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Everything posted by Cassye1021

  1. I thought it was because Jemy was thinking of a different home than they were.
  2. Janet should have never told Dan who told what. If they wanted Dan to know, they would have told him. Everyone is getting on their case but no one is stopping to think that they might not be comfortable with him confronting them. I can understand why they didn’t tell Dan the truth.
  3. Revoke the black card of those two fools that took the skin off the chicken. Not just the black card but every card. Ridiculous.
  4. I figured Kim didn’t understand the reference. It went over her head. Cuz if you say that about my kids, we got a problem.
  5. Sounds like Jenn wants Bentley to sleep in her bed not the other way around. She's too attached to that child and Ryan could care less. Farrah is a bitch and deserves to get smacked in the mouth (don't judge me). I don't see how her parents put up with her. They go out of their way to try and help her but she shows no appreciation.
  6. I guess I'm the only one that thought that Kim giving back the bunny was hilarious. Serves Lisa right!
  7. Maybe, but when it was pointed out that her pussy was showing, maybe she should have said, "oops sorry about that". Instead SHE wants an apology.
  8. Erika needs to apologize to Dorit AND PK. Sorry, but what 45 year old woman goes around not wearing panties and a short tight dress.
  9. Thanks. I wasn't sure if CBS still charges. I will check it out.
  10. The show didn't tape forme tonight. Does anyone know where I can watch for free? Thanks.
  11. Erika is showing the green eyed monster. She seemed jealous .
  12. There is a wine & beer license and a liquor license. Two separate licenses. Kenya asked for a cocktail.
  13. The moment he started talking about hos and bitches, he would have to go. I can't have immature people like that around me.
  14. The rape from the movie The Accused took place on a pinball machine not a pool table. Not sure about in real life.
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