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  1. Riverdale's always been about the milkshakes. I guess now it's also about the floats.
  2. I was already predicting the answer before clicking on the link: "Less feathers, less forks" - howled in laughter when Lucy did mention the feathers
  3. What would Mama Fields say?!
  4. As a major Muppet fan, i did a huge happy dance upon hearing the news - i always love when different elements of my separate fandoms collide!
  5. And did she bring her real-life dolls back to the States with her or did she sell them? Did she use Craigslist or do an Ebay auction?
  6. Aw just think - if the awful Thughead story wasn't eating the show, how much fun Bughead potential could exist right there. With Cooper breakfasts like that, there's no way the Jughead i Know and Love wouldn't be constantly showing up unexpectedly at the door in time to take a seat at the table already equipped with knife, fork, and napkin around the neck before even getting into the house! Hi Val&Melody - always nice to see you pop up for your occasional no-lines cameos. Bye, Val&Melody... Missed opportunity: When Betty gave Chic her laptop, she could have also thrown in as a bonus her Dark Betty wig. Scene i'd love to see: Betty introduces Chic to Archie - Archie: "Oh yeah, i know him! He directed our Black Hood viral video." But enough small talk - now let's talk about the thing that i was most struck by this episode and pretty much dominated all my attention and focus... "OH MY GOD - Gamechanger!! ... Kevin GOT HOT!" What the heck - where did that body come from all of a sudden? Where has it been? Does Casey Cott have a secret brother that just for a lark took his place this episode? Was the show given a huge CGI budget for being a comicbook-based show but didn't really need it since it's not about superheroes so they decided to put it all on beefing up Kevin all of a sudden? Mind just blown! I mean really, it was so distracting on multiple levels - first there's the tongue-dropped-on-floor reaction at the previously unnoticed hawtness, then there's the whole "Where did YOU come from all of a sudden?!"ness but then it was also distracting from everything else about the character - why is this bonafide hunk making continual remarks about Archie being the one looking like a god and not the other way around and why is someone who looks like that fighting loneliness so much when he should be attracting guys like flies? Boy must have woken up to the fact that his own dad is a total hottie ... and he's got all that bodybuilding equipment in the basement, so the little lightbulb must have gone off over his head and now we know how he must have been spending all his time lately...apparently just about nonstop every-moment-he's-at-home for the last several weeks...guy must have just been obsessively pumping iron at all odd hours repeating over and over "woods no more..." Or maybe with Jingle Jangle having fallen out of favor in Riverdale now, something else has taken its place?
  7. Don't know if clips of just that scene are online, but the full episode that it appears in is. Blair/Cord "He was Mine" July 15 1994 (video is actually mislabeled July 19) B/C scenes at 2:25, 9:26, 18:57, 33:06, 38:57
  8. I also think OLTL would be especially relevant in the present given that the newspaper industry is at its heart - with all the attacks on the press, OLTL would be such a powerful forum for stories dealing with such issues.
  9. Since the show loves to do homages to Twin Peaks whenever it gets the chance, i totally perked up when i caught the flickering lights in the motel. Flickering lights/electricity is a major motif in TP signifying danger/evil (typically involving the supernatural dark forces). The show wasn't too subtle about Chic being creepy and not to be trusted at episode's end - but with the addition of the flickering lights, i take that as a signal that he's involved in multiple levels of darkness. Since i always watch with subtitle captioning on, i lol'ed at the scene where Betty and Alice were getting into the car as the captions read "Keys jangling" and all i could think was "Jingle Jangle"
  10. ...or it means that she took singing lessons from Melody - check out the S1 finale during the J&tP song where she's at a mike supposedly singing backup but doesn't open her mouth. And that after having about three blink-and-you'll-miss-them speaking lines the whole season.
  11. You really hit it on the head. Rex as a character and Rex's stories in general always had lots of potential at first, but got messed up as they went along, i believe to a number of factors: - they often got pushed to frontburner when they really shouldn't have gone beyond supporting - in conjunction with that, tptb wanted to force Rex stories on viewers shoving them down our collective throats - JPL could have been a better actor if he wanted to be. He had the potential but somewhere along the line, he gained a lot of favorable attention from soap convention-type fans and soap press for being comedic and hit went to his head in a way where he embraced a total ham acting, camera mugging style that he had too hard a time breaking. - the various headwriters each had their own particular flaws and they always seemed to be amplified when writing Rex stories.
  12. Getting caught up on the episode threads - as others have responded, yes, this is something from the books, but just to elaborate a little further, it's actually a pretty frequently referenced element in them. Also in the books - in an element that (sadly - since it would be another something to make Archie more interesting/add some more fun colors) hasn't carried over into the show - is that Archie has a major clunker of a car! Betty's often the one coming to the rescue fixing it up when it breaks down.
  13. "I'll kindly ask you to leave me out of anything Rex/Gigi related. Thank you." -Destiny Evans
  14. It's a pretty sticky area...
  15. So for those wanting to check the GH episodes with Nora in them this go-round, here's the list so far: Monday Nov 13 / Wed Nov 15 / Tues Nov 21
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