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Everything posted by peachmangosteen

  1. I agree, Hayden was saying that he thinks if him and Donny had done the two egg method (which apparently Jocasta/Britt discovered and then Derrick told Cody/Frankie to copy them) they probably would've won because they were doing really well even with doing just one egg. Sigh, what could have been. Apparently the plan is to maybe backdoor Donny. I feel like Derrick/Frankie think if they they can get Donny out then they'll be America's new favorite. Idiots. Hopefully Donny is picked for POV and slays them all again.
  2. Not for me. I've been tried of Tracy for awhile now. Especially now that she's not so much snarky as brain dead asshole and it's not a good look.
  3. This season is starting to really feel like BB12 and that is just so unfortunate. The only reason The Brigade was successful is because everyone else was so damn stupid and wouldn't put aside petty differences and get together to see what was staring them right in the face and that is exactly what's happening now. It's so frustrating to watch. I've been waiting 3 weeks for them to get it. I mean if they still don't now then they really are all a completely lost cause and I give up. I guess I'll just have to root for Hayden and Donny to kiss up to Derrick and co. long enough to be able to target them. So the terms they were given actually said they are to nom a female physical threat? Or they just saying that because they're sexist douchebags and they want to make it seem like they're not? I mean it wouldn't really surprise me if Production actually told them it had to be a woman. The twists this season were pretty obviously designed so that women would go first and men would make jury. Alison Grodner is the biggest sexist of them all really. ETA: Brittany didn't sleep again all night and she's still up. Cody was up for a bit and it was very awkward, annoying, and embarrassing watching them talk. I'm over Brittany's whining about people deserving to be here. Especially Jocasta. Brittany, Jocasta hasn't done a damn thing in this game, she doesn't deserve shit. And then you have Cody acting like he's just a sweet, honest guy and mean ol' Brittany betrayed him. Over him, too. Honestly, I think maybe Brittany needs to go home. She never sleeps and that can't possibly be good for her.
  4. I think the noms will be Victoria and Jocasta for sure, Brittany most likely, and then maybe Amber (and they'll pretend that's what they think America meant by 'physical threat') or Hayden, outside chance Donny is in there, as well. So, basically, all the people I marginally like.
  5. Ugh at them not showing this on the feeds. Fuck you, CBS! Unless Donny/Hayden or Brittany/Jocasta win, I'm out for this week. I can't watch one of the gross dudebros be a sexist, arrogant asshole all week again.
  6. LOL! I can really see Derrick doing this. I'm gonna assume they have to all agree on whoever is the floater or physical threat (whichever one wins) and then they have to get that person nommed in order to get the money. I'm sorta pissed about this TA thing because Frankie didn't really do anything last week but come up with the rumor and he got $5000 for it.
  7. Well, there ya go! That reminds me, was Casey shown in the auditions/Not Hollywood eps? Because I still don't remember ever seeing him.
  8. Ah, memories. It actually hurts me that we will most likely never get Morgan/Ava hotness again. And that we will probably get Morgan/Kiki sex scenes. Like that is gonna be really hard to take for so many reasons. Or Lucas could be a doctor. Like wasn't that supposed to be what he was anyway? What the fuck happened? What even does Lucas do? Why is he even still in PC?
  9. This! Like seriously can we get some sex up in here though? It feels like it's been forever. Although maybe there's been some that I'm forgetting because it was people I fast forward through.
  10. I thought this ep was much better than the last 2. Good thing too because I was getting worried. My fave routine was the first one. It was really cute and different. I have disliked Carly since she was all whiny during group round in Not Hollywood and then I just hated her more last week when she she said 'ew' to cheeseburgers, but she was really good in the skeleton dance. I liked that dance a lot. I loved Valerie's dress and her and Ricky were so cute and I think those things made that dance more than it really was. I was going to vote, but then I saw you had to log in to Facebook, so no. What a terrible change.
  11. She's definitely wearing thin. They need to give her something outside of Nina soon so we can see another side of her. I still like her, but I am growing tired of her snark/hardness.
  12. Same. Derrick is just really gross and he ruins Cody for me. I want Derrick gone so much because I wonder how pretty much everyone would play without him. He holds a lot of things together, I think, and there'd be a lot of scattering if he went. @vb68, don't even put Caleb winning HOH into the universe!
