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Everything posted by maddie965

  1. That actually makes sense. And I did like the humanization of Sarah - my favorite episode is the one where she goes into autodestruction mode. I guess I don't like when she's just being bitchy (most of her scenes with Felix) or plain stupid (going to the island alone to save Cosima). And I missed her being around the other characters more - the interactions usually soften her personality. But yeah, I guess it was intentional, so I can live with it. It's not like I don't have many characters to love. (LOL that, for a few seconds, I thougth that Tatiana, being the producer, wouldn't want Sarah to be unlikable, since she is the actress playing her. And then it hit me...)
  2. Oh, they have a bag full of tricks: Krystal and Helena wigs, Alison's gym clothes, Cosima glasses, a Dolly mask and also an inflatable Paul doll! You never know who Sarah might need to impersonate next... Talking about clone swaps, I am rewatching the first season and having the strangest feeling. Watching the first episodes, I remembered how I used to love Sarah back then. But, this season, I could hardly bring myself to like her. I mean, the bot thing and the Felix-looking-for-his-family thing made her grumpy, sure, but the fact is that I found myself liking Sarah less and less - I don't even like her accent! And I used to love her when she was impersonating Beth. So did I fall in love with the wrong character? Did I love Beth, and therefore I loved Sarah impersonating Beth? If I can't love Sarah for who she really is, is it my mistake? Or is it the writers mistake? Is Sarah only bearable when whe's impersonating someone? Or at least when she has someone adorable (Felix, Cosima, Helena) by her side? Really, I don't know if I could watch a whole series about her...
  3. As much as I enjoyed watching this episode, because, well, it's Orphan Black, I agree with everyone who thought it was disappointing. It felt like a Lost episode to me, and I say that in a bad way: very exciting to watch, but when you think about it, nothing makes sense at all. I don't understand Neotution's purpose, or why they would want Rachel as their leader. I don't know who the "Others" are (Tks, Lady Calipso!) and I don't really care. I couldn't care less for Delphine (she's just Rachel 2 to me), and her being alive sounds like a weak trick to me. I can't, for the life of me, understand why Sarah would go alone to the island. Bring Art, or Helena, or Ira, or all of them, for God's sake! I don't understand how Cosima found a cure so fast, or how she managed to take it with her. I don't understand why we need a new vilain each season (the leader of the Others, the ageless man, whatever), when they all end up being meaningless in the end. Really, Orphan Black writers, you should know better right now. That said, I'm still hooked, of course. Tatiana is a Goddess, and the way she played Sarah playing Krystal was just genius. Plus, I love Cosima and Helena more than words can say. Felix, Alison, Donnie, Mrs. S, Kira, Mika, they're all in my heart. I do wish they made the show about the characters, and not about some stupid plots that make no sense at all. But, since that won't happen, I'll take whatever I can get. Bring on the next season, please!
  4. That funeral scene made it all worth it, though. Loved Helena saying goodbye to her science babies... Miss her like hell. When it comes to enemies, this show confuses me. Some people can be presented as evil and extremely dangerous... until they're not anymore. Susan was like that to me. Are we supposed to think she's on the side of the sestras just becases she lost power? I will NEVER trust her.
  5. THIS. That's the reason I love this season so much. And this is by far my favorite episode of the season. See, when it comes to OB, I don't care much about plot. Mainly because I don't think this show does plot well. It's all confusing and convoluted. Till this day I don't know the difference between Topside, Dyad and Neolution - and I don't really care. What are clones for? No idea. But give me a lot of character study, angst and drama, and I'm all in. I love the sestras. I love Tatiana. She is the show to me.
  6. This show always makes me crazy when it shifts the priorities to the wrong side. For the show, sex>children, so who you date is always more important than what happens to your kids. Judgment>ethics, so it's OK to refuse treatment to someone if that person is "bad" (a thief, for instance). Personal feelings> professionalism, so if you hate someone it's OK to tell everyone that person is a bad doctor. Friendship>love, so you always side with your friend, but not with your wife/lover. Oh, and adults>kids, so their wishes don't matter at all. As far as the authors are concerned kids don't even have wishes. Anwyay, right now Callie is being a bad mother (being a good mother is doing what's best for the child, not wanting to be with the child at all times), a bad lover (putting Penny in a very uncomfortable position), a bad friend (making her friends choose sides) a bad ex-wife (treating her ex like shit), a bad doctor (giving up on her career) and a bad LGBT person (for thinking Arizona doesn't have the same rights she does). Oh, and by the way, I love Callie. So congratulations, show, for totally destroying one of my favorite characters!
