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Everything posted by ChicagoCita

  1. We had a hoarder home, with five vermin-infested vehicles, across the alley from us. When they finally emptied it and towed away the vehicles (after banging them repeatedly with baseball bats to get the vermin out), we got the mice in my townhome building. I have cats - it was awful - but we all got very good at figuring out the ways they got in. Haven't had a problem since. I liked this one. The people were awful, but I saw change in the son, and I really hope that the daughter is getting help. She is literally crying out for it. It was weird to see her switch between wanting the situation to change, and enabling her parents. She and the dogs were the ones who I had the most empathy for, followed by the poor city officials who had to deal with the hoarders and their craziness. I'm still laughing at the tagline that says they're patiently waiting for a response from Trump.
  2. "Because that's what I do!"
  3. Everyone, absolutely everyone, I know who has watched it has said how very difficult it was to watch and how harrowing it was. I'm going to believe them and skip it and accept it as true. (You could really tell by Joy's demeanor how much it affected her.) I'm still pulling myself out of grieving my mom's death (yes, I understand Meghan's deep grief, although I hope I wasn't obnoxious - 'nuff said) and I don't think I could handle something that depressing right now. As for the parents, they were dazzled by someone who was, at the time, the biggest star on the entire planet. One thing I've realized as I get older is that fame is a drug, and people act very, very atypically around famous people. I am sure that the parents have beaten themselves up plenty, and will never get over it. I can't add to the condemnation that's already been in their heads for decades. Fame is a terrible thing when abused, because otherwise normal people are nuts around famous people.
  4. Since Meghan has known Ana longer than Ben has, since at least 2008, I have my suspicions about who the source of those horrible ad hominen quasi-racist slams is, and it isn't Ben. When it's awkward to attack your co-worker, use your evil twin.
  5. The woman in the picture two posts above yours? I think that's Eva Longoria. I'm sorry, I should have been more specific. The lady in the maroon dress at the left of this photo. Is it just me, or does she look a lot like Ana?
  6. I used to edit photos for our company's intranet from corporate parties, and so many women didn't realize that flash cameras can turn dark blouses transparent and reveal light-colored undergarments. Just a PSA -- if you are wearing something dark, and you'll be photographed, wear suitably dark undergarments, or pray for a kind Photoshopper. TOPIC -- the lady who so strongly resembles Ana must be her sister?
  7. I actually thought it could have been a cute style with different clothes. If Meghan had worn something cute and fun and retro, it might have worked. I'm thinking a black jumpsuit would be perfect with that hair. But the fussy floral dress with a collar up to her chin... nope. She looked like a 1940s schoolmarm.
  8. She's a genius. Very stable. She's a very stable genius.
  9. My normally sweet View-supporting group on Facebook was frothing at the mouth over Meghan today, not so much on what she said, but how she said it. It takes a lot to piss off these ladies, but Meghan managed it, in spades. In fact, several of them decided they were too angry to write to ABC's feedback page re The View -- they made phone calls! I bet those poor ABC interns didn't know what hit them. After reading here, I'm deleting the show unwatched. Whatever patience I had with this shrieking spoiled girl is gone.
  10. Natasha Lyonne has made some really poor life choices, but she's very smart and wickedly funny. She likes to make osbscure literary and pop culture references. I can't wait to see if she's on good behavior or if she lets her true self fly.
  11. You know what I would pay money to see? The second Meghan starts talking over the rest of the panel or starts with that obnoxious "I'm still talking here" bullshit, everyone else just shuts up. Not a word, not a peep, not a nod. Just total silence while Meghan spews her inanity into the ether. When she's finished, no one says a word. They all sit there like a silent tableau. Repeat until she shuts down.
  12. But Whoopi doesn't fly unless she has to. Maybe someone with pneumonia could take their own bus to L.A.?
  13. Exactly! I work with the Chicago cops on a volunteer basis, so maybe I'm more obsessed than the average person, but upon hearing "This is MAGA country" (in Chicago!), my eyebrows shot into my hairline. Also, in the busiest part of town, no one caught the attackers on camera? I assume at every minute of every day, if I'm in public in Chicago, I'm on camera somewhere, whether it be an ATM, a pod camera, a RING doorbell, a business security system... Anyway, I came to post that Meghan's insincerity showed itself when she referred to "Ka-MAHL-a" Harris. Meghan, it's simple common courtesy to refer to someone the way they prefer to be referred to, and especially when that someone has recently sat two feet away from you and very clearly said, "My name is pronounced Comma-la," like the punctuation mark. It just shows the disrespect and low regard Meghan has for anyone not in "her tribe." She expects respect, pounding the table and screaming about her parentage, but can't give someone who may be our next president the courtesy of remembering how to say her name properly, even when that person explained it to her personally! Drives me crazy.