  13. *slap* But actually, I liked the Sam/Liz scenes, too. Liz looked so pretty. But then I hated the Liz/Felix scenes and I despised the shirt Liz had on. She's just so thin/pale and it really accentuated it. I know she can't help that, but I hate her, so I will be shallow. I feel like I'm pretty prudish but damn I don't have a single problem with the shirtless scenes. The Morgan ones especially just really don't seem that gratuitous to me. He's working, it's hot. I mean the Levi ones and most of the Nathan ones are very gratuitous, but IDGAF really. I mean, with Levi, Silas, Patrick, I'm not into it because they have such terrible bodies, but I still don't particularly care. In the Morgan/Kiki scenes, they just woke up and they're in their home. It's not that insane to me that they'd be wearing what they're wearing. If Kiki starts wearing booty shorts to hang out at the hospital then maybe it'd be something. It may be better than what she normally wears though since she has terrible fashion sense. And really, sometimes Sam and Alexis are showing as much boob as is probably allowed on daytime network TV, so it's the same thing, IMO.
  14. Option B better win! All I want now is for Derrick to get screwed. But, also, yes, Victoria is going to be nommed for sure. And most likely the actual target, too. Sigh. If only someone would step the fuck up already. This. Christine is so nasty. I hate this kind of trash talk. It's the main reason I hated Shelly as well. I wish Christine would get evicted (which will not happen anytime soon) because I want to know if Nicole wouldn't be so "I'm not like other girls" if Christine wasn't around to egg it on.
  15. Sadly, and dumbly, The Outsiders aren't a real thing. They all really need to get together and recognize that they have to stick together and target BS, but they haven't. Really some combo of Donny/Brittany/Jocasta needs to get HOH and then maybe something can start happening.
  16. Oh, this again. Second verse, same as the first with those two. And the fact that Christine thinks she would be a showmance target if it weren't for her pesky marriage is just laughable. I think she really wants to fuck Cody though for sure. Maybe that's why she hates Amber so much. ETA: This Derrick/Cody convo right now is nauseating. Please let 2 women (not named Christine) get HOH and just put up 4 guys (not including Hayden/Donny). Come on, Production, please rig this shit and then tell them what to do in DR, dammit!
  17. But that is never going to happen. But there's a slim chance they could send Sonny to Miscaviage or whatever for at least a couple months, which I'll gladly accept.
  18. These people are really nasty. This morning, Cody took a towel that was laying over a kitchen chair, rubbed his eyes/face with it, and then placed it on the kitchen table. And I saw Zach use a towel that was on the bathroom sofa thing to dry his hands (after washing them with just water) and then putting it back down. Like what if someone uses those towels again? So gross! I think if I was ever on BB I would keep towels with my possessions and wash every dish before I used it, even if it was in the clean dishes.
  19. Who knows. He's so phony, IMO. I just don't get how anyone believes that. He actually looks older than his age. But I guess maybe with him having been an alcoholic they just think he's had a rough life that's aged him looks wise.
  20. Which will be the part where I like Nathan/New Girl much better than Nathan/Maxie.
  21. He is! But he has told everyone, including the pre-show interviewers, that he's 28. LMAO!
  22. This isn't an issue for me in regards to Wyatt or Callie/Wyatt, but it is an issue for me in regards to the writers. And it's just on top of all the other problems I have with how they've written the show/mapped the stories since 1A.
  23. See, I never take Victoria seriously. She is super cute and funny to me, but yea maybe if I took her seriously I wouldn't like it. LOL! I'm glad there are others who just can not stand Christine or her laugh. And when Frankie is doing his annoying, overdone British skit added to Christine's annoying, overdone laugh, I just can't. ETA: Frankie looks rough in the morning. Damn! Also, how do these people buy that he's 28? Really now!
  24. LOL! Exactly. I mean I just don't get how these people can be annoyed at Victoria but not at Caleb wearing Amber's clothes as scarves/hats. Or Frankie putting on that British accent. I'm just so disappointed that Devin is going home over Caleb. What are these people thinking? Half of them would rather see Caleb go, I don't get it.
  25. That kinda stuff never bothers me. I mean Jen Johnson is my fave contestant ever! But honestly I've just never actually personally witnessed Victoria being demanding or anything. And also I'd just rather hate on all these sexist, douchey guys anyway! Frankie is being normal right now and I am actually kinda enjoying him. Wonders never cease!
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