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Everything posted by ChicagoCita

  1. Was there yet another announcer on Wednesday? I pretty much liked that one.
  2. I keep wondering if there exists such a cold-hearted former American POW who -- like Meghan said today -- would be willing to publicly say that the migrant children being kept in concentration camps at the border don't have it so bad, compared to what they went through. I have always found that people who have been through tough times have a thousand times more empathy for people who are going through something similar... particularly children! George Takei, who was in a WWII American interment camp, has spoken out strongly on behalf of the children. I would really like for someone who has been a POW to tell her to shove her "no one has suffered like a POW" schtick where the sun don't shine and to pretend to have some empathy. I mean, sick and abused kids, and she paints a picture of false equivalence that they're getting off easy because they aren't in the Hanoi Hilton (which she has visited!) - who even thinks like that?!
  3. Meghan is such a narcissist. She realizes on some level that she has done nothing on her own to get to where she is. It's all reflected glory from her father. So of course, since he is her only reason for fame/infamy: No one has ever been more missed after their passing No one has ever been a greater man No one has ever been tortured like he was tortured. Anyone claiming to even come close must be belittled. And that's Meghan's self-esteem in a nutshell (emphasis on "nut") Besides her basically defending torture - and not giving an inch when Sunny said "it's pretty gross that we're arguing over want to call it, instead of that it exists at all," it was like she didn't even hear Sunny - I was stunned when she demanded to Joy, "LET ME TALK." Because, of course, we all remember that Meghan thinks it's Joy's "job" to "listen to me." She is really a waste of oxygen.
  4. The killing of Laquan Mcdonald by white cop Jason Van Dyke is widely considered to be the reason Mayor Rahm Emanuel decided not to run for a third term in Chicago, as he is/was blamed for the incident and the subsequent delay in releasing the video and facts of the killing. There's a very good (and difficult to watch) documentary about it called 16 Shots that's currently playing on cable. Meghan was pretty insufferable today. I really wish Ana had been there to add some common sense talk.
  5. I agree, awful. Why can't The View just hire a regular female announcer, one who doesn't try to put her interpretation and personality into whatever she's saying? Because this one and the regular one both sound insane.
  6. My wayback machine WTF: Meredith saying that her husband likes to have sex with her while she's asleep. I actually felt my jaw drop. ... followed by, Norm Macdonald coming on the show and telling Meredith she's hot enough that he'd have sex with her while she was awake. More recently: Barbara announcing her impending retirement with a nearly show-long warm loving tribute to herself.
  7. What's funny is that I tweeted back at her (nicely) that I missed my dad, I drive transport dogs in his honor and memory, and wouldn't it be great for her to honor her dad by carrying on a charitable act in his name on Father's Day? Crickets. Absolute crickets. Not even a like. I guess is you only miss your dad but don't rend your garment and tell Meghan how brave and great both she and her father were, or if you suggest she actually do something with her grief besides seek attention, that's not cool. EDITED: This was part of the crew this week for Father's Day. Can they be any cuter? Most fun volunteer gig in the world.
  8. Exactly. The first Father's Day after my dad was gone, I started driving rescue transport for dogs going to new lives. I did it in honor of my dad, who adored his own rescue dog, Ralphie. I still do it a couple times a month; I'm doing it this Sunday. I always think of my dad riding shotgun. And I figured this out all on my own, without taking a poll and seeking attention for "poor me." Meghan is unparalleled at making things all about her and feeling sorry for herself for all the world to see.
  9. This was at the end of the segment on abortion, which was incredibly adult, where Ana and Sunny were talking about the legal ramifications and standards of evidence for proving an abortion was necessary due to rape, as well as the laws that provide for rapists having parental rights. Then Whoopi ended the discussion, less articulately than the others, but she was passionate about the women having no place to go to get counseling, and mental health help, especially with Planned Parenthood clinics being closed. And then Meghan piped in. It wasn't pretty (she had already been incredibly rude a few times to Ana, as others have said). As Whoopi and Ana spoke, they kept cutting to Meghan, who was looking bored and annoyed. You could just tell that something was going to happen. Foreshadowing! WG: This is a conversation that's going to be probably happening for quite a while. We'll keep you posted. MM: I don't get to talk. I was just wondering if I could say something. WG: (putting her hands up in a "talk to the hand" motion) Well, here's the deal -- MM: Well, I just wanna make clear -- WG: Hold on. I let everybody... No. Well, now you put it out there like that. I let you all talk and I said nothing. (Pointing to the camera) We have to go to break. If there's more to say, if you want to say more, then we'll -- MM: Fine. WG: ... we'll come back and say more. MM: Fine. WG: We'll be right back. (For those who may not be women, when a woman says "Fine," it's not fine. That was one pissed-off Meghan!)
