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Briana DeJesus: Farm league promoted to the Majors
SPLAIN replied to CofCinci's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
God forbid Briana's children ever suffer from depression. My heart goes out to the Spade and Bourdain families, particularly the children. I love you. -
Yep. Still, that ass is way too big and gross. At least if you are going to get plastic surgery, the results should be good.
The mods won't allow it. If they did, I'd vote for it. I spent way too much time looking at that ass photo. I now realize that her ass may not be photoshopped as much as her ass has dents and cellulite. There was an ass photo of her on the beach and the girl had major dents and cellulite on her cheeks and elsewhere.
Just like Suzy without the alcohol...I like it a lot as a thread title. When will the poll start @druzy? WTF? Her elbow looks disjointed and her ass...LOL She is clearly photoshopping, which is her given right to do so, but it means I will snark the shit out of her, but my question is, does this mean her fake bulbous ass is BIGGER than it really is if she is editing out her ass? Gimme Florida Evans from Good Times. That woman had some junk in her trunk and it wasn't gross-looking. Does anyone remember the episode with The Wiggler? The woman who J.J. was going to make a painting of? She was seen in a bathing suit. She had some major booty going on. Her curves and all were just beautiful. Kwhale is gross. Her fake ass is so unflattering and disgusting.
This is very true. Chelsea has done more to protect Aubree via using the courts than Maci ever has. Honestly, I think it is just the pure contempt for Chelsea. Like her or hate her, the point is the information that is being presented are FACTS. Changing up those facts to fit an opinion doesn't hold water. It is not a matter of opinions or us giving our views. It reminds me of the topic of Leah ignoring the doctor's orders. It is not about us thinking she is harming her daughter. A doctor has stated emphatically that Leah is bringing harm to her daughter by ignoring his orders.
I agree with you that we do not know why it was said to Chelsea and under what circumstances. That is a fair assessment. It sounded pretty harsh, according to Chelsea, so it does make one ponder why a woman would say such a thing to Chelsea. Chelsea doesn't have a history of lying or exaggerating so, her credibility is what makes me believe the comment was said in a somewhat harsh manner. @druzy or @Mkay did Chelsea tweet anything about it? I know she doesn't always go into much on social media about what transpired on the show, but I wonder if maybe someone asked her about Adumb's mother's comment. If you are speaking about Adumb's visitation, that is simply not true. Plenty of lawyers and non-lawyers know that plenty of children can be harmed and have been harmed and the courts have allowed a parent to retain custody and/or visitation. I see plenty of people at my job who have committed some questionable acts such as child abuse or neglect and the courts have not revoked their parental rights. If you are talking about the grandparent's visitation, per South Dakota law, grandparent's have rights and the Lind's have had those rights established through the courts because Chelsea initiated it. Just like a parent with visitation rights, it will take a lot for a court to sever the rights of the grandparent's. It wouldn't be over one incident. It takes a lot more than violating one court order or committing a wrong to have anyone's parental rights severed as has been proven on this show time and time again and in the real world. I don't believe any physical harm has come to Aubree in all that time. However, the Linds have violated the court order on numerous occasions when they allowed Adumb to have visitation with Aubree without them being there to supervise. That in itself was a dangerous move and that is harmful. Adumb may not get physical with Aubree (yet), but his verbal and emotional abuse is just as harmful. The original poster is stating Chelsea originally initiated the order long ago, not in the most recent court matter. The most recent court matter changed the visitation from the original order. The Linds originally had Aubree every other weekend. So, in that respect, the court did curtail their visitation significantly and rightly so without cutting them off completely. The Linds are losing more and more visitation due to their constant violations of the court order. Chelsea did initiate the original order back when Chelsea took Adumb to court over his constant violations and his many arrests. Chelsea's fears were that Aubree would not be in safe hands. She felt it would be better to have the Linds supervise his visits. That was over five years ago. As per the law, Mr. and Mrs. Lind are entitled to visitation, but that is only if the parent with custody chooses to offer the grandparents that right. They never initiated visitation rights. That was Chelsea's doing. Initially it was informal, but Chelsea gave them a regular visitation order when she filed the paperwork asking the courts to curtail Adumb's visitation. Mrs. Lind can think all she wants that she was doing a good job. We don't know what is in her mind. She hasn't spoken on camera. However, her actions speak differently. She was not doing a good job nor was she respecting the court orders when she continuously violated the terms of the agreement to keep her son from taking Aubree away from her home. It is clear why her son thinks he can throw the middle finger at the law and the courts. She seems to have led by example. It was warranted. Not every grandmother would violate a court order if they truly wanted to continue visitation. When a court orders and mandates a person do something, you better do it. But for her stupid actions, she is now down to one weekend per month with Aubree. That is likely what set her off to say "grow up" to Chelsea. It was probably said out of anger because the stupid imbecile was likely upset at the consequences issued upon her by the judge for her constant violation of the court order. If you are old enough to be a grandmother, you better realize you can't fuck with the courts. This is one major reason why I give that woman the side-eye because someone who has violated a court order on numerous occasions by putting their grandchild in harm's way, deserves having her visitation time reduced. It is also another reason why I don't give her credibility regarding the remark, "Grow up" and I certainly do not believe she said it in some harmless fashion. Like, dislike, or hate Chelsea, IMO it is rather unfair to change or alter the facts of what has transpired to fit one's narrative. I despise Jenelle, but for all the times that it has been pointed out that she needs to have her rights terminated, I am there defending her (which really is hard to do) to point out there is simply nothing that has happened that warrants such a thing to occur.
