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Mark is such a greasy old weasel, so creepy and gross -- even his slimy smile makes me cringe. He always looks so... nervous and moist. It's beyond disturbing and I can't believe Nikki signed that stupid paper. I like Aleksandra, but Josh is so dull and mousy. I feel like they have feelings for each other, but I'm not sure it's a true-love-forever thing. She is pretty new to his belief system, and I really wonder if she's done very extensive research on what's in store for her (and her children's) future. Alexei is way too good for that {...}. She and her family can be really condescending and selfish, and I wish Alexei luck. The fact that she was more upset about "her" bachelorette party being ruined than HIS hurt feelings says it all. Noon and Kyle -- I like them the best. It seems like they have a real bond. His mom has to work out her own problems, period. I hope that she does. I'm neither a fan of Fernando nor do I dislike him, but I feel like his story has a lot of producer-driven drama, as has been mentioned. I mean, he just doesn't seem like a Don Juan to me... riding around the countryside on a stallion with hundreds of women chasing him down like 12-year-olds after Justin Bieber. I think Mel and Devar are okay.
Surfer Douche! Janelle 'Biggie Smalls' Brown -- tagline: "I got to third base!" Robyn the Wizened Apple Woman! Free Truely! Oh, man! Hahahaha! I don't know -- I still think that this catfishing thing might have been fictitious for ratings! I know, I know... but, I can't get over Robchin's connection to the JYD, and the JYD's connection to the catfish! Plus, have charges been brought? Have law enforcement been involved at all for extortion, etc? Or is Meri just going all Joan of Arc on all vaguely identified internet predators? Plus, the constipated looks on all of the adults' faces during that segment -- something seemed off! Additionally -- not telling the older kids until the day of filming???? Come on!! I CALL BULLSHIT!! These people are beyond belief. Was Robyn's ass that big with King Sol, or is age/metabolism/chocolate pie catching up with her?
"Well, Caleb, let me tell you the most romantic story in the world! When Maddy's mama first saw me, it were like she was stricken by lightning (relevant book citation) and she KNEW that I was meant to be *partly* hers! The only little hitch in our giddy-up was that I was married to Meri, and Maddy's mama was married to Meri's brother! What was true love to do? I'LL tell you what it did... it snuck around and had secret lunches and made plans (relevant book citation)! BIG PLANS, complete with business proposal! Then we sprang those plans on my new bride, and so it all began! Yes-sirree... A true love story... " Just a suggestion for good ole Kodster, for the next time he needs to have "the courtin' talk". On another note, my first thought at Garrison's gagging was that he didn't like plain black coffee. Of course, the history of racism (and homophobia, misogyny, child rape, etc), in that "church" makes sense, but that was my first reaction.
Christine's shrill and manic 'joy' over everything Robyn seems to be a reaction to the "love the family or I shall shun you for-EV-AH!" threat from Kotex. I really can't understand the desperate need for this guy from these women -- he's soooo... Squinty, lazy, dim, and self-absorbed! Gross. The adoption -- I am now firmly in the camp that believes that the adoption was probably staged. In fact, I wonder if (in the real world) there was an adoption, or if the actual legal papers were only for a name change. That would explain David's signature on the paper, as well as his confusion about what the heck was happening. Poor kid. He and Breanna kept looking around like, "umm.. what's happening, again?" and he seemed like he was trying to remember what the deal was. I don't know... maybe it's just me. I also have a hard time believing that the catfish thing was real. It seems to be fizzling out to nothing, with ZERO consequences for that flaky bitch who catfished her, and it reaped a huge reaction from social media and viewers. If it were real, wouldn't there be SOMETHING about it that hit the fan by now? You know, besides lame voicemail and stupid banana pictures. When the "divorce" happened, there were thousands of calls for Meri to run, to find someone else, to move out and let Robyn have him, etc -- could the whole catfish thing have been a ratings grab in response to that? Plus, the tie to the junkyard dog is really suspicious to me. These lying grifters are just too, too desperate to keep this pathetic show on tv, and I really wouldn't put it past them to pull this kind of crap.
