? I believe it was in Walkabout, where see a 'monsters eye view' over Locke. Locke later claims he saw a 'light' or something beautiful, which doesn't really make sense to me. Thoughts? Just finished rewatching the series last night. I think my biggest dropped plot point is the cabin. It moves, supposedly is surrounded by ash keeping Smokey/Christian inside, yet he still shows up everywhere. Just a very confusing storyline.
  4. Shows changing networks is extremely rare. The bottom line is that most shows are canceled by networks for a reason, and very few networks are in the business of picking up other networks' leftovers. Even Netflix put out a press release that they're not really interested in reviving failed network shows anymore and would rather go all original. That said, I've always been a pessimist, but I have legitimate hope for a TAR31. The show did fine in January at 8 pm. Struggled at 9 and 10 and against the Olympics. CBS has to see that. And while the show is certainly more expensive than stuff like BB, it's still cheaper than scripted programming.
  5. My guess is that they were free to discuss anything while gathering pieces, but once the building/RB part of it started, that was it. I actually kind of like it like that, as sometimes I wish these final memory tasks would be a team thing. This placement gave smart teams a chance to strategize before the actual task began. I definitely would have been looking at every symbol while gathering and trying to brainstorm which leg that was, unless it was strictly forbidden by production beforehand.
  6. 0.9 for hour one. 0.8 for the finale hour two. This is the same as last week. Just my opinion, that I already established before, but I don't think poor ratings these past 2 weeks hurts that much. The show did fine at 8 pm, which CBS clearly had to take note of, and had substantial competition in the Olympics for the final 2 weeks. I think CBS will base their decisions off the January numbers. But we will see soon enough, they usually announce their first batch of renewals in early March. Last year we were held out of that as s29 hadn't even started yet, but now they have all the data.
  7. Hmm, so basically the newlywed game? Wonder if that was Bahrain or Thailand. I don't associate pirates with either!
  8. I've been reading some of the spoilers now that it's over. There was one clue/task that was omitted from the finale. The clue from getting the fortune cookies done said to find the place where Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio got married, which is city hall. The clue at city hall then told teams to get to the USS Hornet. There was a quick shot of city hall in one of the montages. It was lit up in red and yellow for the racers' arrival. Shame it was edited out. Edit: What did Jen say was edited out prior? I'm always curious to discover this stuff as well.
  9. I find it interesting that in a male-dominated cast, with no less than 5 M/M teams, none of them reached the finals. Goes to show that anything can happen on this show. There was a good mix of mental and physical challenges this year I think. I thought the detour in Hong Kong was especially brilliant. Many would go right for the crabs thinking they could slowly power through (myself probably included), but the langauge task was far less intimidating once you were actually there (plus you didn't need to get all 8 orders correct in a single attempt, you could chip away at it). Rewarded teams taking a chance with something that likely sounded intimidating. I hope Kristi and Jen and the Indy Car guys are invited back someday. I thought the Indy guys were great fun to watch.
  10. This is how I feel as well. I'm not thrilled with BB winning, but after the last BB team we were subjected to (TWICE), these 2 were saints. I was disappointed as I would have preferred any other of the final 6 teams to win over them, but it doesn't ruin the season or show like Eric and Danielle did (there will never be a worse winner).
  11. Anyone care to count roadblocks? I know Jess did the ladder climb in Belgium, casbah in Morocco, and phones in Prague. Anything else? I don't think there were any RB's in legs 7-9. Think Cody did the rest, but I could be foggy on one or two (the catapult in France maybe?). Just general curiosity trying to see if the show still has RB rules, I'm not out for blood if Cody did more. Edit: looks like Lady Calypso is on the case above me.
  12. I might not care for the winners, but both episodes were fantastic and nailbiting. I guess when they've now cast 4 big brother teams and 3 survivor teams, plus an all star appearance for 2 of them, one of them was bound to win at some point. Found myself rooting for the girls or Indy, but would have been ok with a Yale win as well. That final task was magnificent. Really the whole final leg was well-done from a design perspective. Lots of lead shuffling and good tasks. If Yale really had the right answer and he didn't ask for a check....that's brutal if they're finding that out tonight.