  14. We are in election season in Chicago. Recently, one of Illinois's U.S. Senators (Dick Durbin) and one of our U.S. Reps (Jan Schakowsky) came to a short meet & greet at a local coffeehouse to support the reelection of a sitting Chicago alderman. The opposition to the alderman sat outside and chanted how "disappointed" and "ashamed" they were of Durbin and Schakowsky for supporting him. It was laughable, as if saying "shame on you" would have an effect on these long-time national powerhouses and cause them to reverse their entire position on someone. That's a long way of saying that that's how I feel every. single. time. Meghan tries a "gotcha" question with someone. She keeps on trying, bless her heart, and always, always looks foolish. They gently and politely swat her away like she's a random mosquito. She is so overmatched, and completely out of her league. She thinks she's GOP Woodward and Bernstein, and instead she's a third-grade reporter for her school paper.
  15. Speaking of Whoopi being out sick... I've enjoyed this week without her. I hope she recovers soon, but I also hope she takes her time getting back.
  16. @ChiCricket, you are my long-lost twin. That was exactly my first thought. Meghan is horrifying at grammar.
  17. Along with "The reason I asked you here today." I nearly spit out my breakfast at that one.
  18. Meghan drives me nuts, but that outfit, that expression, that hair -- one of the most attractive photos I've ever seen of her.
  19. What I recall is that Meghan wanted to speak about Amy Klobuchar and made a longer point of wanting to speak than saying what she would have said. She was all, "Can I speak now, are you done, permission to speak now, are we all good?" pissy. The princess was offended. Joy was already introducing the next topic when "May I speak now?" piped in. The camera went to Meghan, who of course grabbed her blue cards and started reading. "#1, blah, blah, blah" and then apparently Joy made a face or something that set Meghan off. She then went into full passive-aggressive mode in mid-sentence: "That's okay, I don't have to speak, by all means, keep going, Joy" with a very disgusted look on her face. No one interrupted her. She interrupted herself! And then Joy mirrored Meghan, looking away, crossing her arms, and said, "No, if you're going to have a hissy fit, we can't continue." There was a hush, the audience laughed nervously, and a few seconds of silence while both Meghan and Joy sat at opposite ends of the table with crossed arms and not a smile in sight. And then Joy said, "Let's go to Senator Elizabeth Warren" and changed the topic. Go, Joy! She treated her just like she would treat one of her students who was misbehaving. I loved it.
  20. Thank you. I've heard that kind of voice before, one belonging to a dear friend of mine and another time the mother of a friend in high school. It's just BIZARRE. They were/are all (including Jill Abramson) highly intelligent women, from different parts of the country, so maybe it's a smart woman affect? I ended up having to FF through the Abramson interview because it was making me crazy.
  21. By the way, remember last week when a reporter asked Trump a question and Trump didn't want to answer, so he kept asking the reporter what he would do in his place? No answer, just trying to make the reporter look bad? THAT was Jonathan Karl. No wonder he dealt so well with Whoopi's unprofessionalism.
  22. His name is Jonathan Karl and he is the ABC Chief White House Correspondent. I think Whoopi was wildly unprofessional. My interpretation of what happened is that the producers wanted her to introduce him immediately. She didn't, and when she did, she said something like "you can all see who's sitting here with us." At that point, Abby and Meghan tried to introduce him. Then the producers started talking in the earpiece in Whoopi's ear telling her to introduce him. She had begun to do so by that point, and then she got frustrated and started talking to the camera and pointing at her earpiece and saying something like, "I don't know why you have me do this job, everyone else is trying to do my job." And that's why people looked up and saw a strange man sitting at the table talking with no real introduction. A totally effed-up and unprofessional piece of work.
  23. This was on The View's Twitter feed. Wonder what this "very special" View is about?
  24. I think she changes her behavior immediately after she's been spoken to by the brass, but a permanent change only happens when a person wants to change. I think Meghan has zero desire to change because she's always been the spoiled princess. Her behavior has been admired and affirmed, esp. by the most important person in her life, her father. She doesn't think there's anything wrong with how she behaves, and no permanent change will be made unless she gets to that point. She went over like a lead balloon in Los Angeles, and whose fault is that? As she has said, many times, it's because the people in Los Angeles are defective. That's her world view. Right there.
  25. To make it more delicious, I think Don Lemon and Joy are pretty close, based on the fact that he appeared on her Late Night Joy show, where friends came to her New York apartment to dish.
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