I think that they'll address the catfish situation, but -- as has been mentioned -- spin the hell out of it. I think that they'll try to make it look like just another crazy plot device (divorce, adoption, insurance) that they came up with so that viewers will begin to fight over whether she was REALLY catfished or whether they did it purposely to promote polygamy... Because they might try to spin it to say that this is all a normal part of plyg life... that sometimes wives naturally go through these things and that a truly STRONG, UNITED family understands this and helps them off the ledge, so to speak. That they come together in love to save their wayward lamb and are all so much stronger afterward. Or something. I hope that I didn't just give them an idea how to handle this situation. If it is a situation... I can't shake the feeling that JYD/Robyn/Catfish have some kind of ties to the whole issue that we don't know yet.
I was a travel agent for a long time. One thing that happens all of the stinkin' time is that lonely American women fall for their cabana boys, waiters, activities directors, hair braiders, bartenders, random hot dudes walking down the beach, etc. We were instructed to tell travelers that there was a certain scam that is commonly run involving *some* of the people in certain destinations, so to be cautious, but apparently Mel didn't get the memo. I say only *some* people did this, not the majority by any means. We actually had a 50-something coworker come home from a Caribbean training cruise, lose 60 lbs, get her hair done, start wearing tons of makeup and sexy clothes, and leave her husband of almost 30 years for a cabin boy, so I can only say... "IT HAPPENS." (Her story DID NOT end well, to the tune of almost $50,000.) Anyway, I have to kind of wonder whether Mel really thought this through, or is being impetuous. And desperate. She does have a child to think about, not just herself. Mark -- gross. I'm definitely in the camp that says he is really creepy. Not a good vibe when he was talking to Nikki on skype, or whatever. Vibe got even worse when he was going through his daughter's clothes to try to GIVE to his girlfriend! Blarrrrgh! This ain't gonna be pretty. I think a lot of viewers' alarm bells are ringing right now. Loren. Her neediness and immaturity were very off-putting. I thought Alexei seemed like he was trying to appear charmed by her clinginess, but maybe was a little annoyed? She was way too over-the-top, acted too spoiled, and sounded too shrill. FF will come in handy when she's on! edit - grammar!
It almost seems like TLC has featured one wife or another in a dramatic sympathy-inducing plot every season. It could kind of be looked at like some sort of weird... rotation. Only, in this rotation the viewers are the ones getting screwed.
Shameless Fame Whores: Sister Wives in the Media
AndreaF replied to purpleflowers's topic in Sister Wives
These are all good points, and makes me wonder if maybe they wanted to make a season out of her 'conversion', baptism and wedding (or, the start of a conversion and then a dramatic change of heart to stay with the Church of Kody Brown), and the LDS temple told them to get lost... Or... maybe they were trying to avoid admitting to a polygamous marriage so came up with a story about an LDS and now a Christian church to throw everyone off the scent, so to speak... Or... I don't know. I'm so used to them lying that it could be anything. Maybe the apple didn't fall far from the Kody tree, after all. -
It's not so bad watching these desperate, cloying, scripted, bullshit episodes... no, not THAT bad... until you see something as disgusting and 'WTF' as Robyn and Kody surprising David Jessop's children with the fun fun news that they managed to get David Sr to 'sign them over' to that squatty little gnome, Kody. I was as in much shock as everyone when they sprung the news on the kids IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS. Way to anticipate all of their possible, natural reactions, you fuckwits. I really believe that Aurora's near-hysterical weeping was a reaction to her father signing some papers and giving them away, not a joyful reaction. Oh, she knew better than to let the truth be known, and to say how happy she was over and over (she may have been happy on some level), but I think she was mostly overwhelmed with pain and I think that Robyn knew it. I can tell you most women learn the sounds of each of their childrens' cries beginning in infancy and know what each cry means, and I think that may have been behind