  13. It dropped a little week to week. It did a 1.2 rating at 9 and a 1.0 rating at 10. That's down from a 1.3 rating the prior week. Celebrity BB did a 1.8 (slightly better than any TAR airing so far, but it came back to earth on the second night). I'm curious to see how much of a drop will happen against the Olympics the next 2 weeks. At this point, I don't think big drops will hurt us, since the audience has established itself and CBS knows the Olympics are substantial competition. But if it can hang close to where it was, that's an even bigger vote of confidence for audience loyalty. We shall see.
  14. Yeah it will be interesting to see what kind of ratings erosion comes from the move. I'm thinking it will definitely be lower. Last week's scored another 1.3 rating.
  15. Mark and Bopper are among the highest rated fan favorites of any season ever...so you might have trouble getting people to agree with that assessment.
  16. 1.3 rating for episode 4. 1.1 for episode 5. Definitely a downturn, which is a bit disappointing since there wasn't any real competition last night. We'll see if the return to a 1 hour episode helps next week. Maybe folks don't like having to watch 2 hours. Source: showbuzz daily
  17. A good read. I would imagine we are probably due for a returnee season of some kind if we are renewed. And I'm actually ok with that! There's plenty of good options to pick from seasons 25-30. I just hope there's no more 3rd or 4th timers (though I'd be ok with Mark and Bopper getting a proper second chance). I would prefer two a year of course, but one is certainly better than zero.
  18. Didn't care for the return of the head to head challenge, but at least it wasn't the type of challenge where one type of racer could get screwed (like the Yales or GoatYogas last time. Other than that though, 2 stellar episodes. Great scenery, nice mix of physical and detail oriented tasks with lots of self navigation, close finishes, and a sweet moment between the lifeguards. I'm over 'Team Pun'. They seem like great, genuine guys, but I want to slap them every time! And i couldn't help but laugh at the beginning of the second episode when they said they were waiting for challenges that were suited to them, as they had proven to be pretty inept at mental, physical, and navigational challenges. I think they're on borrowed time. I'm definitely really enjoying this season. Hoping they've done away with the u-turn.
  19. Either way, TAR Canada can keep it. Not a good twist. No reason to crib wholesale from Canada.
  20. I agree the ratings easily justify renewal. It's in CBS's top 5 for the week. Yes, it will drop a bit against the Olympics, but CBS knows that. That's why they're throwing cheap, durable reality franchises against the Olympics rather than more fragile and expensive dramas. Going into the season I was bracing for this to be the swan song, but now I'll be surprised and a bit angry if it's not renewed. The show has earned it.
  21. 1.5 rating for episode 3. Up a tick from last week. Pretty good result. We'll see how the 2 hour does next week. Good results so far! (Per showbuzz daily)
  22. Great episode. Language barriers, grueling physicality all day, fun challenges, and gnomes!! What else could you ask for. Interesting that despite the fact that everything was pretty close together, there was TONS of placement shuffling. Nearly every team was in both the front and back of the pack at various points this episode. I actually wish it was an elimination episode since it was a merit-based episode with no stupid stuff like u-turns. I hate when teams are eliminated due to that.
  23. I must admit I'm losing interest in this show. Of course we're going to have everything about Miranda retconned, because that is how television works. Ugh. I was excited to see CS Lee for a minute, I don't think I've seen him since Dexter. I wonder if we'll ever have an episode where Murtaugh's car gets through unscathed. It should be commented on as a running gag soon.
  24. Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in. The concept episodes like this and Pitch black are much better than the other 95 percent of episodes, which probably isn't a great endorsement of the show, but I LOVED this.
  25. 1.4 rating for episode 2 (per showbuzz daily of course). Still a good result. Slight drops from premieres are expected. Hopefully it stabilizes. It still was close to the top of the night, as only The Goldbergs and 911 (1.5) and Modern family (1.6) rated higher.
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