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Everything posted by nilyank

  1. The Q household is a mansion and not a convent. If Sasha and ugh Cody are discreet and are together behind closed doors during their off hours, it is none of Olivia's business. Is Sasha going to be placed in a guest room or in the servant quarters? Was Olivia this concern about midnight visits when Brook was still living at the mansion and Chase stayed the night? Also aren't Wylie and Amelia living in the gatehouse which is no where near the main house. The only child who may see Sasha/Cody after late hours would be Leo and frankly as his mother she should have that conversation with him and not Sasha/Cody. I could see a bunch of triangles from today's show. Nina/Drew/Willow but also Michael/Sasha/Cody (or else why stick him in the middle of Sasha audition to be the cook). Finally while Blaze's mom is annoying, I agree with her for thinking Brooklyn is a dilettante especially as she flitters around at Deception where she never wanted to be there in the first place.
  2. His eldest had already graduated years ago, been married and is a mom herself. The other daughters are in Air Force and the other one is in her mid 20s. His youngest Joshua would be the only one but he is also has acted and is also a musician. So I think it is this is less of a factor than a decade ago.
  3. We just found out that she was a line cook during her summers beside learning how to cook from her grandmother. I am wondering if she is going to develop enough experience as the Q cook so she can be hired later at the Metrocourt to help them get back their 5th star. I sure this is so that Cody and Sasha can continue hanging out together during work now that they are no longer spoke models for Deception.
  4. Hmm. The color looks better on Carly but the dress is fitted better on Sasha.
  5. I find Kristina to be incredibly nosey. Rather than hiring the gossip columnist at The Invader, they should have given the job to Kristina. I guess her teen group home has been forgotten. Laura need to tell Trina a big fat no to becoming Ace's newest babysitter. If she doesn't want to go to school right now, then she should sink herself full-time into the gallery and meeting artists. It is so cringey to me.
  6. And who was his therapist? Oh that's right Dr Marlena Quack Evans. Has she ever help anyone in this century?
  7. They just kept getting lost, not know how to read a map and not ask for directions when they needed to.
  8. "We are going back to the drawing board." Why? You are both miserable.
  9. Yep and bad singing aside, the Girlfriends aren't really hamming it up or dancing.
  10. Wow. That was unpleasant. And I don't mean the girlfriends singing.
  11. Ricky was better than Cesar but that was fun.
  12. They also have an inability to read a map even when they do get directions.
  13. They were not in sync? What a surprise. Let stop at any plaza and maybe we will be lucky.
  14. "You are not trying to be any better."
  15. Meanwhile Ricky and Cesar are a lovely couple who are learning more about each other in this race.
  16. "I hope you learn what you are doing." Shut up.
  17. I would do Murga. Vinny "I am the only one who knows how to do it." Ugh.
  18. I know what the dog was thinking. "Learn to read a map."
  19. Of course Cesar knows how to weld. Their welding masks has their names on it. I love that Amazing Race always has team wearing costumes.
  20. And yet they think they can come in first.
  21. I thought today's show was pretty great. I enjoy all the conversation today even the weakest one which was between Maxie and Lois and was only because this seem like the first time Lois ever spoke to Maxie as adult. While there was little action today, with all the conversations between characters, there was a lot of movement in stories as a result: Sonny continues to isolate himself from everyone. I agree that MB was really good with that line reading about not believing that Carly would ever abandon him Willow and Drew - okay, I guess the show is continuing that they are "close." It was interesting that even though Drew clearly told Nina he wasn't going to help her with Willow and the grandkids, he ended up doing so in a way that wasn't pushy and let Willow to decide what to do with his information All those convos between Jason/Danny, Sam/Kristina, Danny/Kristina, Jason/Sam. That are character driven as they are getting into the meat of the storyline whereby Sam is afraid Danny will be heartbroken because Jason cannot be reliable and Jason knowing she is right but also knowing that Danny isn't going to let that stop from being around his dad Nina & Ava kaput. Good. It never made sense. Yes Ava was thankful to Nina for helping her realize that she wasn't crazy and needed to be in a mental hospital because Nikolas was haunting her. But enough was enough. They are better as enemies than as friends. Better enemies than Nina vs Carly Sonny and Nina kaput - fucking finally. After three long years where I had to watch as my favorite character on the show (yes he is a criminal idiot who doesn't know how to use a condom or gun properly, but he is my criminal idiot). I hated every single second of Nixon Falls and the purest love bullshit that was Sonny and Nina. I was even happy to endure their montage in which they showed Sonny wearing that stupid hat, because the montage/divorce means that they are done None of this was flashy, but it was pretty good dialogue and I thought the actors did well with the material and some things were resolved in a way that made sense to me. Now I just hope when we get to May sweeps, we get some of the flashy with the good dialogue/character driven stories. I expect a bunch of somethings happening at Brooklyn/Chase's wedding because they are not going to bringing any real drama.
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