Epic. Could "Basic Bitch with a Starbuck Drink" be a contender for a thread title? If so, add it please @druzy. Her wardrobe is pretty basic on her. It would be pretty cute on the right person. See, that is when the person makes the clothes, not the other way around. It is just a reminder of what she has done to her body. Why didn't she just leave her body alone? She was fine before. In one way, I am glad and happy to see a young female enjoy traveling and seeing the world on her own. I wish many young people could enjoy such travels. I try and tell young girls any chance I can to enjoy their life, hold off on any serious relationships, don't get pregnant, get an education and/or establish yourself in a job or career, and when you can and if you can afford to, travel the world.
I am confused. Is Jenelle DF #1 or is it UBT? Does he get top billing? I thought it would be Jenelle. Silly, I know. But I must know.
Oh for fuck's sake. This girl should not be a spokesperson for anything but Budweiser, FAS, and trap babies. I like "Drinking for Two" and "St. Maci of Bud Lite".
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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel
SPLAIN replied to David T. Cole's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
Oh wow! My entry won! I just came to this thread. Color me shocked. I want to thank the academy... Thank you everyone. He is writing that script. LOL "Wine and canvace"...Tonya, you fuckin' lush. Too drunk to spell. Yes @ginger90. Remember the episode where Leah had her birthday party and Amber used the occasion to announce her pregnancy. -
Too bad Kwhale didn't go to Guatemala or Hawaii recently and stand in the way of lava or pyroclastic flow.
House Hunters Renovation - General Discussion
SPLAIN replied to MsChicklet's topic in House Hunters Renovation
I agree. It had cows on it, correct? The colors were gorgeous, though. Why didn't she inform the designer of this platter and the need to incorporate it in her kitchen when coming up with designs and colors? Idiot. Nope. You are not alone. Agree with your post. -
It is the hypocrisy and the double standards as well as him not being genuine. Nathan is using camera time for his platform to put David on blast. If David had made negative comments about farmers in Kansas, you can bet Nathan would have stood on his soap box and defended farmers. His stance against gay slurs is not sincere and is filled with deceit. Why else would he then ask for an MMA challenge? How does that help the LGBTQ community? He wants it to happen so he can legally assault David.
Fully agree with this and everyone else that Jenelle can't bother to be the kind of parent who has the patience to help Kaiser with potty training. Just looking at Endtable's head, we know she isn't doing anything to get that thing back into proper shape. Kaiser wearing potty-training pants speaks more about the lack of training and the fact that abuse is used on this child. I agree poor Kaiser having this photo out there might be quite embarrassing for him down the road, but with everything else that is happening to this poor child, I think it ranks low on the bar of things Kaiser will be facing when he is older. If wearing Pull-Ups at the age of four was his only issue in life, he'd be much better off. @druzy it can't be said enough, but thank you for going through all the trouble you do of posting all the things you do on these boards. I imagine I would miss a lot and not be made more aware of the things going on with these people if not for you and @Mkay posting the information. Why was her school information blurred out, but Kaiser's school name was not?
Oh my gosh, all of these pet stories have me tearing up so bad. I am sending out all my love and prayers to every single one of you. Been there with having to put a beloved pet down. We all share so much in common. So happy to know we can share our pain and happiness with one another here. @lovesnark Reading through your posts has caused me to shed a few tears and then, I read all is going well! I am truly happy for you and your family. Congratulations on the little bundle of joy. I am happy to know he is healthy. I can imagine you will be busy being a grandma. Enjoy it!
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