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  1. There's some piping hot tea regarding Sai. Notice she rarely wants to talk about her husband. Almost nothing on her IG. Apparently Sai got pregnant when her husband was married to another woman. To make matters worse, he was her boss at the time. She was working at his bar. So she basically married a wealthy, older man - that's how she can afford her lifestyle. She's not as self-made as she pretends to be.
  2. Check out RHUGT - Thailand. She was not popular with the cast, especially with Gizelle, Porsha, Alexa, Marysol - who said they would never want to work with her again. She was seen as kill joy who was constantly complaining and didn't seem interested in interacting with the other women. In as far as her not wanting to return to RHONY. I think that decision was made for her.
  3. A recent rumor alleging that Leah McSweeney is in talks to rejoin the Real Housewives of New York City has been debunked. https://allaboutthetea.com/2023/09/26/exclusive-leah-mcsweeney-not-in-negotiations-for-rhonyc-return-amid-rumors/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=exclusive-leah-mcsweeney-not-in-negotiations-for-rhonyc-return-amid-rumors
  4. I am not convinced about Leah. It could be planted just to get her clicks, which she has been known to do. They didn't want her for Legacy. She was very unpopular with the cast on RHUGT - Thailand. Then she complained that production had forced her to film on RHONY when her grandmother was dying. It's interesting that Jenna isn't doing Bravo.con. The only cast member from the reboot not scheduled. And it is a big deal for the Bravo lebrities. She also hasn't made any appearances on WWHL since the premiere. And she didn't get the 1st chair at the Reunion. She could be opting out after 1 season.
  5. Everything about Erin tells me she isn't used to people standing up to her. She is that ultimate Mean Girl clique. And I'm sure she took Ubah's easy-going personality - as someone she could take advantage of. WRONG. Erin thinks herself as the star of the show. But she is boring, humorless, void of personality. There are lots of HWs that could take her down - and then some.
  6. I seriously doubt this was her first time getting behind the wheel drunk. The difference this time - she finally got caught. Of course she's "remorseful". She's remorseful that she is getting terrible press. Remember she tried to cover it up and fled from the scene and lied to police. She has now instructed friends not to talk about it in the press. Sounds familiar? The drinking has been going on for years. I am not interested in her using the show to rehabilitate her image - or go on a sympathy, victim tour.
  7. So Jeff Lewis is trying to play the sympathy card that Shannon is going through a tough time. Please. When has she not? She's always miserable, high strung, overly emotional, needy. And she is going to do what she does best - play the victim - and try to blame it on others - the cast, her ex's. I agree with everyone who says that the drinking has been going on for years. The blackouts where she doesn't remember the drunk calls.
  8. Erin has fought with every woman on the show. Ubah has gotten along with everyone (but do not mess with her). Erin and Sai are just Mean Girls. They are not interesting, fun or charismatic enough to be even good villains. Instead of these forced group encounters - week after week - a lot more time should have been spent in getting to know the cast and their families, careers. Not regurgitating sob stories of a "hardship upbringing" because they worked at Sears or shopped at the 99 cents store.
  9. I am not a fan of going back to the 7 person jury where you need only 4 votes to win. In each of Paul's 2 seasons, it was the first member of the jury (Davonne, Cody) that swung the vote against him. But the problem this season, is that there are so many floaters who haven't done a lot in the game.
  10. It's an insult to viewers that Shannon, Tamra, Vicki actually think anyone cares about Tres Amigas. Everyone knows it's a fake "friendship". BRAVO's attempt to boost ratings by forcing Toxic Tamra on viewers - has failed miserably. Ratings are worse than last season. Of course, watch her complain and blame it on everyone else. That's what she does best.
  11. Another forced group encounter. BORING. It's obvious these women had no relationship with one another - and were just thrown together for a TV show. Thus the lack of chemistry. Whereas the 1st season of RHONY - Alex, Bethenny, Jill, Lu, Ramona set the bar of how to make an iconic debut. It's also a testament that their families - Simon, Bobby, Mario, The Count, Ally, Avery, Noel, etc. etc. are remembered by the viewers - more than this new cast.
  12. This is just a Recycled storyline from Shannon's first season, where she was having problems in her relationship and accused Heather of betrayal. When it was actually Tamra, but who lied to Shannon. BORING. If there was ever a HW Reboot it should have been OC. The ratings have been terrible for years. The cast was never popular with viewers. So dragging back Tamra and Heather never made any sense.
  13. The sister's hardcore approach was too much - for the situation. The others were just joking around, not fighting. She could have used a tone that was more approachable. Ironically, it was Jenna who warned the others that she saw 4 pages of speeches.
  14. I have never understood the love for Erin. She is super critical and gets easily offended. She has zero sense of humor and has little charisma or personality on camera. She sucks up to Jenna, because of status - but has issues with everyone else. She is the personification of the cliquish Mean Girl. BTW, someone needs to tell her that the HW Vow Renewal is a bad omen that rarely ends well.
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