  10. I think it's a nervous tic. She tried to do it during her father's eulogy and her hair was up on top of her head, so she was stymied. Basically, Meghan uses her hair as her own therapy animal.
  11. I love how Meghan even interrupts someone who's answering a question she asked! The girl is totally incapable of keeping her mouth shut. Also -- I grew up in Chicago and New York. My family were and are Republicans. I was a Republican. And you know what? No one ever yelled at me "the second I walked out my door." No one screamed at me. My views, and those of my family, were known - and we got no slack for it, from friends or strangers. Geez, Meghan, are you that in love with playing the victim that you're lying like Trump?
  12. I was thinking of Grand Central Station and the Waldorf Astoria (both with entrances, if maybe not proper addresses) on Lexington. It was the radiator caps that led me to the Chrysler Building, which I didn't realize was on Lexington! As gorgeous as Grand Central is, my favorite architectural detail is that, on the Lex side, the canopy is held by iron ropes that are fashioned to look like ship's rigging, complete with iron rats on them. Apparently either the architect or the person who paid him made their money in shipping and that's a nod to them.
  13. I was like, "post-hommus-ly"? Really, Meghan? If you're going to read off a card, make sure it's words you know how to pronounce. Also -- the hero Peter Wang, who she is fan-girling, is "patriotic"? Maybe; maybe not. He was indeed brave and compassionate and worthy of all the accolades he is receiving. But in Meghan's one-note world, he had to be "patriotic" as well. Because only patriots are brave and compassionate. She is ridiculous.
  14. The Chicago news media (who claim James as one of our own, since he grew up in a suburb) were just quivering with excitement and ran way too many "hints" because they were excited that a Chicagoan beat a former suburbanite. They've been running articles about him daily as soon as the show ends here at 4:00 pm. I didn't click past the headlines, but the number and frequency of cutely ambiguous headlines made me realize what had happened.
  15. THIS! It's the perfect View solution! No one is ever fired; they leave to write a book or have a baby or research a project. Meghan wouldn't be fired - she and the show could truthfully say that she was given the option to go on her own bus tour of Ohio.
  16. You know that Meghan is working on a "gotcha" question that will fizzle exactly like every other "gotcha" question she's ever tried. These are skilled politicians who know all the tricks and traps. Meghan thinking that she's going to get any of them to make an unintentional admission is preposterous. They will be kind and bat her aside like a fly, the way they always do. I can't wait.
  17. He is dead to me now. ‘Jeopardy!’ phenom and Cubs fan James Holzhauer admits: I bet against 2016 team (This published at 6am on Thursday, so no Thursday spoilers.)
  18. My mom - the most organized person on earth - left us on December 31st. So it was not only efficient for tax purposes for her executor, but it makes it very easy to figure out how long she's been gone. I've never counted the number of days. But here's the difference between me and Meghan: I don't define myself by my parents' accomplishments. It never dawned on me until this moment - she perceives herself as the hole in the donut. And when the donut is gone, what happens? The empty space is just ... empty.
  19. I admire Joy for saying up front she was angry about Al Franken not being in office any more, and implied that KG was at least partially responsible. If KG was not expecting that, she's naive. OTOH, it may have thrown her to have the most liberal of the co-hosts put her on the defensive. I agree with everyone who said that she seemed overly rehearsed. When it gets right down to it, most people vote for candidates they genuinely like, rather than someone whose talking points are best. With KG, I saw a very non-emotional candidate (minus the slight coldness towards Joy), not someone I am inspired to learn more about.
  20. I'd like to hear her elucidate all the winning Presidential campaigns she's been involved with. I am reminded of Lady Catherine de Bourgh in Pride and Prejudice and her advice about playing the pianoforte: “If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.”
  21. I'm a big fan of Bill Pullman, but he didn't seem to get the whole concept of Graham's show, that the couch should interact with one another, not just the host. I had never heard of the Lumineers and was impressed.
  22. Most prestigious law firms won't hire someone unless s/he graduated from a highly regarded law school, no matter whether or not s/he passed the bar exam. I've enjoyed Whoopi being on limited duty. I wonder if it will be her new regular schedule. The show today was live, as per the announcer at the beginning.
  23. Today she told a lawyer that the Bill of Rights was "propaganda." She cannot be gone from this show a minute too soon.
  24. I would like to have someone ask Abby, in view of her blurring the lines about what happened in the hearing, just what she deems more important than testifying before Congress. Because that was Mnuchin's stance. He said he had better things to do than to testify before Congress. That he couldn't fit testifying before Congress into his busy schedule. Maxine Waters gave him every bit of respect that fuckery deserved.
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