  7. The show managed to get me completely obsessed with Beth. So much that, right now, I'm more interested in the flash backs than in the current story. One thing that's bugging me A LOT about Beth's final night. When she's getting ready to leave the apartment, she has this plastic card with letters on it - I would assume they are D and B letters. And then, after she comes back, she makes a point of cutting the card into little pieces and flushing it down the toilet. Why??? What is that card? Have we seen it before? Is it for a hotel room, maybe? Or maybe it gives access to some secret office we don't know about? What do you think? Also, now I really wonder why Beth Childs killed herself. Before last episode, I assumed it was just clone angst + boyfriend angst. Now? I think it's so much more than that. Maybe the maggotbot is something so dangerous, she wanted to kill herself just to kill it too? Or maybe she was afraid she was going to hurt someone? Or maybe she was afraid someone would get to the other clones through her, so she'd better kill herself to protect the others? So many possibilities... And oh, please, don't keep Felix away from the sestras! Come on, he is a sestra too! He's as much part of the family as Sarah, Alison and Cosima. I hope the family investigation doesn't hurt him, and I hope he realizes he'll always have a family, as long as the sestras are out there...
  8. LOL, thank you for the best laugh of the week! Best part of watching Homeland is coming here afterwards and reading all the clever/funny posts. I hope Alison is out so I can apply for her job! Expensive purses, disposable iPhones, secret lovers and vacation on a paradise island? I'm in!
  9. Thank you! That's exactly how I felt. I do know who Claire is. I've watched Daredevil, and I did love Claire on that series. It doesn't mean the writers can just throw her in the last two episodes of Jessica Jones and spend two long scenes trying to connect her with the other characters. It felt so forced and gratuitous, it took me completely out of the story. They could have introduced her and have her take care of Luke for a little while. And then she would disappear. That would have worked, IMO. That said, I adored the series. Truly loved it. Jessica, Trish and Killgrave will stay with me for a long time. I adore those characters, I adored the actors who played them, and I hope to see them again soon (not Killgrave, though!). Oh, and Jessica fighting alongside Daredevil? I live for the day I will see that scene!
  10. Sorry if this has been discussed before, but it's driving me insane. In the flash forward, in the beginning of the episode, there's a moment when the camera is on Asher and it seems that he's reliving all the horrible things he just saw. We see images of a body on the floor (the DA, I guess), blood on the family picture, and then we see the AUNT IN THE CAR, right before an image or Annalise on the floor. Why on earth would Asher be thinking about the aunt????? WTH????? Also, I'm so worried about Oliver. The judge did say there would be an investigation about how Annalise got that audio, right? I'm afraid it will lead right to him...
  11. Sydneyside, of course you count! I certainly value your opinion much more than I value JM's!
  12. Thank God for this thread. It provides me with endless entertainment. So much better than the show itself... Wow, just watched the Emmy round table and JM is really obsessed with the Kalinda-banged-her-husband plot, isn't she? She actually says that NO WOMAN in the whole world would forgive a friend to slept with her husband. I mean, really??? Well, I happen to know one or two women who did exactly that. Because the husband was a cheater anyway, and the friendship was great. So they kicked the husband out of the equation and kept the friend. Smart girls, if you ask me... Anyway, JM clearly has issues there. And yes, I do believe they are directly related to the feud. She was not just angry with Kalinda, she was angry with Archie, she was angry with the Kings and she was angry with US for wanting the two friends back. It's so ironic that she thinks fans opinions are dangerous to the show. Maybe she should look and the mirror, and then she would find the person whose opinions are dangerous to the show...
