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Everything posted by lucy711

  1. Excellent point. It seems like Eric, with fiancee and child in tow, should be the one making plans to move. That apartment is much more "proper" for a 19 year old than for the three of them. Eric's looking at houses, after all!
  2. Nothing wrong with that at all. I plan to do the same thing once my son is older and has a full-time job (he's only 2 now)! As you said, it builds character and makes the point that he is an adult and needs to contribute. But Eric takes this line of thinking to a whole new level!
  3. You know, I think you're right. Everyone except Olga is coming across very badly tonight. I think in the future I might just read the posts to find out what happens. These people anger me!
  4. I hope Eric's ex-wife takes this tape and goes to her lawyer and demands that she have sole custody of their kids who are under 18. Eric is a piece of crap.
  5. Leida manages to get more unlikeable each and every week. This lady has the worst personality, and she's not even that attractive. Ugh.
  6. I know! And Leida is much older than Tasha. It also sounds like Leida has been leeching off of her parents while Tasha works.
  7. Tasha is 19. Leida is going to be the new stepmom. Leida needs to be decent.
  8. I can't stand Colt, but I wouldn't call this flirting. But then again, I don't mind if my husband makes a nice comment about another woman because I am secure in our relationship.
  9. A Facebook news feed? So Jon is about 19, too!
  10. I agree with you. And if Asuelo is a little immature it is important to remember he is younger than her. I was a first time mom at 32, and I would have known a lot less in my 20s.
  11. Alessandro is carried around a lot for a 5 year old.
  12. Maybe she is really annoying? I think we might have just seen a taste of that. My cousin is thin, blond, and pretty but goes from boyfriend to boyfriend because she has super high standards of any man she dates and can be obnoxious. (It sounds mean but it's true)!
  13. Wow. Who would have thought that the 20 year old wants to play video games and text?!
  14. Steven is like this when the cameras are around..yikes!
  15. What's stopping Larissa from cooking for everyone when she's home all day?
  16. I agree. I also find it disturbing that she is not living in the country they are in. I'd be really curious to know if her situation in Brazil was really that desperate (a la Hazel) or if she just wants to latch on to any guy with money. Yes to this. Not mentioning having kids is a pretty major omission. I don't see how this wouldn't come out!
  17. I saw the photo of the champagne glass tub in the Poconos, and I had to comment. My husband and I went to one of these Poconos resorts about 3 years ago. It was clear that the heyday of these were in the 1970s, but we still loved it. It was kitschy in a cute way, and I'd like to go back! As a side note, the heart-shaped hot tub is comfy (but you should wipe it down with bleach first)!
  18. Agreed. I'm not a gym rat, but I've gone often enough for the past 8 years or so and have never heard anyone make noises like Fernanda. She clearly just wants attention. She's 19. She should not be getting married!
  19. I enjoyed reading this post, and I can imagine how uncomfortable you felt when you walked into the meeting and you were the only black person. I can't tell you what the people in that meeting were thinking, but I can tell you that as a white person, I sometimes lapse into silence when interacting with people of color because I'm a little afraid. I am a history teacher, so I know a lot about how racism has manifested in the country. I want to treat everyone fairly and respectfully, but I'm honestly worried that I will say something that will be construed as racist or or insensitive. I am very aware of microaggressions, and I don't want to say the "wrong thing," even if I don't mean it in a way that is a racial slight. For instance, if I'm working with a person of color and I say something like "wow! That's a great idea," would the person think I am complimenting them only because they are black and I'm impressed that they came up with a good idea? But in reality, I say that type of thing all the time. I'm a big fan of verbal praise! Does this make sense? I just thought I'd post my thoughts and be completely honest because there seems to be a respectful discussion of racial issues in this forum, and I think honesty is often lacking when we discuss racial issues.
  20. I agree with you for the most part, but it can be possible for someone to call something racism even if it is not, no? Let me give you an example dealing with sexism. When I was in college, I considered going for a PhD in my subject and becoming a professor. I went to a professor for advice, and he advised me not to because it was a long and difficult process, that it would be hard for met to get jobs, and I would have to travel often and be away from my family. I thought this was sexism and he was assuming that as a woman I wanted to have a family and couldn't handle a tough job. I actually referred to him as "sexist" when talking about the experience, and then I spoke to two other men who had a similar conversation with him, and he told them the same thing, almost word for word. I was wrong in my assumption. So *sometimes* feelings aren't enough. Again, this is NOT to question the reality of sexism or racism, but as a society we are sometimes so primed to look out for these things that it can be mistaken. Calling someone a racist or sexist is very hurtful in our society today, and I really try to be careful before I apply that label.
  21. Leida thinks Tasha should be out on her own, but she clearly mooches off of her own parents. I think she and Eric deserve each other, but her poor son needs to return to Indonesia. She is not concerned with him at all. The producers really played up the "racial issues" in Pennsylvania. I already wrote on the live page, but they live close to Harrisburg, and there are plenty of people of color in the area, even if we didn't see any in the immediate vicinity at the market. I now live in a very diverse section of NJ, and I probably saw more interracial couples in that area of PA. Kalani is simply terrible. Let me tell you a story- I have a two year old. When he was an infant, I was driving the car, and my great-aunt was in the back seat with him. He was getting fussy, and she took him out of the carseat. My great-aunt is an American by birth, but there were no car seats when she was born, and she never had children. I pulled over and said "let's put him back in because it's dangerous for him not to be in the seat." That was it. She realized her mistake, apologized, and we moved on. Kalani is ball of rage. I also dislike how her father and sister treat Asuelu. Instead of having negative feelings about him, maybe they should be disappointed that a 30 year old woman had unprotected sex with someone she barely knew on vacation and came home with a baby (who she clearly can't support on her own). Just a thought.
  22. Nope, but it is stereotyping!
  23. Yes. They were cute to watch for the first few episodes, but they really don't have much going for them at all. They are too young, have no money, and really don't know each other.
  24. The thought of Larissa of having a job...ha ha ha.
  25. Yup. She seems like a decent girl, but she's not ready for marriage.
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