Robyn's weak smile. When her crying was remarked on, someone commented "either that or she's really sad!" about Aurora, but I don't remember who said it. Breanna, maybe? Whoever it was was right on, imo. Dayton said straight out that he was "baffled" and "downright surprised" that his dad would sign, the youngest girl looked confused and unsure, especially in the face of her sister sobbing uncontrollably. Could it be that they thought they had been just playing along with another storyline for the show and were stunned that it might have been real? Kody is a pathetic little snot and I really have never loathed him the way I do right now. I felt so freaking sorry for David Jessop's kids... I really wanted to see someone take them out of there and let the deprogramming begin. I was appalled. And Robyn, that pathetic excuse for a mother. Her main concerns in life revolve around some bald, flouncy guy -- not her children. She only wants everything that belongs to Kody, and she'll sell her soul to the devil to make it that way. The awkward, uncomfortable silence from the rest of the family spoke volumes. The way that both Meri and Janelle lamely said, "wooooow... " spoke volumes. The way that Christine overreacted makes her an even bigger hypocrite, since she was SO scared of losing her own dad when she was a child. And the poor older kids during the couch segment, I thought it seemed like they were kind of trying to justify the whole "adoption". Meanwhile, Kody the Klueless has NO IDEA what a shitstorm they just unleashed, and yells, "how about a 'HIP HIP KAZZAH!'" But, I do agree with everyone who said that there is something fishy about this whole thing. As much as I believe that the kids' reactions were genuine, I just can't seem to really believe any more of the lies of the Brown adults.
That's true, but not what I was saying. I didn't mean he wouldn't care, only that he shouldn't get to be upset after being King of the DBags for almost 30 years. As far as "technically" being married goes, it doesn't mean crap if your whole world is as screwed up as theirs is. Their view of reality would never include the sense of honor or common sense that you stated... their thought process is twisted beyond the beyond. EDIT -- sorry Snarklepuss... I think I misinterpreted part of your post! Better check these readers... haha!
For years there had been a kind of prevailing attitude on social media (ie: here, the original SW blog, CJ's blog, FB) of "run, _____, run!" Some have been very outspoken about the MAJOR emotional/mental/physical abuse and the horrible brainwashing, as well as the need for all plyg/AUB/FLDS women to get out of their situations. There have been many who said, "if HE can have sex with other people, THE WOMEN should be able to, also!" There have been several times that posters, including me, have mocked their magic underwear and "commitment" ceremonies, have said over and over that these women needed to start their own lives because the Kingdom of Kody was a shameful abuse of power and misogyny and their commitment ceremonies were for the birds. Yet now, after Meri finally ventured into an escape attempt, she's being accused of CHEATING on f*cking KODY? Kody, who clearly isn't her "lover" any longer and hasn't been for some time? Kody, the power troll who only cares about himself, who didn't give a crap when she was having an emotional break while signing the divorce papers or having dizzy spells before they left for the lawyer's office? Who gives a shit about Kody? Seriously. Meri’s first attempt at finding someone to love her (you know, the way that Kody loves Robyn) was a disaster that -- if real -- could have the even WORSE effect of keeping her in the Kody Brown Kult forever. But at least she tried. Maybe she asked for this lifestyle at an earlier time in her life, but hopefully that was in the past and she’s finally ready to run. Maybe she is slowly becoming deprogrammed from the brainwashing, who knows, but I hope that she gets the HELL out of there. Janelle and Christine, too. And I hope that the kids never get involved in this crazy mess. For the record, hasn't it already been established -- in the book, I think -- that Meri didn't go out of her way to bring Robyn in, but that Robyn was keeping tabs on Kody and making sure that she put herself wherever he was going to be? Maybe Meri liked her well enough after meeting her, maybe she told Kody to dance with Robyn or whatever, but I agree with those who doubt that she thought anything would ever happen between Kody and a divorcee with 3 kids.
