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Everything posted by peachmangosteen

  1. Oh man, what I wouldn't give for this. Those are my two faves! (Judge me all you want!) And honestly they both need a friend. The show itself needs more friendships. Olivia was fun today. See show, everyone is better when they hate Sonny. And when they hate Franco. I don't really want the inevitable return to Morgan/Kiki, but honestly I do like them as friends and the only times I've marginally liked Kiki are when she was with Morgan.
  2. That was so amazing! Zach is so delightful this season. It's really weird.
  3. This happens so much with all the characters. Kevin and Lucy were ranting about their marital problems in Kelly's for fuck's sake. Sometimes it's annoying, but I mostly just find it hilarious. This should be a web series. And Sri Rao should write it. I noticed that, too. BC works so well with MB because he is always making Sonny/MB look terrible and it's hilarious. BC's best moment, IMO, is when he mocked both Sonny and MB with the "Maybe you're a bad businessman," line. He should get an Emmy for that alone.
  4. My little wooby baby! He just wants someone to love and someone to love him. He's so tragic really.
  5. Thank you! Sorry but her teeth drive me nuts. They're just so aggressively bad. MWOP is genius. Major kudos, tveyeonyou, for that! And he was, indeed, MWOP again today. Keep it up, my baby! The phone line was so great. BC is killing this. Ava was giving me life today. The Ava/Carly scenes were really fun. Nina continues to straight-up terrify me. I had to start ffwding because it was too much.
  6. Probst said something about them doing something different with the RI arena. It's so weird to me that they built the RI arena and told the press it was back only to then randomly decide to not do RI when they started filming. And what else could they do with the RI arena?
  7. I care! I care deeply! I thought MW was definitely playing those scenes like Ava wasn't just about saving her life, so I would be interested in reading what you thought. Yea. I mean, I still hope Morgan will never forgive Sonny and hate him for eternity, but I know that won't happen because Sonny is the star of the show. And really, it actually does make sense that he may eventually forgive Sonny solely because Sonny is his father. And Morgan is really just a wooby little baby who wants someone to actually love him and it makes him dumb. So, yea, it makes sense. But in the GH in my head Morgan makes a real friend and he never speaks to Sonny or Carly ever again.
  8. This episode was so much better than the premiere. I really enjoyed almost everyone. I was worried because I didn't like anyone in the first episode at all. But, yea, a lot of great people last night.
  9. Nina is scary as hell. I was suffering hardcore second-hand embarrassment but also a real fear was instilled in me during those scenes. Morgan was killing it today. Why can't they just let him hate Sonny for good? He is so much better when he hates Sonny. I wish Ava would punch Carly in the face. I will say though, as awful as it is, I loved Carly saying she didn't give a fuck about lying to her children. Hey, she's honest! I didn't watch the Sabrina/Patrick baby stuff. I don't care about them or the baby, but I just don't wanna watch a slow baby death. WTF is RC even doing with this story line? I kinda like Maxie/Nathan. They're both just SO dumb! It's kind of adorable. Levi is so heinous. I don't get it. Sonny said/did something that cracked me up today, but now I forget what it was.
  10. Ew, Boogie. On June 10th at 3pm EST there is gonna be a live chat with Hayden.
  11. You know, I never even thought about her saying she knew Silas. That's plausible. But still, like you said, it's still weird, especially with who they are/what they've been through recently, that they'd just accept that and be like yea you can play with the baby. At least they had Sam talk to Monica on the phone about the party. Still, Monica should be there. It's so annoying.
  12. You're not wrong! Rafe's hair is a definite improvement from the last time we saw him though. I miss the really bad hair. Just imagine it with the earrings. And the coke. Now that's UCG to end all UCG! I hope there's some explanation today as to why Alexis et al. were just like, "Sure, scary looking lady we've never seen before, come hold our baby," to Nina. ETA: This! Ditto! Same! There is no way in hell that this storyline will be done properly. It would be interesting if it was though, I agree. But I'm intrigued by it for how bad it'll be!
  13. I loved OLTL when RC was there, but TBH I can't really think of anything! I mean I love bad stuff a lot of the time so. And Kyle/Fish worked in large part because of the chemistry of the actors.
  14. LOL! Totally. Why does ReRon always have to rehash his worst stories? At least rehash one of the OK-good ones once in awhile! I forgot to mention the amazingly terrible face reaction Kiki had to Franco's "Your mom is totes dead," line. I want a gif of that.
  15. I LOLed. And he whisper yelled 'in hell' too! Such fun! Oh man! Best post of the day! My fave part of yesterday's ep was definitely Rafe's diamond stud earrings. What a gift! This story is going to the best worst story ever. I'm so excited! Morgan, my baby! His face when Ava said she was pregnant was beautiful. And his description of the Ava/Sonny affair was so great. BC's 'wtf at this shit' face throughout was perfect. I unabashedly love Nathan. I loved his "That was weird," after his convo with Ava/Sonny. I was glad he commented on it because throughout I was like OK Sonny he's probably gonna pick up on your murderous rage buddy so tone it down. I was wondering where you were, tvgoddess! I'm glad you came over!
  16. Yea, there aren't any real spoilers yet. Although I do believe MissCleo (who has gotten a number of things right in previous seasons) is saying the BvW rumor is indeed true. I'm still not convinced though. I just can't see them doing that now when Survivor is doing it this coming season.
  17. You make a good point. I thought she'd hop on his dick the second Ric was arrested.
  18. I liked this episode. Keep in mind I ffwd most of Sam/Silas and Liz/Nik. I really love the Britt/Brad friendship and the Britt/Nathan sibling bond. They're both really cute and the actors have chem. I liked Molly a lot today and I usually ffwd her. She looked really cute in the first few scenes. I hope she continues to believe in Ric and not drop him in a sec like Liz did. I mean, Liz probably shouldn't really even believe Ric, but she was so gung ho about it and then Nik comes in and is like "Well, his fingerprints were on the gun," and she's immediately crying and baby voiced and not believing Ric. Like OK there Liz.
  19. LOL yes she did! LW gets in some digs through facial expression on the actual show as well, which I greatly enjoy. It's probably why I have never been able to bring myself to fully hate Carly.
  20. Yea, she's just parroting what the show is dumbly trying to now sell. It's so annoying when the actors are so team player like that, but really what can they do? Say how bad everything is? Only TG can do that and he manages to be just as annoying by doing it anyway.
  21. That but also, as of now, Cal is a very boring, plot pointy character and I expect more from this show, so I've just been waiting for Cal to be more than he appears.
  22. Oh man, I'm sorry I missed that! Someone needs to recap that last day for those of us that weren't on. I should've stayed home dammit! I loved that, too. I'm actually looking forward to today's ep too, TeeVee. I love Brad/Lucas and Nathan/Britt and I'm interested in seeing Julian/Bobbie interact. It's probably not a good idea to be excited for an ep though. It'll surely let us down!
  23. I pray we never see Frank again, so I really hope those rumors aren't true! I think BvW in BB context would basically end up being like BB13 and that didn't work at all IMO. ETA: I can't remember if he yelled, but it wouldn't surprise me. There's always a DR yeller in every season!
  24. This is why I still don't really believe it'll actually be a BvW thing on BB this season. It's just overkill. Maybe some day I could see them doing it, but not the same year that Survivor is doing it.
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