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Everything posted by peachmangosteen

  1. Maybe. All I know is he said he expressed wanting to shave it pre-show and TPTB said they liked it, so he kept it. Really.
  2. LOL. I'm good. And Andy and Frankie are very similar players, IMO. Sorry, but I think they are. Frankie is a better player currently and a marginally better dresser, but their game play has a lot of similarities. Maybe you're insinuating that it has something to do with their sexuality, but I'm certainly not. Although, honestly, they do always cast a similar type of gay guy. That's on them, not me. Frankie is probably on Team America. He was called to DR this morning and they made him go immediately without letting him do his makeup first. Plus, it's fairly obvious he'll get it anyway. I wonder if he knows Joey is in it, too. I'm interested for today to see if he tries to save her. Amber's family tweeted that they're concerned for her. I just wish the guys would stop encouraging Caleb and that someone would clue Amber in on just how nuts he is.
  3. I agree with everything you said, SlovakPrincess. And I don't even like/care about Robin!
  4. Yea, he definitely wants to shave, I'm just not sure TPTB are going to let him. Cody and Frankie had a convo last night and they agreed that the next 5 HGs that need to go are Victoria, Donny, Jocasta, Brittany, and Nicole. Sigh. I pray these women can see how screwed they are and that they actually go for HOH and then actually do something with it.
  5. Sonny does. Where else is he gonna sell Corinthos Coffee?
  6. You can say that again! And yet we keep coming back. Sigh. Silas. Definitely Silas. I don't care for Patrick, but I can understand why he wouldn't really be thinking about how Rafe, a kid he barely if at all knows, is feeling about killing Patrick's child. Sure, it was an accident, but as a parent it wouldn't particularly matter, your baby is still dead. Normally soaps are full of scantily clad women. And honestly a man shirtless is in no way akin to a woman walking around topless, IMO. And also they couldn't get away with woman walking around topless anyway since it's a daytime, network soap. It feels realistic to me that Morgan might work without a shirt on. My dad does (I wish he wouldn't!) and he's an unfit, old man. Morgan is a hot, young guy. It's not like they have all the men shirtless while grocery shopping or something.
  7. I doubt it. Donny mentioned in his pre-show interviews that he was gonna shave his beard but that TPTB said they loved it, so he kept it hoping he'd get cast. And Spencer actually grew out his beard in an effort to get cast. They want their Duck Dynasty people a lot, I guess. I've really tried to like Frankie because I am intrigued by the Zankie relationship, but he is just insufferable to me. I don't understand why all these people love him so much. I hope they get tired of him soon so he can be targeted and I won't have to listen to him any more.
  8. Nope. And she told Zach she'd cut Nicole because she has "no idea what she's doing in this game." Ugh. I mean even if she's playing the dude bros, she's still just gonna sit there and do jack shit and think they're gonna carry her to F8 and then she'll 'make her move.' Dumbass either way, IMO.
  9. Apparently this all started because Devin made some shit up about what Amber had said. I enjoyed watching him try to reign in Caleb's crazy since he was the one that got that ball rolling! I feel so bad for Amber. Everyone is talking about how sad they are for Caleb and how he's such a sweet guy. Who cares? Amber doesn't have to like him! ETA: Wow, Christine is so damn dumb. Like she thinks she's so cool because she's in this dude bro alliance. I can't wait until she gets Britneyed.
  10. I just caught the tail-end of a convo between Zach and Caleb where Caleb was telling Zach that Amber was trying to use him to get farther and he's done with her and she has to go first from their alliance and yada yada yada. Then Christine came in and I kinda stopped listening because I do not like her, but she looked like she was eating it all up, idiot that she is. Anyway, now Zach and Derrick are talking about how Christine messed up and she needs to stop playing and just do nothing and whatnot. Now Cody is there and him, Derrick, and Zach are talking about backdooring Devin next week.
  11. The mom is Brittany. And yea, I just saw that convo her and Cody had about Zach saying he wanted to have sex with Frankie. I don't understand why they would keep the cams off them. I'd think TPTB would be really excited about a possible gay showmance.
