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Everything posted by Snaporaz

  1. Now that you mention it, she was complaining about some itching recently, but she thought it was because she had changed laundry detergents. ?? She's suffered from migraines since she was very young, so it's hard to know when she's not well if it's related to that or if it's something else. I have a lilac outside my bedroom, but it hasn't bloomed in a couple years. 😕
  2. My sister has been sick for about a week, similar symptoms as yours except for the bruising. Has the weather been all whack in Montreal? We had a crazy warm February here in Pennsylvania, daffodils in bloom already and trees blossoming early. Then last week, nighttime temps dropped way below freezing. My poor magnolia tree that was just starting to bloom looks like someone set fire to it. I think the constant wild temperature swings are making a lot of people feel under the weather.
  3. Did Sally and Adam evacuate the building during the news interruption, or does the fire alarm not work in Sally's room?
  4. Didn't Steffy just kill Sheila about three days ago on show time? She sure got over her trauma from that pretty quickly.
  5. See, I made my mind go through more contortions than are in the Kama Sutra trying to explain the whole Sheila and Bill saga to myself, and none of my scenarios panned out. This time, I'm just sitting back and enjoying the ride.
  6. Tom Ford had his Winter 24 show recently and there are a ton of posts on his IG from it. A couple of posts feature celebrities like Uma Thurman, Amber Valletta, Sharon Stone, some people I never heard of, and then there was someone who looked so familiar, but I couldn't quite place....hey, it's Lola!! She looks great, but very different, with much shorter hair and edgy as hell! Good for her!
  7. If only someone had given The Grinning Soul podcast as much scrutiny before greenlighting it.
  8. I'm thoroughly confused by Ashley. What was the significance of the fender bender and flashback to her accident? It feels like there's something else going on here. I can say this with certainty, though...having once been a waiter in my misspent youth, there's no way I would remember a couple's spat from months beforehand in vivid detail unless it happened the way Ashley described. Wasn't Devon dead-set against a music festival when Nate suggested it last year? And will Billy be demoted when Lily returns? He's getting a little too comfortable in that chair. This show has been going in endless circles for ages now. Isn't February one of those big ratings months when all the good stuff is supposed to happen? For all its faults, B&B seems to understand that and delivers when it counts.
  9. Devon just needs to wait for somebody to jingle some keys in front of Billy's face and he'll be out of CW in a heartbeat.
  10. I think you're right, but I wish they would show him doing that to make his motives clear to us. Either that or give him some other excuse to barge into Steffy's home.
  11. Yeah, I can't believe Danny is "both-sides"-ing Cricket and Phyllis. Is he having issues with his long-term memory? I'm with Devon on this one. Jill has a Rolodex of surnames she pulls from. I thought she was going by Fenmore now? And Amanda said that Lily has ties to the Chancellor name. How is that? They don't necessarily have to kill Tucker off. A Who Shot JR? scenario could go a long way to re-set his various troubled relationships while serving up a good mystery.
  12. This is one of those annoying small details, but it really bugs me that Liam has to return something that Kelly left behind pretty much every time she spends the night with him. You'd think he'd learn to ask, "Hey Kelly, do you have your backpack/ favorite stuffed animal/ book you need to finish your homework?" before she leaves.
  13. The other possible scenario is that Tucker recognizes where Ashley is headed and pulls her back from the brink once again. But this has gone on way too long. Didn't Ashley and Tucker get married back in the summer? I normally wouldn't mind if a story took a while to unfold and had a lot of twists and turns along the way IF I had the impression that the writers had a destination in mind. That's not the case here. Now Friday's show made it look like we're going to get an alcoholic Ashley story, which, c'mon now, really? Would that somehow dovetail into Nikki's story? Do you mean you don't want to turn on the CC or the CC doesn't work. I DVR as well and I often turn on the CC when Victor speaks (and sometimes Tucker, who also tends to mumble).