Kody's attitude seemed like a message to Robyn -- I thought his actions were a huge, really lame cover for his proving that he didn't want to have sex/a real relationship with Christine. 1. Body language -- practically every shot in Galvelston of them sitting together (that was not a talking head, where they all have to be squeezed together to show their love) showed Kody leaning away from Christine. 2. Kody's transparent and weak attempts at joviality. Was he trying to act silly so that no REAL emotions slipped through? What the hell was all of that phony "Happy Pirate" crap? 3. Most importantly, Kody stated that he equates intimacy with trust, and then said that he didn't trust Christine to put the family first. WTF is he talking about? Haven't they spent every second trying to convince the viewers that each marriage is unique and "special" and that each wife is sooooo important to Kody? Now he can't have an intimate relationship with people that he doesn't "trust" to put the family first? Then to hear Christine begging him to "trust" her, please please please, just trust her. She even said, "what can I give you in return for you to trust me?" Here's a quarter, go buy some dignity. For the first time ever, I felt badly for Christine even though she, too, chose this. It was all fun and games until the new toy came along. Kody was acting like some bloated despot, and she was his disgraced lover. Gross. When she tried to kiss him near the rock tower, he only gave her a peck -- he was clearly not feeling any romantic love for her. I really do think that Kody was sending a message to Robyn. "See? I'm putting the family (you) first! See? I'm telling Christine that I can't have an intimate relationship with her! See, see? I'm only taking her to Galveston for a couple of days and it's not romantic, it's a working honeymoon complete with shitty counselors and rock towers! See? I'm taking every last bit of the romance out of my marriage with Christine!" Lastly, when Christine was talking about her "biggest fear" being her dad getting taken away, the complete nightmare of being separated from her father, how TERRIFYING it was to even THINK about never seeing him again!!! Well, isn't that what they're doing to Robyn's kids? Idiots.
I agree, but think that her biggest mistake was choosing Kody. I think almost everything that has happened to her since she fell in love with and married him has blindsided her (yes, beginning with you, Janelle you gigantic creep), and that she has tried to make it all okay because she was so desperately in love with him. The ink wasn't even dry on her marriage certificate and her gross little groom was trying to have sex with his new sister-in-law. wtf. The more I read this, the more angry I get at all of these dopey women. You can't be a doormat unless you lay down, first. sorry, was typing and didn't see this!
Good point about the timeline, it looks like the "affair" happened after the divorce. Maybe the newlyweds couldn't hide their glee at being legally married, maybe Robyn had SO much "extra time" trying to get pregnant, maybe Kody continued to not give a shit about her feelings after she divorced him and it all came into focus for Meri. I don't care if she reached out to someone else for human contact, that's on her. I can't really blame her. Maybe something someone said on one of these blogs made her realize a few things. I hope she does leave. But first, I hope she admits to everything and then exposes the HELL out of those idiots. Edit: clarity
I saw the FB post that batman/scary-ass woman/whatever has released pictures of Meri that Meri sent "him", voicemails that she left "him", letters she wrote to "him", etc, on "his" blog. I think you may be right that someone -- probably ROBYN, if JYD is somehow involved -- found out and they forced Meri to get the divorce. Maybe then tried to come up with a plot that would explain the divorce and make Meri look good. (?) It REALLY makes me wonder if ROBYN and KENDRA cooked up this plot to dethrone Meri. Someone on FB commented about some of the voicemails involving Kendra... so... I don't know, though, I didn't listen to them. More than likely it's just the dumbass Browns and TLC coming up with another dramatic divorce-type ratings grab. They are desperate and pathetic enough to do something this obvious, get all the viewers and "fans" in an uproar over their lamebrained schemes. They must think that they have the Ratings Trifecta: marriage, divorce and baby. *YAWN*