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Everything posted by rereader2

  1. Noice! They even got a Toby-stand-in to pose with him. *** According to Hollywood Life, Benedict dropped out of "Lost City of Z" because of Doctor Strange. *** Neil Gaiman tweeted to let people know that the BBC4's production of "Neverwhere" (in which Benedict was the Angel Islington) was Audible's Deal of the Day...but that was yesterday. It was really good, though, and if I listened to audio books I'd buy it.
  2. ...I would have been happier not wondering about that a bit longer!
  3. I honestly don't know--I know I got just plain "Viceroy." Since mojoween said the answer was "Lord Viceroy," I assumed that was the full answer. (I was listening more than watching, since I was folding laundry, so I didn't see the answer one way or the other.)
  4. I got Viceroy, but not Lord Viceroy, and I have no idea if they's have counted that as right or not!
  5. Rolling Stone has an article/interview with Benedict: Benedict Cumberbatch on Cracking 'Imitation Game''s Code. [i'm ignoring the hysterical articles on the "colored" comment. If you watched the Tavis Smiley interview (which you can see here, it seems pretty obvious Benedict was going for "people of color", tried to combine it with "actor", and it came out wrong. Smiley didn't even blink, and he's not shy about these things.]
  6. Practically speaking, it's a fairly stupid move. I mean, if the case wends its way through the courts, it will probably take longer than working out his contract, and meanwhile he's earned the ill-will of 19E. His only hope is that 19E will release him rather than risk undermining the legality of many reality show contracts.
  7. Harry would not have entered American Idol because he was performing as a pianist with symphony orchestras and recording with jazz groups years before he would have been eligible for AI--different musical worlds from pop vocalists.
  8. I could not believe Carnegie Hall was a TS--it still looks JUST LIKE THAT! Radio City Music Hall and Lincoln Center don't look even vaguely similar. (Of course, I go by there a few times a year, which I suppose is an advantage. ;)) I got Song of Roland right because I couldn't think of another medieval French epic. (I know of Song of Roland from reading Gordon Dickson's Childe Cycle--as much as he finished before he died. Note to publishers: NEVER accept sidebar stories from a series author until he's finished the series!)
  9. That's exactly where I went--I got stuck on Sacramento, although I didn't think it was right.
  10. No SAG award for Benedict--best actor went to Eddie Redmayne, best ensemble to Birdman.
  11. I was wondering how he could make that work with his schedule.
  12. [side comment: Could we possibly change the name of the thread? Maybe to "Not all the men she falls for turn out to be sociopaths" or the like? Because this one really makes me very uncomfortable--and Sherlock (even Sherlock!) DID apologize for making that comment, so...]
  13. ...I may have to stop watching. I mean, why hit myself in the head with hammers?
  14. *looks innocent* Thanks! I had no idea.
  15. Not sure on which CBS News show this aired, but the CBS News website has an article and clips from an interview with Ben Tracy on their website.
  16. I did get Metamorphosis, but I recently listened to a podcast about it, so it was right there in my head. I've never seen or read The Fly--is it something to read or just a movie?
  17. Oh, good point--after all, we've been in Sherlock's mind palace and his unconscious brain, we could go into his "reconstructing the scene of the crime" mind.
  18. I felt the point was more that he was casually cruel, and then--for a change--noticed that Molly was hurt (I'm sure it helped that she told him so!), and then did his best to fix it.
  19. There's a Fresh Air interview with Benedict on the NPR website--it's a full half hour and I haven't had time to listen to it yet, but going by the bits they quote below, it should be pretty good. (He does seem to do better in long format interviews.) ETA: I had a chance to listen, and it is very good. (And we find out how he discovered he needs glasses...no, they aren't fakes. :))
  20. My doctors do, too. (For me it's not been cancer--I hope you're doing well now, chessiegal--but a few times a mammogram caused the radiologist to be suspicious enough of it to want and ultrasound/sonogram, likewise with fibroids.) In common usage, the two terms are used interchangeably.
  21. I did get the FJ, mostly by starting from 1066 and thinking forward. (Okay, I don't really get that either, but it made sense in my head at the time!)
  22. Benedict trying out some new names on Jimmy Kimmel: Hahahahahahahaha! ETA: RadioTimes has a poll to see what name people like best...
  23. I agree with you, mledawn, about Martin's accent in those clips--much closer to North Dakota than East Coast (whatever that's supposed to be--New York? Baltimore? Maine? Georgia?) Radiotimes reports on the BAFTA screening of The Eichmann Show.
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