  13. Thank God for this thread! So relieved to find so many people with the same thoughts I have all the time. Except that I believe it's even worse than most people are speculating here. The way I see it, JM has kidnapped this show and made it her hostage. Now she's torturing it (and us) to hell, with a simple purpose: satisfy her huge ego. And the Kings are too coward to do anything about it. For me, The Good Wife was always an ensemble show, and that's why I watched. What made Alicia's character interesting were her interactions with other characters: Will, Kalinda, Diane, Cary, Peter, Grace, Zach... When I look back at all the back seasons, it seems like JM went out of her way to make the show only about herself. Josh Charles, bless him, left before this happened. I'll miss him forever. Anyway, first JM got rid of Emmy-winner Kalinda - no other star is allowed next to the wife. Then she created this whole politician storyline, so she could get rid of Cary and Diane - and a whole lot of lawyers we never see anymore. Then she got rid of Zach, her son, with the lamest excuse ever! We rarely see Peter or Eli anymore - guess they just disappeared into thin air. And now she has whole episodes that take place only in her head. I guess the last episode of TGW will be a full monologue of JM looking into the camera and telling us that every other character has died or left. But it's ok, because, you know, the show was always about HER. THE END
  14. I've been actively hating Alicia for some time now. But I remember coming to this board and seeing the opinions divided: half of the posters liked her, half of them disliked her. Now it seems like at least 90% of the posters hate her almost as much as I do. God job, writers!
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that in RL, most doctors are perfectly content in being the best doctor they can be for their patients. They may want to be head of departments, or get some academic title, but they don't want to do groudbreaking work that will change forever the face of Medicine. I have two doctors in my family, and none of them want that. But, in Grey's world, every single doctor at a hospital not only has to be the better in their field, they have to do the most astounding research work ever. That just doesn't make sense to me. But OK, let's assume both Meredith and Derek are incredibly ambitious and want to become Medicine legends. That's completely alright with me - as long as you don't have kids!!!! I mean, if one of them had that kind of ambition and the other one was willing to stay behind, he could be the primary caretaker, and that might work. But since both want "to be the sun", they should have NEVER decided to have kids. Period. Instead, the fought for it, adopted one child, had another, and now they don't even remember the kids exist. People like that could never be allowed to be parents. But, since they decided to have them, they have a responsibility towards them. A huge responsibility. I don't see either Derek or Meredith acknowledging that, and it sucks. Derek at least has mentioned them in the discussions. Meredith, however, is the worst mother ever. On a practical note, is Patrick leaving the show? I don't follow spoilers, so I wouldn't know.
  16. I can't wait till Kalinda leaves the show, so I can go with her. Right now, she's the only reason I watch. It used to be Kalinda, Will and Dianne. Will is dead, Dianne is an afterthought now and Kalinda suffered the most atrocious character assassination ever, in the hands of Julianna Marguilles (who obviously hates her) and the writers. Still, no amount of bad writing will make me dislike her. For me, Kalinda will always be the loyal friend, great detective, mysterious woman and tender person I learned to love in Season 1. I've always disliked Alicia, but now I completely despise her as a human being. Using Will's death in her campaign? That's a new low, one I thougth she would never reach. I mean, Will loved her. Will is dead. She already betrayed him while he wa alive. How dare she betray his memory now? Does that woman even have a heart? Has she ever loved anyone in her life? It's clear she doesn't care about her kids. I don't think she ever loved Peter - maybe she was in love with his power. And now, she is mad because his affair might hurt her image, but that's it. With Will, it was all about (very hot) sex. With Cary, it was about getting into his new law firm - and then destroying everything it meant to him. With Kalinda, it was all good when it served her, but then she treated her best friend like trash. Her brother, she couldn't care less. Her mother, she can't stand to be around. Finn is good for laughs and maybe a quickie, but that's all. Really, the only thing she cares about is how people perceive her. Saint Alicia has to be adored by all. Beware of the unfaithful, because they will be punished - and probably killed in the show! I do hope Cary gets out of this - the actor deserves some closure for his character. Also, Lana - I want her to be OK. As for Kalinda, I hope she goes live in some tropical paradise where she can have all the men and women she wants. After all the writers have done to her character, it's the least they can do.
  17. I agree with everyone who thinks this season is very strong indeed. I think it's the best one after Season 1. When it comes to Homeland, I don't care much for inaccuracies, or logic, or plot holes. I take those for granted. I want episodes that will live me breathless, on the edge of my seat, desperate for more. So far, they have delivered. The last episode got me saying WTF every five minutes. I can't wait to see what happens next. I love crazy Carrie, friendly-hostage Saul, wise-disillusioned Quinn, smart-pretty terrorists, the whole deal. Most of all, I love the way the Quinn-Carrie relationship is developing. Those two have an unique bond. Quinn was the only one who could have stopped her at that War Room - even in her manic state, she still listened to him. He's the only one who knows how she really feels about...everything, really. He may be the only one capable and willing to save her from herself. I hope so.
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