  12. The episode was pretty boring and I skipped a lot of it, but I still really enjoyed some stuff. Like Morgan being MWOP towards Levi, and Rosalie. I will always love Rosalie. VIVA LA ROSALIE! Levi's body type is so unfortunate.
  13. You must not have watched Big Brother Canada season 2! But also, yes, Cody is SO hot in his nerd glasses. And like all the other times, too. Dammit, I'm into that boy! I'm glad to hear one of the guys was trying to talk Caleb down, but it's Devin, who is quite insane himself so.
  14. Poor Amber is going to prom with Caleb. I am so uncomfortable. I feel really bad for her. I wish someone would back her up and tell her she doesn't have to 'be nice.'
  15. Voting with the house has been a thing in a lot of seasons. I always hate it. I love when people go against it and don't give a fuck, even though it really is terrible game play to do that. Which is why even though Brittany is playing really bad right now, I appreciate that she won't just go along with voting with the house. No one thinks Christine will keep Joey. Everyone thinks that if Joey gets a vote to stay, it'll be from Brittany. Brittany has basically been (stupidly) campaigning for Joey to stay even though it is painfully obvious that she's the person 'the house' wants gone. The HGs are planning a BB Prom. I pray for Amber! Caleb will probably go even more insane if she does/doesn't go with him. I just really hope Brittany wins HOH. She is the only one who'd actually go for Devin/Caleb. And honestly unless one of them goes soon all the women are done. Well actually it'd be best for Frankie to go, but there's no chance in that happening. Frankie kinda threw Zach under the bus to Victoria earlier, so I think Zach is more into Zrankie than Frankie is.
  16. Actually, I read elsewhere that a pair of Amber's underwear are missing so. They have never been allowed to. Caleb is telling Zach now that Amber told Hayden that she would totally go on a date with Caleb after the show. I am so embarrassed and freaked out by this whole thing. I feel so badly for Amber. I wish the guys wouldn't encourage Caleb, but I see why they would, game-wise. ETA: The first feed-exclusive vote is up! It's "Along with slop, what do you want the Houseguests to eat?" and the choices are "vegan s'mores" or "the 'wurst blt."
  17. He really is quite terrifying. All the stuff that came out about him pre-show was bad enough and now his Amber fixation has just made it worse. I was so pissed she was doing that because I wanted to hear the conversation! Generally I actually like Paola but I hate hearing chewing. Victoria and Hayden have been spending some time together today. It's cute. He's kinda teasing her. And they're working out together. I'm ashamed by how cute I find it.
  18. I don't believe Zach and Cody themselves have made the Suite Life reference. But if they eventually do then they'll probably be my faves.
  19. I believe I saw her during one of the "and these people got cut' montages. She was crying pretty hard. I really liked her.
  20. LOL! And yet every year I'm like, "I hope there's a girls alliance." Sigh, I'll never learn. I think I've decided at this point I only dislike/hate Caleb, Devin, and Christine. But I do get a kick out of Caleb most of the time and Devin sometimes.
  21. Joey just asked everyone if Caleb has talked to them about who his renom is. Frankie said yes (which I found interesting) and then Joey said that Caleb said that he is going to do what the house wants so she wants everyone to make sure their voice is heard and that the house gets the right person nommed. It was super hilarious. She totally knows she's going up and she wants everyone to know she knows they're all in on it. LOL! ETA: Nevermind, she thinks that the house doesn't want her up. LOL! This is so hilarious and embarrassing.
  22. Ugh yes! I just want something fresh. And selfishly I want my faves to interact since most of the time they're with characters I don't particularly care for. Give me Morgan with Britt/Brad or Ava with Nathan or Morgan and Nathan. Or Rosalie and anybody I previously mentioned! I got a kick out of the Franco/Sonny/Carly scenes. They were supposed to be hilarious, right?
  23. LOL! You're right though. It's very intriguing to me actually. Frankie has Zach and Caleb, two people I would never have expected this from, completely wrapped around his finger. I didn't think about that. Joey could definitely end up not going The second Team America vote ends on Tuesday at 3 am, so that would give TPTB plenty of time to tell Frankie he's in it and for him to change the vote. Devin is such a mess. He has been up all night. Joey scared him a bit earlier and he was like really messed up over it for like 5 minutes. LOL!
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