  14. Ashley was pregnant with Brad's baby, who they were going to name Robert. It was late in the pregnancy and Ashley was supposed to be taking it easy, but she went to meet Victor for some damn reason (sorry, I can't remember why). That's when she had the accident and she lost the baby, and she had a pretty severe breakdown afterwards. The recent classic episode where she went to the ranch dressed in a bathrobe while Nikki and Sharon were hosting a gala took place during that particular breakdown. I might be reaching here, but when Faith's true identity was discovered and she was taken from Ashley, Ashley was on the verge of yet another breakdown. But Tucker is the one who kind of pulled her out of that one. So he is aware of her tendency to have occasional breaks with reality and could be using that knowledge to his advantage now.
  15. Right, Victoria, the Newmans have so much in common with the Greek pantheon. Most notably, inbreeding.
  16. So Conor's teachers got Gaspy all in a tizzy because Conor has good hand hygiene? I would be giving him gold stars! He understands that the cooties are nasty and the cooties are everywhere. Jill had the chance (see what I did there?) to change the name of the company when she owned 100% of it. Well ok, Billy, maybe you have a point...but the new name should be Chancellor Abbott Winters. Phyllis can be the spokesmodel. CAW CAW CAW!
  17. But Li was shocked when she found out about Sheila, and she left Jack immediately. If she had known about Poppy, I think she'd have left him long before. Poppy will probably claim Bill is Luna's father just to get Luna to drop it. DNA sample hijinks will ensue.
  18. Oh my gods, Billy is so delusional. I doubt Chance did a complete about-face and decided Billy was worth looking up to. It's more likely that Chance just figured out the whole office politics thing. The nauseating idea of Chance and Summer Is really forced. I still think he would have learned from history and would consider any Newman bad news to be avoided. If Mattie is taking this long to grieve the death of one of her professors, she probably needs a professional therapist more than she needs Lily. The original Sally is the sister of this Sally's grandmother. Only correcting you because Sally on occasion talks to her "Gran", and Gran is not Sally Spectra.
  19. Just a small correction to say that Steffy didn't actually kill Ivy. She came close, but Ivy survived and (bygones being bygones and all) even planned Steffy's ?th wedding to Liam in Sydney.
  20. I'm holding on to hope that Chance just sees Dummer as a friend and that he recoils in horror when he finally sees her throwing herself at him.
  21. If you ever hear me say the words "over-deliver on all metrics", just slip a cyanide tablet in my pint of Guinness. I don't even know what that means! I missed the episode where Victoria lost all her money and couldn't afford three tickets to Oregon on a commercial flight. Not sure why they need a security team to visit someone in a prison. In hindsight, all of those many months of Nikki acting insufferably snooty were leading up to this moment to make her fall even more dramatic. And MTS does not disappoint here. She's over-delivering on all metrics. D'ohhh!
  22. A thousand times this! The main reason his marriage fell apart was because of Abby's expectation that Chance overlook all of Victor's criming, and at least Abby was somewhat conflicted about that. Dummer is probably the trashiest of the Newman trash. While the rest of the Newmans shunned Victor for 72 hours after the whole Marco conspiracy came to light, Summer never batted an eyelash about it and thought everyone was overreacting. Who cares if her mother was raped and several people, including her own husband, were killed as a result of what Victor set in motion? Run, Chance, as fast as you can! Why does Audra need Jabot? Tucker already owns Glaçade, why can't she CEO over there? Yes, I just made CEO a verb. Maybe this is all of the holiday sugar I consumed recently, but I've been finding the dialogue writing to be pretty crisp and snappy lately. Crisp and Snappy will probably be the name of Glaçade's inaugural fragrance.
  23. Has anyone told Finn that Steffy bashed Aly's head in with a tire iron, and that she nearly electrocuted Ivy?
  24. It's funny how the soap star merry-go-round works. I have no idea who Bobby Warner is, but I recognized him as Oscar from B&B and one of the Dylans from GL.
  25. What happened to Paris? I thought she and Zende were back together after Carter left her at the altar?
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