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Joe Jitsu913

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Everything posted by Joe Jitsu913

  1. John Andrew was in Atlanta for Christmas. He lived at the Ramsey home when school was in session.
  2. I don't even think they're properly applying it to their water lines. If you do it correctly, you shouldn't look like a raccoon and it should actually make your eyes look bigger, not smaller. They should also also use a softer colour like a soft brown. Black is too harsh for their eye color.
  3. Jinger (and Jill!) need to learn how to properly apply eyeliner . It looks horrid on them, amongst other things.
  4. Eww... They look like brother and sister. Jill has aged in dog years.
  5. I just can't fathom having a tacky and cheap wedding and being proud of it. You know the Duggars are though! "Barefoot and backyard!" I think if Jinger is able to conceive after they get married, they'll have a girl. Idk why, just a feeling I have.
  6. I actually like Jinger's ring. It's tasteful and not over the top.
  7. I'm sorry but I hate the word 'meek'. It reminds me of how you would describe a dog. If a guy said I was meek, I'd be none too pleased. Of course, meek is a compliment in fundie circles.
  8. The Duggar women certainly love the ratty, possum hairdos.
  9. I think Spurge looks exactly like Jim Blob. Jessa and Jim Blob have very harsh features.
  10. I was kind of hoping Jeremy's Italian family would introduce Jinger to the Jesus Juice... but I guess not. ?
  11. I agree getting married in a religious setting has meaning to some but 19 kids who are expected to get married to a spouse of Jim Bob's choosing might want to get married on the beach, or a hotel or some other place of significance for a change. The Duggars don't belong to a church and don't attend religious services anywhere that I'm aware of. Gothardism doesn't count as a legit religion. I just find it odd that not one of the engaged couples have chosen a setting besides a random church that will fit 800 of their closest "friends". They cram their guests like sardines at the reception but expect gifts and $$$. Talk about the epitome of tacky and rude. I guarantee Jinger's wedding will be held in West Bumfuck Arkansas at a church that no one attends with very little seating. Pictures will be taken of the Duggars only because Jeremy's family will be dressed "immodestly". Food will consist of egg salad sandwiches, fruit punch and mints. Jim Bob will crack some lame jokes with his yuk-yuk laugh and the littles will be left to fend for themselves. Expect lots of talking heads from Benessa and Derjill discussing the key to a successful and lasting marriage as if they're experts on the subject. Michelle will be wearing some fugly monstrosity of course.
  12. One thing that annoys the shit out of me with Duggar weddings, is the fact that they ALL get married in a church. They do realize that you can get married in a setting other than a church and it could still be performed by a minister, right? Where I'm from, weddings are held in hotels, barns, banquet halls, outdoors etc. Not one Duggar wedding has been held anywhere besides a church. How boring and unoriginal. Not even a decent reception meal either. Maybe Jeremy's family will change that.
  13. I have a feeling Jinger's excessive layering of clothes isn't for modesty's sake. ?
  14. Jinger always looks so sad and extremely fragile. She's so thin, she looks like she could just float away. Remember she said during the rehearsal dinner that Jessa helped her through "the dark times"?
  15. Are those Ralph Lauren shoes? It looks like the Polo emblem. How very modest of them.
  16. Derick looks like a Picasso painting come to life.
  17. Derick looks like he has old-fashioned wooden teeth in his mouth. You know, like George Washington.
  18. I shall refrain from making a defrauding joke...
  19. Can someone do a 'Dr. Jill, Medicine Woman ' meme/Photoshop? Pretty please? It would give me so much life.
  20. This is Michelle Duggar we're talking about. She believes she is this massively irresistible sex kitten who defrauds married men into divorcing their wives. She even has to censor her knee caps, lest the menfolk get desires that cannot righteously be fulfilled.
  21. Kelly Jo Bates is giving me Fran Drescher realness.
  22. Does anyone here think that Smuggar is dumb enough to run for public office? Somehow I think his ego would allow it.
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