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Everything posted by Pinke

  1. Wow this brought back memories of the men singing that on Band of Brothers. Loved that scene and loved that song (even though it's morbid, but then again, that's the point). Topic? I honestly doubt Abbie is gonna ever use her degree again (or at least not in a job/work context).
  2. These two are KILLING. ME. Time and time again I am baffled by how mediocre their Instagram posts have been, and how weak and directionless their brand has been. I know, I know, I probably shouldn't be surprised, but some of the stuff they mess up is so basic, it truly baffles me. If you want to succeed as an influencer (and obviously that's never guaranteed), you usually need to have a brand that's strong, clear, and consistent. Now, I can understand that finding, defining and establishing your brand (and sticking to it!) can sometimes be tricky and may not so much fall in the ''basic knowledge'' category, but it is essential nevertheless. For better or for worse, Instagram is image-focused. That's just the nature of the beast. I know that, we know that, and I'm sure Jeremy (based on the numerous accounts he follows) knows that. Instagram is all about creating and presenting images that are pleasant, appealing, and in line with the image you're trying to convey. Those cookies are not appealing so that's strike one. Another thing: if their image had consistently been of two ditzes in the kitchen, then this picture could at least make some sense. Maybe that's what they will be going for with their new venture, à la ''aw shucks, look at us, clueless in the kitchen but learning!''. But for now, when I think of them and food/cooking, I think of Jeremy the foodie and Jinger sometimes pretending to somewhat adequately cook/bake something, so this picture makes no sense, and that's strike two. Did Jeremy look at this strange array of looking-suspiciously-store-bought cookies with icing unappetizingly glopped on them and actually thought this looked good? If so, he's clueless. Otherwise, he's either too lazy to bother and figures they can coast on Jinger's popularity (which has worked so far, at least to an extent) or they've decided to now go for the ''clueless in the kitchen'' shtick (and even then, I maintain that this picture is a fail).
  3. Damn. Yeah hopefully they can move soon!
  4. Wow that sounds like hell. I live in Quebec and we typically don't get too much extreme or dangerous weather, but I hate how goddamn long the winter is here. It's ridiculous 😩
  5. I assume Anna meant to use the traditional bride emoji here (which would be more fitting, seeing as Claire has somewhat long hair), but coming from this bunch I find it rather amusing that she picked the gender-inclusive version of that emoji instead. 🤭 (The emoji picked to represent Justin is also a gender-inclusive one, but that at least makes more sense since, unlike the traditional groom emoji, Justin definitely does NOT boast a mustache 😅)
  6. Gotcha! I figured I'd offer a different perspective but I see what you meant now. I always take too long to write and send posts lmao so I often miss the boat in conversations (both IRL and online). Something to work on. I'm good with a subject change as well, for sure.
  7. It is definitely a form of sexual harassment. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by ''call that bullshit''. Calling out a man who sends a dick pic can potentially backfire and/or be dangerous; it's usually not worth the risk. At best he'll call you a bitch and then move on to its next victim, at worst, technology now allows men an infinite number of ways to seek revenge and punish women for existing in the digital space. This is more of an extreme example and may not apply in this specific context (though you never know), but deepfake porn, among other things, is becoming more and more realistic and easy to make (and has been used as a form of revenge porn). If by ''call that bullshit'' you meant something more general, I'll say that women have denounced it. Unfortunately legislation on it varies, not to mention the fact lawmakers tend to struggle and lag behind when it comes to technology-related laws. There's often not much people can do when they're sent an unsolicited dick pic. Sorry if I'm coming on strong, I just feel strongly about those things and as a 31-year-old woman and a feminist, I am exhausted.
  8. Just FYI, that is not a picture but a screenshot of a video (from Jana's Instagram story). This seems to be a recurrent source of confusion for many people, so PSA: if a screenshot looks weird/unflattering/in motion, it most likely is a screenshot of a video and not an actual picture.
  9. I think the way Jeremy goes about it is definitely annoying and phony. That being said, I can understand the appeal of collecting or just getting specific, valuable or rare items, no matter the age (even though I'm not a collector myself). Sneaker culture does have a fascinating history behind it, but I assume Jeremy's interest in it is fairly superficial.
  10. I hate Tom Brady's guts so I could never root for a team he's on, but I imagine a lot of people (including Laura, possibly) were rooting for the Bucs mostly due to the fact Brady plays for them.
  11. Nah, question stickers were introduced in July 2018 so they've been around for a while. And to add to @laurakaye said, they can indeed be used to increase engagement.
  12. Yeah, thought so. I was commenting on the dial aspect since it was brought up.
  13. Good point, although in the Vuolos' case it seems like their oven doesn't have any dial, just some sort of digital display. But yeah, Jeremy is clueless anyway.
  14. Ugh, those people. 😑 You really can't fix stupid.
  15. I'm a little younger than Amy and while distressed sweaters aren't my style, they are a thing for sure. Her sweater definitely has that intentional distressed look (that includes the cuff, which has a very regular pattern/look to it). I'm pretty sure it's not some really old or worn-out thing.
  16. Hi everyone! Formerly PinkyCupcake here (I was young lol). I'm more of a lurker in general, but just wanted to say I hope 2021 will be a better year for all of us. My thoughts are with all of you facing struggles of any kind and/or losses 🤍 Love the music talk! My main genres are pop, R&B and electronic, but I also enjoy hip hop, classical, country, blues, and some rock and metal (especially punk and industrial). I know electronic music is often looked down on. Now, is there mediocre electronic music? Absolutely, just like with any other genres. But there is also great electronic music out there, and it does take talent to produce it. I love ‘’textures’’ and sounds, and the way they can be used in electronic music to tell a story and create various atmospheres. Favorite albums is a tough one, but for favorite artists I’d say Andy Stott, Hot Chip, Gesaffelstein, A Tribe Called Red (electronic + First Nations music!), Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa, among others.
  17. It is her birthday, yep. The caption (not included in the screenshot) is ''Birthday girl! 🥳 #1stbirthday''. That Instagram post is from about 4 hours ago.
  18. The top comment there 😂 ''Forgive me for not knowing, but is this The Avengers 3?''
  19. Oof, the cringe. The picture. Jer's comment. Just 😬 This also reminded me of a Vine... I'll leave that here.
  20. Ughhh I really hope they don't name Prop no. 2 Amelia. It's way too close to my own name* 😩 *Mine is the French version (Amélie).
  21. True! They did give it to Josh as a middle name, but yeah, not exactly the same.
  22. I also slash my 7s! The fact several of you mentioned you started doing that in French class intrigued me since I am French Canadian (Québécoise to be precise) and I don't recall my teachers enforcing or even teaching us to write 7s that way. Maybe it's more of a European French thing (that then may also translate into how French is taught around the world including the US, given the fact Metropolitan French is the dominant variety). Who knows. In my case I started slashing my 7s in my early twenties - I had a job where I often had to write short notes to coworkers and even to patients sometimes (with info such as phone or file numbers) and so I wanted to avoid any possible confusion (even though my handwriting is quite clear to start with). Definitely a side effect of being an extreme stickler for clarity 😁
  23. Haha yeah I think the fact there was some French in there didn't really register until I attached my screenshot (my first language is French but also living and working in a bilingual environment it just becomes normal to see both languages together) but I figured I'd leave it as is 🙂 Topic? Jeremy is a pretentious bore but I am curious as to how long he will actually commit to that podcast thing.
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